Fallout influences


Carbon Dated and Proud
Kumquat informed me of a thread where MCA (Mr. Chris Avellone, former Bis) talks about the ending in Kotor 2, here's his rant:<blockquote>I don't know if you've ever played Fallout, but if you haven't, you should. One of the best role-playing games ever made.

In any event, one of the many cool things about Fallout (which may have been done in previous games that I am ignorant of) is that the choices you made with each city you visited in the game caused a different splash screen at the end of the game, describing what happened to the locale in the future as a result of your actions.

The same sort of effect is present in Kotor2, though it does not only apply to planets and their people, but it also extends to your companions as well, depending on how you treated them or how horribly you broke them to your will - if they survived at all.

Splash screens didn't mesh with the Star Wars aesthetic though, so we had to pick a different means of displaying the information within the genre aesthetics. In any event, I wanted to let you guys know so that aside from: Your character's gender, your character's light side/dark side leanings, the 4 different answers to your questions about what happened in K1, you ALSO get variations based on how you solved each planet and how you dealt with each of your companions, so the permutations can get extensive.

In any event, it's all done in the name of replayability - hopefully, each person who plays the game should have some key experiences that are different, and get a different perspective on the story (and beyond).</blockquote>Sounds like Kotor just stepped up the RPG ladder.
Link: Forum thread
hmz, i wasn't expecting much more than another hack&slash SW game, but seems like he just peaked my interest...
Fast Food Group Think

Fast Food Group Think

Can't figure, why any marketeer, why any Master Of The (Entertainment) Universe, why any smart money investor would be the least interested in this "regressive", sentimental, and self centered, navel lint picking. This sop to single player retro focus on game design. ""Role-playing"" seems so out of fashion, so out of touch with the massive online, REAL TIME, rush, that one confuses it with some desperate hygienic manipulation during pornographic trance- en-dental hysteria. A mighty circle of member manipulation.

How can one buy; MORE hardware, MORE T-shirts, MORE breakfast cereal,
MORE special edition SUV's, MORE games (remember games?), AND MORE ON LINE SUBSCRIPTIONS on a direct deposit, speed of light electronic, credit card, I. V. conduit, ........ if each, individual, person is replaying their unique blend of character.

This is the age of neo-faith, all one has to do is BELIEVE, and the sugar coating called 'action" makes any limp and flaccid RPG wanna be, an erect and towering, bloody red, ACTION RPG! [ (ehco on)... action rpg ... action rpg ... ... action rpg .... (echo off) ]

If BELIEF can sell regime change, it can sell sell you, and you, and you,
a stat engorging shooter whose only replay value is finding ALL the power ups, all the little PAC MAN munchies, in it's 3-D flashing, eyes akimbo, instant replay, ... rats' maze .

The never ending quest for MORE CHEESE, (Action figure sold separately.)

In this age of neo-faith, it's too late to retread your character. Only two postings for the 'quick and the dead' in the neo-faith post apocalypse: the "chosen ones" bliss-ing out in Heaven (TM) with Jesus (TM), or burning in Hell (TM) with the billions that were not the "politically correct" evangelicals.

So, be compliant and submit to the 'moral' choices of DOOM, which Big F'ing Gun one will momentarily stem the tide of Demons (TM) From Hell (TM).

Serious Note

Serious Note

This is what was missing from the first, those endings were just awful...

Could the first KOTOR stand the intense critique of it's game system, it's plot narrative and interaction mechanics, if it was as replayed as Fallout 1, or Fallout 2?

I am guessing that "replay value" would need to be a conscious specification from day one of the design, if one wanted to avoid running the same rails via a digital persona with merely a different hair color or divergent gender.

My we please avoid: a ""Blonde"" tri-sexual 'fashion statement' as being the pan ultimate of any media.

Re: Fast Food Group Think

4too said:
Fast Food Group Think

Can't figure, why any marketeer, why any Master Of The (Entertainment) Universe, why any smart money investor would be the least interested in this "regressive", sentimental, and self centered, navel lint picking. This sop to single player retro focus on game design. ""Role-playing"" seems so out of fashion, so out of touch with the massive online, REAL TIME, rush, that one confuses it with some desperate hygienic manipulation during pornographic trance- en-dental hysteria. A mighty circle of member manipulation.

How can one buy; MORE hardware, MORE T-shirts, MORE breakfast cereal,
MORE special edition SUV's, MORE games (remember games?), AND MORE ON LINE SUBSCRIPTIONS on a direct deposit, speed of light electronic, credit card, I. V. conduit, ........ if each, individual, person is replaying their unique blend of character.

This is the age of neo-faith, all one has to do is BELIEVE, and the sugar coating called 'action" makes any limp and flaccid RPG wanna be, an erect and towering, bloody red, ACTION RPG! [ (ehco on)... action rpg ... action rpg ... ... action rpg .... (echo off) ]

If BELIEF can sell regime change, it can sell sell you, and you, and you,
a stat engorging shooter whose only replay value is finding ALL the power ups, all the little PAC MAN munchies, in it's 3-D flashing, eyes akimbo, instant replay, ... rats' maze .

The never ending quest for MORE CHEESE, (Action figure sold separately.)

In this age of neo-faith, it's too late to retread your character. Only two postings for the 'quick and the dead' in the neo-faith post apocalypse: the "chosen ones" bliss-ing out in Heaven (TM) with Jesus (TM), or burning in Hell (TM) with the billions that were not the "politically correct" evangelicals.

So, be compliant and submit to the 'moral' choices of DOOM, which Big F'ing Gun one will momentarily stem the tide of Demons (TM) From Hell (TM).
I feel strangely compelled to point the writer of this post to: http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/ :wink:
Info about what happened to companions eh ? I guess they blowed the dust from Baldur's Gate 2 Thron of Bhaal.
Still that bit of info suprised me in a positive way.
Re: Fast Food Group Think

SirKalth said:
4too said:
Fast Food Group Think

Can't figure, why any marketeer, why any Master Of The (Entertainment) Universe, why any smart money investor would be the least interested in this "regressive", sentimental, and self centered, navel lint picking. This sop to single player retro focus on game design. ""Role-playing"" seems so out of fashion, so out of touch with the massive online, REAL TIME, rush, that one confuses it with some desperate hygienic manipulation during pornographic trance- en-dental hysteria. A mighty circle of member manipulation.

How can one buy; MORE hardware, MORE T-shirts, MORE breakfast cereal,
MORE special edition SUV's, MORE games (remember games?), AND MORE ON LINE SUBSCRIPTIONS on a direct deposit, speed of light electronic, credit card, I. V. conduit, ........ if each, individual, person is replaying their unique blend of character.

This is the age of neo-faith, all one has to do is BELIEVE, and the sugar coating called 'action" makes any limp and flaccid RPG wanna be, an erect and towering, bloody red, ACTION RPG! [ (ehco on)... action rpg ... action rpg ... ... action rpg .... (echo off) ]

If BELIEF can sell regime change, it can sell sell you, and you, and you,
a stat engorging shooter whose only replay value is finding ALL the power ups, all the little PAC MAN munchies, in it's 3-D flashing, eyes akimbo, instant replay, ... rats' maze .

The never ending quest for MORE CHEESE, (Action figure sold separately.)

In this age of neo-faith, it's too late to retread your character. Only two postings for the 'quick and the dead' in the neo-faith post apocalypse: the "chosen ones" bliss-ing out in Heaven (TM) with Jesus (TM), or burning in Hell (TM) with the billions that were not the "politically correct" evangelicals.

So, be compliant and submit to the 'moral' choices of DOOM, which Big F'ing Gun one will momentarily stem the tide of Demons (TM) From Hell (TM).
I feel strangely compelled to point the writer of this post to: http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/ :wink:

You need to simply understand and admire the beauty and elegance of the 4too writing experience.

Tis a lovely, lovely, thing.
You need to simply understand and admire the beauty and elegance of the 4too writing experience.

Tis a lovely, lovely, thing.
I just take 4too's posts like Hakunin's speaches. I understand only words, not the meaning but still it's cool to read it :P
SuAside said:
hmz, i wasn't expecting much more than another hack&slash SW game, but seems like he just piqued my interest...
Yeah, mine too. Although, I'd be a lot more interested if I'd ever gotten around to getting KotOR part 1.

Also, I like how KotOR is now being shortened to plain ol' "K1", given that it's an acronym in the first place itself.

Oh, SirKalth, 4too's "part of the furniture" here, so to speak. So, to be completely honest, you can like it or lump it. :P
If I understand half of what he's saying, I mark it off as a good day on the calendar. ;)
Avellone said:
The same sort of effect is present in Kotor2, though it does not only apply to planets and their people, but it also extends to your companions as well, depending on how you treated them or how horribly you broke them to your will - if they survived at all.

Aye, but we did get a glimpse of that in Fallout 2 - with yron and his sad fuck story. Too bad Marcus' and Sulik's endings didn't make it into the game.
Batteries And Comprehension: Not Included

Batteries And Comprehension: Not Included

Thanks SirKalth for the road map.

Your verbose detoxication help line had some scary, adult, minimalism.

Plain English Campaign is an independent pressure group fighting for public information to be written in plain English. .... ....

'Public information' means anything people have to read to get by in their daily lives.

'Plain English' is language that the intended audience can understand and act upon from a single reading. ...

Rules to live by, for the designated driver, some where / time, I am sure.

"" ... Wouldn't have it any other way .... ""

And, yah. I'd rather have a media montage dramatize my karmic score,
featuring the appropriate game characters and localities.

Beats the boogers out of the old, cold standard of being dropped to DOS, without even a 'good bye' , or 'go to hell' , rolling credits or the forever mundane "" THE END"".

Old KotOR was quite an enjoyable game, but with MCA's magical touch, KotOR II might be an enjoyable RPG. Wow. Though I'm not expecting another Planescape: Torment, it's obvious that KotOR II will be a thousand times better than anything BioWare could possibly have made. Some previewers have cautiously stated that KotOR II is indeed superior to the original.

I wonder what Obsidian will do with the sequel to Neverwinter Nights. Turn it into a half-decent game? Is it Avellone's destiny to spend the rest of his career gilding mediocre BioWare franchises? If that is so, then I have but one humble request for him: make Feargus an NPC in one of Obsidian's games, and make it so that we can kill him without repercussions. Please!
Big T said:
SuAside said:
hmz, i wasn't expecting much more than another hack&slash SW game, but seems like he just piqued my interest...
Yeah, mine too. Although, I'd be a lot more interested if I'd ever gotten around to getting KotOR part 1.
Likewise... after all the recent talk on KOTOR 2 and it being developed my Obsidian I ordered kotor 1 in preparation. IGN released a review of KOTOR 2 for xbox and gave it a pretty solid score.