First time out of the vault

I can't wait to see the 1.6 version.
Shame on you!The Tandi stuff was in Fixt. I removed it, because it creeped me out.
I just wish Tandi was nicer when she turns you down, though. The way she reacts, you'd think you squeezed her ass like she an easy slut.
Kind of makes me regret RISKING MY LIFE to get her back from her captors who would have most likely went WAY beyond asking if she wants to, you know, get together.
Actually I wanted to remove the sex fan-fic of Lorri as well, because reading this stuff made me cringe as hell. But unlike Tandi she isn't 15 (16? or younger?) so I just locked it behind behind the Fixt-condition and tried to forget it.
### Installation
To use this mod, open the ddraw.ini, go to [ExtraPatches] and add "PatchFile[number]=mods\fo1_tandi_sexmod" at the end of the "PatchFile"-list!
The game will now load the additional mod folder.
If there is more than one additional mod, make sure to correctly number the "PatchFileX" entry (1, 2, 3, ...).
Here is your Tandi sex mod. I didn't playtest it, just copy&pasted the old Fixt shit back in place. It should work the same as before, I guess.
I see no reason why something like this should be removed.