Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

The water thief quest will not activate before at least 30 days have passed. It's the same in vanilla Fo1.

It's supposed to be 30 days? Then was it changed in FIXT? Because I just did it last night. Started the games, killed the rats, rested until midnight, entered the Vault, did everything there, including the water thief.

/Edit: I also investigated Lorenzo. He seems to be working exactly like in Fo1, except for my change that you can't repay him instantly.

I think I figured out why I was so confused. After you get the 1000 caps threshold, you can then kill him and it should count for the quest. You're supposed to walk away with a profit of 1800. Once you take the loan and pay back, when he offers 1000, he'll have roughly 2800 (before giving you the 1000) in his inventory. It's been so long, I thought he was supposed to say "I won't loan you more" when it's basically he won't loan you a higher amount.

I found another Fo1 vanilla bug, though. :>
While doing some quick tests I noticed that he will never leave his building in Fo1, while he does so in ettu. This confused me, because the scripts are identical. So I started investigating...

... and it turns out there is a typo in his move order: The target hex is in a wall, which in Fo1 means, he will not start moving there. However, in Fo2 he will walk to a hex nearby, which is the one right outside the building.
The typo is fixed and he will now correctly walk to the lower bookshelf instead of leaving the house. A part of me is a bit sad about it, because for a while I really thought he is supposed to do a pee-break. :>

I was wondering about that. Found it really odd he kept walking back and forth like that XD.
The Fixt scripts I am looking at right now also include a check for < 30 days. So I' say Fixt didn't touch it either. Don't know why it works for you right away.

/Edit: I just started a new game in vanilla Fo1, waited a bit, and the quest does not activate. So yeah, whatever your Fixt version did, in vanilla there is a 30 days cooldown.
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I have two questions:
1.I met Vault 13 invasion(GAME OVER) in 15 Aug 2162,3 days after water chip dead line (with 100 days from water merchant),is this normal?How can I change it?
2.Can I let super mutants killed by alien blaster not drop everything out?(I can't pick any because the corpse of super mutants is too disturbing)

The Fixt scripts I am looking at right now also include a check for < 30 days. So I' say Fixt didn't touch it either. Don't know why it works for you right away.

/Edit: I just started a new game in vanilla Fo1, waited a bit, and the quest does not activate. So yeah, whatever your Fixt version did, in vanilla there is a 30 days cooldown.

Well, that's really strange. I got the latest one from the official thread here. So I don't know.

Unrelated, what's the requirement for turning in Iguana Bob? The officer always believes him over me. Is it a Charisma check? I have 3, even tried with Mentats, with 4, and he still won't believe me.
1.I met Vault 13 invasion(GAME OVER) in 15 Aug 2162,3 days after water chip dead line (with 100 days from water merchant),is this normal?How can I change it?
Would need a savegame to check on that.

.Can I let super mutants killed by alien blaster not drop everything out?(I can't pick any because the corpse of super mutants is too disturbing)
I think there was some Sfall mod for that, but I dunno.

Well, that's really strange. I got the latest one from the official thread here. So I don't know.
What I mean is, I've tested with vanilla Fo1, not with Fixt (which has lots of bugs and is a bad indicator for comparisons).

Unrelated, what's the requirement for turning in Iguana Bob? The officer always believes him over me. Is it a Charisma check? I have 3, even tried with Mentats, with 4, and he still won't believe me.
At least 4 CHA and you need to win a skill roll with -35 modifier.
At least 4 CHA and you need to win a skill roll with -35 modifier.

On speech? Okay. I'll mess around with it some more.

I also take it changes were made to the Decker quests. Killing Hightower and his bodyguards completely kills your karma/reputation. Which means you can't do those and then still turn him in. Then for the thieves, you have to do it by stealth.
On speech? Okay. I'll mess around with it some more.

I also take it changes were made to the Decker quests. Killing Hightower and his bodyguards completely kills your karma/reputation. Which means you can't do those and then still turn him in. Then for the thieves, you have to do it by stealth.

I haven't noticed this, and i always waste Hightower and Jain and then go to sell of Decker to cops.

I say Given You *also* had problems with turning iguana bob to jail, i bet haribo jelly bears aginst USD, my 1 jelly bear aginst your 1$ for each, that you haven't invested enaugh in your speech skill. 1 CHA +gifted +couple of mentats should be enaugh to finish the Iguana bob jail quest charisma wise, but you also need +% speech. as for Hightower You eighter left some live witnesses behind you (like his wife or a straggler bodyguard), or you simply have too low speech and fail *somewhat difficult* speech check, for sherrif Greene to belive your innosence. Remember, that low charisma also increases the speech check. So if by that time Your speech is not around 100% You absolutely did messed up your skill distribution.
I haven't noticed this, and i always waste Hightower and Jain and then go to sell of Decker to cops.

I say Given You *also* had problems with turning iguana bob to jail, i bet haribo jelly bears aginst USD, my 1 jelly bear aginst your 1$ for each, that you haven't invested enaugh in your speech skill. 1 CHA +gifted +couple of mentats should be enaugh to finish the Iguana bob jail quest charisma wise, but you also need +% speech. as for Hightower You eighter left some live witnesses behind you (like his wife or a straggler bodyguard), or you simply have too low speech and fail *somewhat difficult* speech check, for sherrif Greene to belive your innosence. Remember, that low charisma also increases the speech check. So if by that time Your speech is not around 100% You absolutely did messed up your skill distribution.

My speech skill was 103% at the time. It's always the first thing I level up to 100% in these games. I must have just failed the check with the -35% modifier. I also tired it again about an hour ago and managed to pass the check. Bob is in jail.

As for Hightower. Sheriff Green isn't even involved in the equation. I took the question from Decker, went to Hightower and killed him (-2 karma). Killed his guards (-2 karma each kill) and his wife (another -2 karma). Checked my reputation, I was went from 30ish Karma to 9 and I was vilified in The Hub.

I even tried killing Vance (unrelated) and you get negative karma for him and his guards, even though they're evil drug dealers. Seems they're all counted as "good" characters and thus, under the FO2 engine, you receive -2 karma for each good character you kill.
Yeah, the feature of random +/- percentage against skill check is what irk me the most in Fallout 1. You always have to save repeatedly because you dont know when your surefire Speech skill will fail.
and I was vilified in The Hub.
The town reputation status has no influence on anything, though. I've only added it because why not -- most things you actually do will not count for or against it. I've mostly only added changes for some "main events" like killing Gizmo, killing Killian, etc. so far.

I've changed the general reputation decrease from -1 to -2 because usually it is very hard to become "bad" in the game. There's just too many baddies that give you positive reputation.

Generally, which characters will giving you positive / negative reputation wasn't really touched by me, it's exactly the same as in Fo1. Vance giving negative reputation is a bit of a philosophical question, I guess. Probably won't hurt if I set him to neutral.

I also take it changes were made to the Decker quests. Killing Hightower and his bodyguards completely kills your karma/reputation. Which means you can't do those and then still turn him in.

Why? I just checked the sheriff and the only thing that reputation influences is how he initially talks to you.
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Would need a savegame to check on that.

I think there was some Sfall mod for that, but I dunno.

What I mean is, I've tested with vanilla Fo1, not with Fixt (which has lots of bugs and is a bad indicator for comparisons).

At least 4 CHA and you need to win a skill roll with -35 modifier.

Please check it,thanks.


Yup, timer says there are only a few days left. I need to know what you did -- used Children of the Cathedral healers? Only bought water from the Hub once?
You have 500 days to stop the invasions, which means even when you buy water from the Hub there's still at least 250 days left.

Anyways, I'll cheated you some 250 days more for now:

/edit: Actually buying water in the Hub removes 90 days from the v13 invasion timer. Still should not have you end up with 15 days remaining, though, unless my my math is failing me hard right now.

Did you modify the timers in the fo1_settings.ini file?
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No,I havn't change fo1_settings.ini.

; Change the amount of days to get the Water Chip?
; NOTE: It is highly advised to keep this timer at default value!
; 150 days are enough to save the Vault. Increasing or disabling it removes all tension from the gaming experience!
; Water Timer = 150 days

; Change the amount of days after a town gets invaded by mutants?
; In Fallout 1, all invasions except Vault 13 and Necropolis are disabled.
; Vault 13 = 500 days
; Necropolis = 110 days
; Boneyard = 90 days
; The Hub = 140 days
; Brotherhood = 170 days
; Junktown = 200 days
; Shady Sands = 230 days

I bought water from the Hub once,and used children healer in the Necropolis once or twice.
Thanks for savedata changing for me.
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Did You manage to inform NovaRain and Mr.Stalin of the bugs You've encountered with .avi videos 1080p while playing them in game? Please do if you haven't, all classic fallout games could benefit from having the ability to play hi-res cinematics in game, if the feature is bug-free.

Also is now the right time to ask about the 'alternative BoS armory acces quest' imlementation. Namely do you have the spare time to implement it?
Sorry, I absolutely have no time at all. The bits I did the last few days were only because it's easy stuff that is quick to check on. I also didn't have time to further check on the .avi stuff, because it might as well be just an issue with my Sfall version (I'm using the latest in current ettu version) (besides, I don't even really know what to say about the issues, because I really have no idea about any of this).

Also I'm not sure if the BoS armory thing is a good idea in the first place, because to me it clearly looks like an area that you are supposed to get access to if you decide to shoot up the place.
Well I actually ment my kind of reasonable idea of pretending of beeing a Palladin (while wearing Power Armor or HPA) and getting armory acces codes from that dead palladin's pipboy in the glow (perhaps a repair check on the pipboy and supplying it with new battery in order to function). Then one downloads data from that pipboy, and now it's simple matter of getting a Power Armor, accesing console and bullshitting the guards you want to store stuff from patrol. Ofc party members would be affected as well. They'd also need to wear PA or HPA for the party to go in (or else wait outside [on the surface]). Since dogs and Mr.Handys don't belong in BoS, they would *have to* wait outside. If aproaching BoS and bullshiting them with non PA or HPA only squad, player burns his disquse. do it enaugh times and BoS attacks.

If Party consists only of PA or HPA (BoS can't tell the difference anyway) bearers however, One simply accesses the console in front of the door and the door open themselves.

I think it's a logical enaugh explanation in order to get to the Armory, Way more logical than sneaking with stealthboy and electronic lockpick in front of drunk guard's noses, besides the stupid fact of guards drinking on duty :p
It wouldn't be eighter honest, easy, nor unbelivably stupid, however if executed succesfully, it could be a proper means of getting armory access.

Or even better. If One access the armory in this way, let One trade for the stuff in crates. Simply put, caps would have 0$ vaule, and absolutely no 'player friendly' barter modifiers taken under account. So it would be like 100% up to 1000% nominal prices. it would definetly help relief player from the stuff he/she's hoarding along the way, or that he/she liberated from pockets of local residents.

Oh.. Yeah One more thing... How about implementing Mr.Stalin's latest Inventory Filter mod. it has a cool feature that allows party npcs to contribute items to shopkeepers directly from those party npc's inventories during bartering with a merchant. no more tedious loot flipping back and forth (from npcs to player) just to purchase something expensive.

If I remembered right it also had a feature that whichever party member inventory was chosen it's that party member barter skill that goes for buying price calculation. Might've been a bug but i remember i somehow got one release of the mod for Fallout Fixt and it worked just like that.
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Way more logical than sneaking with stealthboy and electronic lockpick in front of drunk guard's noses,
Well, if it would be me, I'd remove that. :>
I've actually already considered if I shouldn't just put it behind the fixt_enabled condition...

How about implementing Mr.Stalin's latest Inventory Filter mod
Players can easily install it by themselves, which is why I removed it from the base package some months ago. Also I don't want to bother with keeping it updated + back then I got bug reports about it, which I don't really want to deal with.
Sometimes Master will play death animation when he was hit but not be killed.

Maybe it's a bug?
What perks do you have?

This was reported already before, but I was unable to reproduce it with my characters.
What perks do you have?

This was reported already before, but I was unable to reproduce it with my characters.

ST 6, PE 9, EN 4, CH 2, IN 9, AG 9, LK 9
Level 3 Awareness, level 6 Bonus Move, level 9 Bonus Rate of Fire, level 12 Better Criticals, level 15 Action Boy, level 18 Sniper, level 21 Mutate!(Finesse -> Fastshot)

I guess,it's because my attack causes instant death,but one of mods including in et tu disabled it(megamod have disabled instant death too,but the author have no idea for it,so it's disabled by some combat related mods or sfall.Well,Nevada not disable it,so it's not likely sfall's fault)
So Master havn't died,but instant death triggers death animation.
If so,nothing we can do...
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