Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

In order to do that You'll need to have at least 125% Sneak and a stealth boy + tons of alcohol to lower guards perception ( just feed them beer or booze so that they have PE=1 which means 10 beers or 5 boozes ber each nearby bos member). equip and turn on stealthboy. Also equip electronic lockpick in other item slot. After you turn on stealthboy just swtch hands fot the electronic lockpick while keeping the stealthboy in other item slot. Also 135% in lockpick gives you moderate chance to succed (when using electronic lockpick) but it aint guaranteed so save before feeding guards with booze (as the effect on them ain't saved, [at lest I think so]). Also after you break in, keep sneaking to walk around and don't talk to BoS members that are inside the armory or they'll attack. that's it. There's tons'o'stuff inside in Et Tu including but not limited to 2 Extra Power Armors for your crew, and a Bozar for Mr.Handy when/if you fix him. Huge kudos to Lexx for keeping this BoS Armory FIXT change alive, since without it the NPC levelup would be pointles, as they'd be shreded by any supermutant with minigun anyways.

Bare in mind I haven't forgotten my oath to check 'vanilla Fo1' for changes vs. 'Et Tu' Just haven't gotten myself enaugh time to make fast progression. In addition I'm also checking if it's Legitly possible (ammo wise) to reach lvl 99 with the help of Crafty's sfall1 v1.8. currently i'm lvl 41 exping on boneyard's deathclaws. After I'm done with this, or if all the ammo I have stashed on Tycho runs out first, I'll go to Cathedral and make my first batch of screenshots. It's Just I don't feel strong enaugh to do this right now (character wise). I'm still missing few key perks.
When I lower the perception of the two guards in front whenever I open the door a soldier in the armory starts running.
#1 Are You sure You enabled sneak mode and stealthboy in addition? Is your sneak level decent enaugh?

#2 Have you tried opening the armory door before in that playthrough? It's only possible if you succed at first try, any subsequent attempts wil cause the BoS to attack, even if you manage to lockpick the door. Besides 135% sneak doesn't guarantee succes it only gives moderate chance of succeing. Lexx stated that the skill check has a -50 modifier. so in order to fail only 1/20 attemts you'd need 150% in each sneak and lockpick skills.

Most importantly do *not* switch off sneak after you walk into armory and ffs do not talk to the guards inside.

this stunt may require some savescumming.

That's about it.

Also Make sure You're playing Et Tu or at least FIXT 0.81a anything earlier will always cause you to fail.
Ohhh before I asked how to raid the place I tried to unlock with normal lock picks and they warned me couple of times. That must be it, sorry I didn't know that you shouldn't talk to guards at the door if you want to get inside
Eyyy Lexx do you know the neon numbers from fixt? Think you could port it to et Tu?
If You want something from Lexx try mentioning him in forum way with an @ before the nickname, so that his nick turns green in your post. posts without mentioning usually get noticed far later than others.

"Neon numbers"? You probably mean "nixie numbers" a mod originally from Fallout2 which Sduibek ported to Fo1FIXT.
otherwise I'm not sure what "Neon numbers" is, and probably neither does Lexx.

Is there a way to make it so that Steam tracks playtime while using Et Tu?

other than adding Fallout2.exe from Et Tu folder to your non-library games in steam app. There's no other way, Pehaps if you are lucky convincing some russian hackers to do it for you or someone from sfall team. You may experimentally try replacing your Fallout2.exe from Et Tu folder with .exe from your steam's Fallout2. do a backup first and everything @your own risk
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Nope.. sorry..
seemes like abandonware/vaporware.. can't find it either on google (which throws bunch of fo4 stuff) nor on entire nma forums.
other than adding Fallout2.exe from Et Tu folder to your non-library games in steam app. There's no other way, Pehaps if you are lucky convincing some russian hackers to do it for you or someone from sfall team. You may experimentally try replacing your Fallout2.exe from Et Tu folder with .exe from your steam's Fallout2. do a backup first and everything @your own risk

Alrighty, I'll look into that, thank you!
Hi, yesterday after asking about Nixie Numbers mod I've did some digging around the Fixt files and found this http://www.mediafire.com/file/hqy3i9ca48pkd8b/NUMBERS.FRM/file This file changes HUD numbers to Nixie Numbers. Unfortunately it doesn't change all numbers in the game. For example trade screen numbers still use default font. I thought maybe someone who knows about modding could do something with it and change all number fonts to Nixie or If you know which file is responsible for the trade screen numbers I could dig around and find the neccesary files since I've got Fixt installed.

Also, is it normal for Crimson Caravan guards to carry 880 shotgun shells each? Because if it isn't I might have found a bug.
Hi, yesterday after asking about Nixie Numbers mod I've did some digging around the Fixt files and found this http://www.mediafire.com/file/hqy3i9ca48pkd8b/NUMBERS.FRM/file This file changes HUD numbers to Nixie Numbers. Unfortunately it doesn't change all numbers in the game. For example trade screen numbers still use default font. I thought maybe someone who knows about modding could do something with it and change all number fonts to Nixie or If you know which file is responsible for the trade screen numbers I could dig around and find the neccesary files since I've got Fixt installed.

Also, is it normal for Crimson Caravan guards to carry 880 shotgun shells each? Because if it isn't I might have found a bug.

@AlucardVshen I already told You ask @Lexx about this. I myself am *not* a Fallout engine guru, I just have bits of knowledge from "here and there" that I'm happy to share with folks, however i don't know jack shit on programing.

Also @Lexx seemes busy lately, and is not currently working on EtTu, due to reasons that are His own.
However It is best to still reach Him and get informed in ordrder to proceed on your own.

Personally I never played with nixie numbers, I always felt original digits were fine.
Which Crimson Caravan guards? The ones from the caravan runs? I checked the scripts quickly and it seems the caravan master gets 4 stacks of shotgun shells into his inventory, but that's only 80 shells.
There is another bug, though. The caravan driver has the shotgun and the guards have desert eagles. The ammo spawn is swapped... needs to be the other way around. Though, again, something odd is going on here, because the ammo spawn shouldn't be in the critter script in the first place.

/Edit: For some reason the map_enter procedure gets called on every game tick. I blindly assume that this is because I'm not saving the map state (though it's still VERY odd behavior), so I quickly moved some stuff around in the scripts and somewhat fixed it.
However, now I'm worried that this issue might also come up in other encounter scripts...

About the interface number change from Fixt, yeah, I never liked it either. Feels like one of those "just because" changes to me. I have no idea where this mod is. Maybe it can be found somewhere in the Database.
Also, yes, the mod doesn't change all numbers in the game, because for that you would have to edit font files, which is something that barely anyone did in the past.
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Just so You know.. Sduibek did mess with all the player assisted Caravan encounters, they're ment to be tougher in FIXT than in the original. Hence more ammo. Last time i checked a Crimson Caravan job in FIXT without Power Armors for whole my crew it ended up in a Load Game. the encounters consist of like 6-8 raiders with deagles, with 2-4 encounters like that in a row. each raider shoots twice per turn, You can't sleep off the damage or the encounters glitch. Raiders prefer shooting the player instead of Crimson Guards. If they decide to shoot party members instead, then party members get fucked usually in one turn. that's like 12-16x .44 Magnum JHP bullets into chest per enemy turn. Without HPA shit get's serious really quick. If One does wear PA/HPA then character's AC causes raiders AI to look for a more suitable target (their chance to hit is too low).

Dunno if it's the same in Et Tu.

Anyways originally Crimson Caravan, or any caravan job for that matter were far less Severe.
the only Drawback with working for crimson was that there was one guaranteed encounter, which was then rolled normally for a check what it will be, and some % for a second one after the first one. For Far-GO-traders and water merchants there was only a % based chance for an encounter, but in both cases nothing severe. if it was a supermutant encounter than they had some form of knuckles only (usually bare fists). Agin nothing too dangerous like in FIXT.

Haven't bothered to check Et Tu's encounters yet actually..
but i can give them a try on an older save.
I tried to revert them as much as possible to vanilla Fo1, with the exception that I've updated most of the code to the Fo2 caravan job system. There is also a chance to get into more than 1 encounter on the way (depending on the caravan company you are working for, as well as the route you are taking), however, this produces the same bug that also existed in Fo2 where sometimes shit won't spawn correctly. I know how to fix it, but I couldn't be arsed yet to do that, because it's complicated and needs quite a few tedious changes.
To be honest, I'm inclined to just keep the amount of encounters on a caravan job at 1, just like in Fo1. It's lame, but the most secure solution to prevent that stupid spawn bug.
@Lexx eyyy thanks man I've found it in the database. Regarding the caravan guards I'm talking about the two guys wielding 10mm wearing leather jackets. They have 880 shells each and 25-30 stimpaks.
Like I wrote above, they spawn new items with every game tick. It'll be fixed in the next release.
fallout error message.png

I tried copying over Et Tu's files over to Fallout 1's folder and doing the requisite renaming of .exes but when I try to open it the loading screen shows and after a few seconds this pops up. Any idea what to do?
View attachment 17207

I tried copying over Et Tu's files over to Fallout 1's folder and doing the requisite renaming of .exes but when I try to open it the loading screen shows and after a few seconds this pops up. Any idea what to do?

WTF.. who told you to copy Et Tu content to fallout1?

What i ment is that you should try copy Fallout2.exe from your steam's Fallout2 into Et Tu and nothin' else (well maybe you'll need a couple of dll's to make it work too I'm not an expert I never tried this tho). Anyways it's obvious that what you did will not work... Also as i said before backup files before messing with them.

I've noticed You've made some thrown weapons modding via scripts and sfall-mods.ini
the one that lets you throw stuff on any hex...

If I may suggest something...

You've currently set: spear,frag,plasma,EMP, Holy Hand grenades to be thrown to any position.

I'd like to suggest kicking out spear out of that list (since there's no point for it beeing there, and adding PID 159 Molotov Cocktail (which is sort of a meh grenade) and PID 205 Flare (lit).

the reason behind the flare would be using it like the developers planned all along from the beginning. since flares ment to serve as a source of light that you throw at enemy feet so that it is easier to hit the enemies with ranged weapon.

Also I'd suggest a secondary throw technique for lit flares and grenades, for example my Father during the times of his service in the military back in the day used a kind of lob technique to throw practice grenades, and consistently achived scores over 35 meters (he actually achived unit's record of longest throw of around 50 meters [ the practice grenade went over the military unit's border wall into the bushes and there was 50 meters from the throwing stand to the wall, nobody measured futher tho, and everyone in the unit had to look for that practice grenad until it was found, the sergant was pissed.] :p )
So I take 15 meter's throwing range in fallout with a grain of salt, unless it's a throw like for examle throwing a baseball.
The deal is Molotovs,flares and grenades don't have to have force to fall on the ground and do their thing which is exploding or emitting light, on the contrary to rocks and bladed weapons which use kinetic energy to do damage exactly on the target.

Other suggestions to fix throwing balancing would be adding bodypart targetting and penetrate perk to thrown knives and a TeamX/phobos2077 FixIt mod with molotov cocktail's recepie hidden somwhere in the game consisting of booze and flare. As we know booze can be aquired from Neil in skumm pit in unlimited amounts and also for free (afer certain stunt), and flare amount could be boosted across all vendors, same way as grenades and plasma grenades.
for endgame there'd need to be a perk that targets throwing like guaranteed crit to all thrown weapons and also +50% boost to crit table rolls for sensitive bodyparts targeted thrown weapons like rocks spears and knives, so that those single target non-grenade throwers could take down foes too. for example that insta kill crit to the eyes from a throwing knife ninja style mothaf*****. plus some sort of golden pitcher-arm's perk that lowers the throwing cost of thrown non lob technique attacks by 2AP ( could be 1AP and 2lvl).

Also throwing knife cost is way overpriced, if 1bottle cap represents 1$ than titanium alloyed throwing knife is more in the range of 30$/piece not 100$ /piece. guns that literally cost around 20k $ in real world like a professional Sniper Rifle cost 2.2k caps and a freaking throwing knife get's overpriced?
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Spear isn't in the list, but I've added molotov and flare. Thought it would have been in already, but guess I missed it.

Can't change the way that stuff is thrown, though, because that's some engine level thing again.