First time out of the vault

I see, thank you very much! I was looking forward to some HP boosts to the Eyebot, darn. It feels unbelievably squishy with ~47ish.
- motorcycle key is used to unlock the bike. After that you can just use it normally. You will have to charge it with fusion cells like the Highwayman in Fo2.
- science skill is mostly used on computer terminals or anything technical.
- the brotherhood of steel offers implants (except for luck and charisma, which you get in other places).
Am I the only one bothered that there is way too much money, stimpaks and ammo lying around if you resort to combat normally (like not going for non-combat build etc.)? Like the barter skill seem to have no point and shops are mostly used to sell some of your loot and rarely to buy anything. I guess this is a part of the original experience, and I remember enemies dropping their armor as well, which was even more cheesy. But now this bothers me a bit. Not sure if I just need to forget it and enjoy the game with all it's flaws and move on. Since this is Fallout 2 now, it's possible to port some of the scripts from EcCo mod (loot reduction, barter price formula, etc.).
I've already tweaked some weapon stats. But looking back at my rebalance mod, I probably went too far with some of the changes back then)) I guess I wanted a difference experience then. And now instead looking for something simple, closer to vanilla but better.
PS: After seeing the other gun shop in the Hub, I think I was maybe too fast with my judgement )) one of the issues with my previous rebalance mod was due to lack of sufficient play-testing...