Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt Level up Formula


First time out of the vault
Hi! I'm new here , i wanted to ask something: I know that fallout fixit has sfall in it and that you can change level cap,
but I'm trying to do something different;
Halving the exp required at each level to level up and reach 21.
the game has the problem that its hard to reach levels above 12 in a normal playthrough, and this change is to make
builds use late game perks without so much deathclaw grinding and facing the boss zones with late game perks like slayer and sniper with a more natural progression.

the normal leveling formula is
n (n*(n-1)/2) * 1,000 XP

i would change the 1000 for 500 and that would be enough but i dont know how to find and permanently change the formula.

if there's an ever easier way to halve exp requirements for leveling up, I'm open for suggestions. Any help is appreciated.
Yes there is..

though I'm not sure FIXT has it. You see FIXt's sfall isn't the same brand that's used in fallout 2 engine.. it's a custom build and not every function that's present in normal sfall got to that custom build.

however if inside ddraw.ini you could find: something like this:


than simply delete the semicolon before it, and make as many entries as you'd like the first entry is the exp required for level 2 separated by a comma then next is the exp required for level 3 next comma, and so on until lvl 99, that's a lot of digit writing to be done, but it's the simplest way to do it. the orogial entries of 50,100,200 would give you a level cap of 4 and only 200 experience points to reach it. be advised though that fixt still has the hard limit of 7 perk slots, and another hard limit of 33 perks beyond which the game crashes, also gaining more than 3 levels at once makes you loose a perk window, as you can't bank perk windows like in EtTu for example.
Huh? There is a hard limit for how many perks you can get? Never knew that lol. Is that game crashing limit present on every other mod as well or is it just a FIXIT thing?
Huh? There is a hard limit for how many perks you can get? Never knew that lol. Is that game crashing limit present on every other mod as well or is it just a FIXIT thing?

Fo1 engine ( as per save can hold up up to 7 different perks) you an have more levels of each of them but there are 7 slots. the above 33 perk limit crash is related to max level 99 where eyou can get max 33 perks. Fo2 had that limit a bit bigger in vanilla 40 or so ( 33+ game gain perks) untill sfall raised that cap significantly. I belive sfall for FIXT raises the perk limit as well, however i'm not sure how the save file handles more than 7 different perks.