Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

Not sure if if I've found a bug or what, but getting a job from head of the guards 'Lars' in Junktown to find evidence on Skullz + help in asisting of eliminating them and my char doesn't get paid ( sure I get 500xp, but no caps. So what's the point of applying for a job if one doesn't get paid? ) it's probably the same as in vanilla Fo1 but still seemes odd to not get paid for a job done (and that's not paid by good law obeying guys, not some scumbags that wish to fuck you over). it's worth to take a look at.

As usual I'm doing this job after I get evidence and help Lars dispose of Gizmo ( I assume this job gets paid, (at least it says so) although I haven't checked this one. However I get no money increase For skullz quest (checked inventory before and after both informing Lars of what i found, and after going to Lars to tell of the police assisting over skullz in skum pitt bar.
Player should be paid at least for one of them if not both ( get extra money if decide to help put skullz down [for assistance] ).

If You want i have the savegames before going to Lars with the intel on skullz and before talking to Lars after the skum-pitt assistance. Just say if You want me to upload them here.
You can use F12se editor with this mod. No additional manipulation is required. Specify the path to the et_tu folder and enter fallout2.exe\cfg
When I tried that, the save files show up, but the inventory/stats/skills/misc tabs are blank. Any idea why that is?
When I tried that, the save files show up, but the inventory/stats/skills/misc tabs are blank. Any idea why that is?

1. check that the Specified path is correct.
2. If it doesn't help, try unpacking it ..\MODS\FO1_BASE in DATA.


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Depends on what they do, probably not going to work.

You can change the used damage formula in the ddraw.ini file, though.

Thanks, Lexx!

Just spinned this baby, wow its impressive to see its real, you know? I remember when the idea of Fallout 1 in 2 was just some prototype in embrionary stage. How did you suddenly go from embrionary to finished, anyway? I swear, one day I just heard "Oh yeah they did FO1 in 2" like wtf?

Long live the Rotators!

Et Tu has Glovz's damage fix enabled by default.


But hey - did they change the dynamics of how it works a lot? Because looking at the 10mm ammo, it is kinda weird:

AC Mod: -5 (why?)
DR Mod: 0 (dude where's my armor piercing?)
dmg mod: 1/2

AC Mod: 0
DR Mod: 0 (dude where's the reverse of armor piercing?)
Dmg Mod: 2/1

i'm confused
How did you suddenly go from embrionary to finished, anyway? I swear, one day I just heard "Oh yeah they did FO1 in 2" like wtf?

To be honest, no idea. I just booted up the latest version that I was able to find and started fixing issues until everything was playable. All in all it really didn't took long to wrap it up (you can check the threads - it was barely a month of work to get it all done).

Guess it helped that Sfall has progressed a lot since back then, so we were easily able to make things work the way we wanted to. Also it helps that I have almost 15 years of experience with Fallout, so I knew what's somewhat possible and how to (probably) do it.

Still... without Sfall and its advanced features, none of this would have been possible.

Also you have to thank Ghosthack for the red dots on the worldmap, which took countless hours of digging through the fallout2.exe file. It's probably one of the biggest feats we have achieved, and sadly barely anyone is talking about it. Such a small detail, but it really brings it all together.
But hey - did they change the dynamics of how it works a lot? Because looking at the 10mm ammo, it is kinda weird:
i'm confused
I'd suggest you to read Glovz's post on the change of how the ammo X/Y values mean in the new fix, so you don't get too confused when just checking ammo values.
10mm JHP cuts target's DR in half; 10mm AP cuts target's DT in half.
Question: Is the game meant to play Fallout 2's World Map theme, instead of 1's?

Another question: Anyone else alt tabbing and then the game seemingly "disappears", with the only way to return to it being through the Task Manager? Its weird.

Third Question: Where's Agatha? I activated her but I swear I can't find her anywhere.

I'd suggest you to read Glovz's post on the change of how the ammo X/Y values mean in the new fix, so you don't get too confused when just checking ammo values.
10mm JHP cuts target's DR in half; 10mm AP cuts target's DT in half.

Hmmm... interesting.

His post is a bit confusing, to be honest.

How does that even work, anyway? I thought the entire point of JHP ammo is not to cut the enemy's armor?

.223 FMJ has weird values, too. 2/2? Does that mean it cuts both by half?
Did you missed my post about a possible vanilla bug?
Lars doesn't give a reward in caps neither for taking down skullz nor for intel on skullz ambush plan.
I always take this job after I take down gizmo, however I recently found out (by checking caps amount before and after talking to Lars) and it seems jobs pays nothing but xp. Seemse weird since One applies for a job to get paid and Lars isn't a "rip-off" kind of employer...
Not sure about Lars and player's asisstance on taking out Gizmo but at least this one is covered by a reward from Killian.

anyways I got saves to proove if You're interested, i could upload them.
I did not miss the post, I just don't have time to do any Fallout modding related stuff at the moment. Will look into it at some point in the future.

Question: Is the game meant to play Fallout 2's World Map theme, instead of 1's?
Download this file and put it into your music directory.

Another question: Anyone else alt tabbing and then the game seemingly "disappears", with the only way to return to it being through the Task Manager? Its weird.
This is a windows 10 issue. You have to set the graphic mode to 9 in the ddraw.ini file (and probably fo2_res.ini).

Third Question: Where's Agatha? I activated her but I swear I can't find her anywhere.
You also have to set GVAR_FIXT_ENABLED to 1. If you already visited Shady Sands, she won't appear anymore, though.
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Just for the sake of sanity (primarily about those 49HP mutants in cathedral vault) I'm replaying pre-FIXT Fallout1.
I have found lot's of differences (no "guns'n'bullets" in Raider shithouse, Garl only has 80x .44JHP and a booze in his steal inventory, no grenades no psycho etc. . Bob from car market has only caps in his inventory, instead of his postFIXT fancy stuff.)

I do this mainly because I've stumbled via google a thread where Sduibek confessed that mapper did not want to load itself into memory if one proto of a Supermutant type from fallout1 was present,and he replaced this proto with a generic mutant proto from fallout1. I suspect this 'difficult' proto was some kind of "big-bad-mofo" stats supermutant instead of a generic one.
I intend to find this out because mutants guarding master's nuke at deepest vault level can't have 49HP.

Test bench:
Fo1 EU CD version v1.2
Installed additionally in order of presence: TeamX1.2 semi official;TeamX1.3.5;TeamX NPC Mod_3.5; Skynet's Children patch;Cpt.Corpse's EndGame. + HRP 4.1.8 & latest Crafty's sfall1 v1.8 built19.07.2018 21:18.

There are shitton of differences in npc item eq. between latest build (which i assume is Fo: et tu 1.3) and TeamX's 1.3.5 which is as close to vanilla as it possibly can get.
However Once i reach supermutants i intend to screenshot each one of them with an awerness and a cursor on each one of them, and later do the same with Fo: et tu 1.3 for anyone to compare. I will share the results here in this thread if anyone's interested.

Right now the biggest difference so far (I'm about to travel to Hub) is Garl one-to-one fight. In 'Fo:et tu' after pickpocketing all stuff from raiders before talking to Gar,l I apply Garl's psycho + Leather Jacket from V15 for a total of 70% DR and also pop two buffouts ( also picked from raiders pockets) and figthing Garl is easy STR 6 EN5 AG9 turns into Str10 EN10 AG10 post drug aplication and 70%DR on top. and i beat Garl 90% of the time with absolutely no invesment in unarmed.
This is not possible in Vanilla as Garl doesn't have a psycho to steal, so we're down to 20%DR from Leather Jacket. and on top of that Garl seemes to have better DR, either from better armor stats than in 'Fo:et tu' *or* Garl himself takes psycho before the fight. Either way in Fo:et tu with 10STR 10AP and 65% unarmed Garl get's hit hard each hit. When the same happens in TeamX's1.3.5 Garl get's hit from no damage up to 2HP. the diference is clear. Garl got soft in FIXT and later releases.

Just to be clear those testing playthroughs was 100% legit. No character modifications were made.
Thanks, that's a good idea. If you make a list of all the crazy changes, I will try to revert them to the original.
Sadly when I picked up the project I didn't realized how much of this stuff was changed. If I had known it would be so much, I would have converted everything myself again from the original files. But now that I have done so many of my changes and fixes, I just can't do it anymore ...

/Edit: It seems generic raiders in the locations also got more stimpaks. But not all of them ... Some have them for real, some don't.
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If You mean generic Raiders in the Khans Raider camp, then for the most part they were all added as an addition (prolly FIXT).
In my 1.3.5 playthrough there are total of 15 Raiders that is 14 + Garl. I know this for sure since I've counted the number of armors gathered after clearing out their camp. There were total 14 Leather Armors and 1 Metal Armor. also hp of most raiders ( women especially ) has been boosted up in FIXT ( however that's a good change, since most women raiders had like 15hp which is the base hp of any critter without EN and STR and any bonuses ) Generally ppl in Shady Sands were loosers as well. some had like 12hp. I'm doing this playthrough mostly for the sake of those 49hp Supermutants in 'Et Tu', as this is the biggest issue to be resolved. If nessecary I'll also check Fo 1.2 EU CD vanilla and latest GoG versions to compare. However *if* GoG release is mostly based on FIXT changes, then perhaps implementing the original vanilla CD settings has no point.

BTW. I've got some beta previev of early What-Fallout-would-be bundled with My CD version. never touched it myself because: Nah never bothered.. , however I might upload it here someday for the sake of reference. the readme says Fallout has come a long way from what, was originally planned in "1994". Says it's just a short preview so prolly a demo of sorts most probably based on GURPS or even some earlier concept, beat's me it ain't Fallout, just a 'wannabe' so why bother.

Don't bother with stims on raiders they are plentifull anyways later on.
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You can try to sneak in via some exploits, that's still a Fixt remnant. Gus posted about how to do it somewhere back in this thread.
Officially, though, it's not possible without attacking the BoS (IMO that's clearly on purpose).
How one can raid the brotherhood armory without alerting/killing anyone?
In order to do that You'll need to have at least 125% Sneak and a stealth boy + tons of alcohol to lower guards perception ( just feed them beer or booze so that they have PE=1 which means 10 beers or 5 boozes ber each nearby bos member). equip and turn on stealthboy. Also equip electronic lockpick in other item slot. After you turn on stealthboy just swtch hands fot the electronic lockpick while keeping the stealthboy in other item slot. Also 135% in lockpick gives you moderate chance to succed (when using electronic lockpick) but it aint guaranteed so save before feeding guards with booze (as the effect on them ain't saved, [at lest I think so]). Also after you break in, keep sneaking to walk around and don't talk to BoS members that are inside the armory or they'll attack. that's it. There's tons'o'stuff inside in Et Tu including but not limited to 2 Extra Power Armors for your crew, and a Bozar for Mr.Handy when/if you fix him. Huge kudos to Lexx for keeping this BoS Armory FIXT change alive, since without it the NPC levelup would be pointles, as they'd be shreded by any supermutant with minigun anyways.

Bare in mind I haven't forgotten my oath to check 'vanilla Fo1' for changes vs. 'Et Tu' Just haven't gotten myself enaugh time to make fast progression. In addition I'm also checking if it's Legitly possible (ammo wise) to reach lvl 99 with the help of Crafty's sfall1 v1.8. currently i'm lvl 41 exping on boneyard's deathclaws. After I'm done with this, or if all the ammo I have stashed on Tycho runs out first, I'll go to Cathedral and make my first batch of screenshots. It's Just I don't feel strong enaugh to do this right now (character wise). I'm still missing few key perks.
Sure, I don't have much time to do anything right now anyway. About the armory, I'm likely keeping this in until I can build a better solution.
I already thought You approved My idea for the replacement and were planning to replace Sduibek's aproch with what i proposed few pages ago, You said You just don't have the time to implment that then... and now You say You're still looking for a solution...
I'm not saying I am looking for a solution. I just don't have time to do anything with it.