Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

Thank you very much, this is how it looks in-game, do you think it's okay? Or should the circles on the left and right be fully visible? IMG-20230629-WA0000.jpeg
Loving the mod so far, great work.
I have a question: did you change the frquency of the world map event when the player falls in mountainous areas and gets crippled?
It really feels like this is happening very often, and forces me to save scum since I have a very low doctor skill value.
Actually, I don't remember this event at all, but I've played a long time ago.
I don't mind this kind of event, but it really feels too constant.
No, it's the same chance calculation as in Fo1. Don't know if you played with Fixt before, but it did various changes to encounters that can distort what you remember.

PS: Having a rope in your inventory will prevent you from slipping off of rocks. That's a new feature in ettu.
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No, it's the same chance calculation as in Fo1. Don't know if you played with Fixt before, but it did various changes to encounters that can distort what you remember.

PS: Having a rope in your inventory will prevent you from slipping off of rocks. That's a new feature in ettu.

Alright, I didn't know and thanks for the tip :)
I've just re-checked the scripts to make sure. There is an additional (random(1,100) >= 95) added to the breaking bones-condition, which is something that Fixt has added. However, it has no relation to an increase of the encounters. It just means that you can still break your bones with a low chance, even if you did not roll a critical fail.
People having trouble with lag and slowdowns should just select NO when prompted with the high resolution patches conflict. It happens when you run the game the first time after you install the mod. Also did the nvidia control panel Vsync and FPS limit disable for the fallout 2 executable in the mod folder. I have Ryzen 7 5400 with 2060 S GT and had the same lag problems mentioned here. Game works like a charm now.

Playing around with settings in the ini files will get you nowhere unless you really know what the fuck you are doing or by trying a lot of times untill you get it right.

Had the same problems with F2 Restaoration Project but managed to solve it tweaking ini files but it took a long fucking time because there are a lot of opinions on what to do but they don'r work for everybody.
Megamod and Nevada do what i'm talking about very well because you can run them flawlessly after installing them with no tweaks nedeed.
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I've had several memory read crashes, twice when fighting the thugs in the Hub's Old Town guarding the Brotherhood initiate, and once when clearing the mutants from Necropolis' Watershed. I forgot to screenshot the latter, but I've attached the save file for it too in case it helps.

I also had the motorcycle trunk disappear when I ran out of fuel on the outskirts of Junktown when trying to head to Vault 13.


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Yeah, I forgot to mention that, sorry. These are the additional mods I'm using:

Weapon stat tweaks by phobos2077, from page 86
Party Orders
Corpse Loot Drop: Et Tu Edition, from Banjo's Fallout 2 mods
Improved NPCs Loot Bodies 1.3, from here

I just had another crash while wiping out the Khans - was targeting the eyes of the punk girl from near the top of the map with a throwing knife when it happened.


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Can you try without mods? Those crashes are extremely unusual and at this point all I can say is - I have no idea, probably not the fault of ettu.

Try removing that loot mod first, I guess.
Those are the same memory corruption errors modern sfall introduces. Any mod that required the user to “enable unsafe scripting = 1” or whatever it is called should be the first suspect.

The earlier report of the user with the crash on toggling the forcefield via radio should be more concerning, I don’t think he was playing with mods.
Well, if we can't reproduce it, we can't fix it, it's usually as simple as that.
I just configured the newest EtTu to give it a spin, and remind me: did there used to be a character screen equivalent of DIALOG_SCRN_BACKGROUND=1? Maybe it was Crafty's old F1 sfall version that had this.. but I'm pretty sure you used to be able to configure the character screen so that that the background was blacked out, like when the dialogue window opened with that setting =1
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Enable resting until 08:00 in the morning (Fo2-style) isnt working when enabled. (still 6:00 option)

Also i couldnt for the life of me get the game to give me tag skill starting items whenever i change my dude's hair from the default
Tag skill starting items have nothing to do with how the character looks.

0800 clock thing was mentioned multiple times already. You have to save the game, quit, reload. Then it works. It is fixed in the next release.
Apparently the starting items have fuck-all to do with tagged skills, but rather skill% when starting the game. And the long-haired char i was testing just had skill% lower than the item threshhold, it seems.

Starting on "easy" rather than "hard" helped with that.

The 8:00 am fix did not work for me

EDIT: Ok, it changed to 8:00 something like 2/3'ds into the game, idk
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I see "11-15 - sfall additional weapon animation codes", in party_armor.ini but adding them to companions already usable weapons doesnt do anything.

I could make katja use laser rifles (she has energy weapons tagged), once i added their code(8) to her usable weapons list, but thats only safe if she wears an armor that supports the frames. If you remove the armor, katja goes with it and becomes an uninteractable entity that ghosts your party.

Can i change party_armor.ini in a way to make weapons types usable for every companion, without borking stuff?

Also, can I change to max walk distance on click to be larger? So i can travel across a town in 1 click rather than 5
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Can i change party_armor.ini in a way to make weapons types usable for every companion, without borking stuff?
Only way to do that is to add the missing graphics. However, those limitations exist not only because some graphics are missing, but also to give the character to the companions. Not everyone wants or can use every weapon, simply because it's who they are.

Also, can I change to max walk distance on click to be larger? So i can travel across a town in 1 click rather than 5
NumPathNodes in fo2_res.ini but if you increase it too much, you will break scripts in ettu and cause bugs.