Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

were there any commits to the git repository recently?
The github app seemed to download something. Unfortuneatly it claims that there are unresolved conflicts and doesn't allow me to update the repository downloaded to hard drive. what am I doing wrong here?!
in .svn there was this handy dany magic "resolve conflicts" button that quickly went over all the conflicts and allowed me to keep the changes/ settings I'm using. There's no such thing in the GitHub app. I either need to make some pull or make a branch WTF?
where's the option to download, adapt for oneself and use for oneself, does everything from github has to be accesible to anyone else on the web, even if it's a download and modification for personal experience of playing a game?!...

can You help on this one? this may sound dumb, but I have no idea what to do now..
Github disabled passwords last month, you now need an access token. Maybe this is your problem?
Would be weird to me, though, as downloading the repo shouldn't require any password.

Last update on the repo was 5 days ago.
Sorry for the delay..
I encountered this:

GitHub_ conflcts_Error.jpg

the problem is there's no resolve issue button, or whatever, like there was in the tortoise-svn client. i'm simply pointless as to what to do now to download the latest repo updates, and keep my modificatons to it on my hard drive. whatever changes i make GitHub app automatically wants to upload them. it pisses me off that the tiniest test change i make has to be uploaded somewhere. as i haven't sideloaded my copy fork/pull/branch/whatever (all this terms are kind of the same to simpleton such as myself). The worst of all, is that i can't get any updates because of some conflicts that are not editable, on the contrary to tortoise-svn. I resigned from tortise as it was throwing errors as well, so i ditched it, ad switched to GitHub app, however now I'm stuck agin...

In other words.. do You know where should I click, or what to do, to resolve theese conflicts, so that I'd have the repo up to date *with* my mods on top of it?
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Well, you should not play the game from within the repo folder.

Easiest way to solve Git conflicts is to delete the folder and redownload everything.
Damn.. I was afraid of that..

anyways thank you for telling this to me..

I've noticed You've returned to tinkering with EtTu..
Does this mean You managed to deal with that other stuff that's been stoping You from workong on EtTu?

If so then you can take a look at the bugs I've pointed few posts up..

And there's another one.. Jon Zimmerman's guard, He sometimes reacts quite fast after bringing the holodisk to Zimmerman.
It's random sometimes he reacts instantly, other times he pauses. Most of the time there's not enaugh time to initiate combat in order to kill this guard first (so that Zimmerman would survive) and to make things worst this certain guard sometimes randomly picks targets, instead of Zimmerman once he 1shoted my dude and spent his last 3 free action points on attacking dogmeat, and also killing him in the process by 1punching him to death. actually i had to reload several times in order to progress through zimmerman-holodisk-scene as i usually do ( that is by rescuing Zimmerman).
Unfortuneatly saves got eaten by mad deleting repo from hrad drive, to remove GitHub app conflicts, as You've suggested :/
If You'd still like the save of that, I'll play the game agin.
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in .svn there was this handy dany magic "resolve conflicts" button that quickly went over all the conflicts and allowed me to keep the changes/ settings I'm using. There's no such thing in the GitHub app. I either need to make some pull or make a branch WTF?
use Stash command.
I've noticed You've returned to tinkering with EtTu..
Does this mean You managed to deal with that other stuff that's been stoping You from workong on EtTu?
No, those changes are small exceptions. This month I am even more in crunch mode for my other project than all the months before. Lots of things need to be done asap and I don't have time to do more advanced stuff in ettu.

I won't be able to do much about the Zimmerman guard anyways. The reason why he attacked you was because he accidentally missed and hit you instead of the intended target. I can't do anything about the timings either, without completely rewriting the scenes (which also doesn't guarantee that it works in the end). That said, in the original game it was never intended to be able to save Zimmerman. It's actually more a bug than a feature, which we enhanced with giving him a new line of floating text after the combat.

Razor, the head of the Blades faction has just disappeared. What do? Is there, like, some kind of debug command to reset her? I'm pretty sure she's not supposed to evaporate after i just told her that Blades will get weapons from Gunrunners.
They / you will be attacking Adytum now, depending on what you told her.
They / you will be attacking Adytum now, depending on what you told her.
I returned from Gunrunners, having talked to Gabriel about shipping weapons to Blades. Then i talked to her and she wated to attack immediately. Since i had my "hunting deathclaws" loadout on me rather than "slaughtering humans" one, i figured i should go change up. So i told her i want to try and talk to Zimmerman first. She said ok but when i returned from Adytum(where my bike is parked) to Downtown she's nowhere to be seen. How do i reconnect with her now?
You don't. Either you talk to Zimmermann or you attack the Regulators on your own, in which case the Blades arrive as reinforcements (if you have a scanner, you can see them as red dots waiting outside of the map borders).
You don't. Either you talk to Zimmermann or you attack the Regulators on your own, in which case the Blades arrive as reinforcements (if you have a scanner, you can see them as red dots waiting outside of the map borders).
I do. So, if everything works i can just take out a few key targets before the Blades rush in to try and suicide themselves, and thus save as much Adytum civvies as possible?
Will Zimmerman get hostile if i blow away a regulator standing watch over him?
Is this mod content or did it work(or, at least, supposed to work) the same way in original game?
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Attacking Regulators without talking to Zimmerman and showing him the holodisk will always have him hostile.

It is basically the way of vanilla Fo1, but with lots of bugs fixed. Adytum scripts are a total mess.
Running fresh installation of 1.6 based on instructions.
Location: Vault 13
Quest: Find the Water Thief
Problem: Can't start it

maybe someone is having the same problem?
talked with all possible starters of it (3 NPC) - no dialog options about it.
this is my first visit to Vault 13.
How long have you been outside? There is a time delay before the quest starts. Don't rember the amount of days right now. Maybe a month or so.
How long have you been outside? There is a time delay before the quest starts. Don't rember the amount of days right now. Maybe a month or so.

AFAIR It's at least a week from the game start..

Usually when sarting a game and passing the time to midnight doesn't yeald the quest as obtainable.. it's a bit confusing, Since players who tried official FIXT 0.81a do get the quest on start, if they haven't enabled invasions, or get insta end game if they do.. That is due to a bug in FIXT 0.81a which soon after start mooves the timer to +13 years..
I noticed it, because Crafty enabled player getting older in his sfall, that is if a year passes from game start Player CHA screen shows age bigger by one, just at the beginning of FIXT. Now that certainly enabled water thief quest, strangely it does not affect water chip timer :p
Huh, I didn't even know the player age doesn't change. Never looked at that, or probably didn't cared too much as my games never need that much time (Fo2 maybe).

Sounds like something that could be added with a simple script. Only problem is that there isn't a real birthday, so there is no date to define the switch for.
Huh, I didn't even know the player age doesn't change. Never looked at that, or probably didn't cared too much as my games never need that much time (Fo2 maybe).

Sounds like something that could be added with a simple script. Only problem is that there isn't a real birthday, so there is no date to define the switch for.

Actually there is, although I don't remember the exact date, but ocasionally pip-boy displays a message on the main screen, coresponding to a holiday.. I once had a message "Happy Birthday" although i don't remember what date it was... neither do i know where to check it...

although I'm not sure it was in Fo1 or Fo2...
Actually there is, although I don't remember the exact date, but ocasionally pip-boy displays a message on the main screen, coresponding to a holiday.. I once had a message "Happy Birthday" although i don't remember what date it was... neither do i know where to check it...

although I'm not sure it was in Fo1 or Fo2...
For the classics you likely think about October 6th, the day the game should've been shipped ^^
Or maybe Fallout 3, there one has at least a specific birth date, but I can't remember any special message...
# Special holiday dates
{100}{}{Happy New Year's Day!}      # New years
{101}{}{Happy Valentine's Day!}     # April fools
{102}{}{Happy All Fool's Day!}      # April fools
{103}{}{Happy Ship Day!}            # Shipping day!
{104}{}{Happy Independence Day!}    # Independence day
{105}{}{Happy Halloween!}           # Halloween
{106}{}{Happy Thanksgiving Day!}    # Thanksgiving
{107}{}{Merry Christmas!}           # X-mas
That's all the special messages for dates (including the double april fools typo in the comment xD)
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