1) Is there any reason for me to leave up and accessible the old engine conversion files?
3) Should I delete
https://github.com/Sduibek/fo1tofo2 ?
How about archiving repo(s) [Settings -> Archive this repository] and adding big red
this is not a repo you looking for? There still might be something useful out there. Maybe some docs, maybe some tools, i have no idea what's there honestly

(except old Rotators doc and encounters map which was quite useful when working on our worldmap implementation).
I wouldn't throw it all away; i still keep finding repos abandoned years ago, but having that one little thing (tiny function, comment, actual exe instead of dead links, etc.) which saves my butt when working on something more or less related. Or the other way around - stuff which i forgot i wrote is used in some new project for any reason.
One man's trash is another man's treasure; we was able to track lot of old stuff back to over 10 years old threads on obscure russian forums - would be a shame to brake that chain now
4) Saw your comments about some (most? all? lol) of my code being awful and I totally agree.
Oh man, i could write a book or two with simple "
WHY?!" as a title ;>
For example, i'll never understand why someone went thru hundreds of scripts leaving comments about values, instead of simply replacing them with defines...
But here's the thing - that forced us to automate such changes, just to understand what author had in mind. Those comments was pretty valuable when our tool was still in early stage, and helped to squash dozens of bugs, just by being there -- it's like you wrote tests for app which didn't exists yet :>
Long story short - awful fixt code
helped to create a tool making decompiled scripts readable by actual humans. At this point we're able to take most of random [decompiled or not] scripts and automagically rewrite them to be compatibile with defines/macros used in our mod. Quite a time saver when we had to include vanilla scripts, wouldn't be possible without fixt being fixt. I'm planning to release it soon, so hopefuly it will help others to save time when remaking/fixing mods which never released script sources.