Elias Hunter
First time out of the vault

Where do you find the motorcycle?
I checked the dialog and there seems to be lots of missing lines. I hate these romances in general, so it is very unlikely that I will write the missing text.1) In the BoS bunker, there is a female paladin (right at the entrance on the first floor) who has a virtually complete romance written in her texts, which has never been activated.
Do you think you could reactivate it?
2) This is more of a personal question: How hard would it be to add a few new holodisks to the game?
"Hundreds of years ago" one of the original F1 translators (to my language) added a few holodisks to the game with a few extra texts and I would like to restore them in my translation of et tu. I know that the holodisk, which must be able to be read in pipboy, is probably a lot more complicated than an ordinary item, so I'd rather ask if it makes sense to try at all.
{25500}{}{Zip Gun}
{25501}{}{A handmade laser pistol. Min ST: 3.}
Something is wrong with your installation. I checked latest files and 25500 isCode:{25500}{}{Zip Gun} {25501}{}{A handmade laser pistol. Min ST: 3.}
Considering 300 is the laser pistol for you that means you are still using the v1.5 files instead of the new v1.6 file.