fallout for GURPS


First time out of the vault
For you that don`t know what GURPS It stands for Generic Universal Role Playing System and is a set of role-playing rules that can be used whit any setting you wish.

Basically what I want to do is to adapt the fallout setting for GURPS. I know a Fallout role-playing game is under development, but GURPS is a fare more complete system.

The reason i post this is to se if there is any one here that can be interested in helping.

Here is the most important things that must be done:

Stats for the Fallout races (supermutants, ghols, dethclaws etc)
Stats for some fallout critters (gekkos, wadamingos, radskorpions etc)
Stat for fallout equipment (power armor, chanegus, some energy weapons)
some Template (Stel knigt, enclawe, tribal etc)

if you want to help just write something and post it here ore Mail me at cyberslicer2000@hotmail.com

for more info on GURPG and a fre ligt werson of the game go to http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/
actualy i knew that the Fallour carackter creation system was lusly based on GURPS.
but thanks for the link to the demo.
GURPS is eeeeeeevillllllll. No offence but the rules to it are oversimplified and wouldn't be good at re-creating fallout. Might I suggest the HERO system instead. There is allready a very good fallout-mod written up for that.
Why this crazy talk about other character systems? There's nothing wrong with SPECIAL! Am I missing something here? Who are you people?
Ozrat said:
Who are you people?

We are the Enlightened.
We are the Benevolent Hand that holds the world.
We are the Shadowed Ones.
We are the Illuminati.

.........Anywho, I remember checking up on Fallout when it was early GURPS. From the screenshots available at the time, it seemed fairly plausible. Of course, the change to SPECIAL didn't affect the game that much, well at least visually. Same ol' graphics from what I could tell. I think the SPECIAL platform was a good choice, it was more simplistic and had an easier learning curve.
. I think the SPECIAL platform was a good choice, it was more simplistic and had an easier learning curve.

Well SPECIAL was created because of the deal to use GURPS fell when the game was already in production for a long time, i`ve heard that Jackson still dislikes Interplay , and that the feeling was mutual.
I realise I sound ignorant and in this case I am. Is SPECIAL the character/skill system used in the Fallout games.

If so, then I concur. It was great.

Yes, this is the system they use in Fallout :)
Recognize it now?
Check this out
SPECIAL is writen for a computer game.
and is therfor reatively limited and it uses hig numbers and advance matheamatics
(that is god if you have a computer to do the maths, but not in the real world)

GURPS gives you even more fredom hven creating a caracter
and a non level based experience systen. and it is more realistic

i have never herd of HERO so can somone tel me hvat it is

and GURPS is not evil!!!!
Roshambo said:
Moved because thread has no relevence in the Roleplaying forum.

I posted this thred in the role-playing game forum because it was about converting the fallout to GURPS which is a role-playing game. How is that not relevant
i am sory becose Misunderstood your vision of the role-playing board,
but it wasn’t really that clear in the earlier board description.