Fallout: Insurgence

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I know i've put forward a lot of future game ideas, but it's fun to do, and nothing can stop me from doing what I want to do, muhahahaha!


Setting: After the Enclave were destroyed on the Poseidon Oil Rig, the Chosen One united two separate strands of the same bloodline, the citizens of Vault 13 and Arroyo and travelled north with them. He went through the tortured deserts of the west, through the scum filled streets of The Den and even further north.

Eventually the travellers arrived somewhere in Oregon, and founded New Arroyo, the town was perfect. With the new GECK the town ended up as a sprawling settlement, dwarfing Vault City, and nearly rivalling Shady Sands in size.

42 years on, the Chosen One has left the town, leaving behind a note saying he hated what New Arroyo had turned into. The citizens were in turmoil over this, mostly because they no longer had a leader, but because of the recent loss of a leader the gangs from the slums were rebelling, guards were dissapearing, whole groups of people were being abducted, yet no one knew what was causing these odd occurrences.

As a young up start in the low ends of town, you don't know what to make of these happenings, and you just go along as if nothing has happened. One day while running along the roofs of the shanty towns that sprawl outside the walls of New Arroyo, you fall through some loose tile.

You wake up in a Followers of the Apocalypse clinic, where upon a nurse of the name, Leng Hui asks you your name, she then instructs you to look in a mirror across the room, this determines your looks and age (17-??? yet, playing as a 1029 year old person is generally frowned upon). She then tells you to sign a release fall, this determines your attributes, skills and traits.

New Arroyo: A sprawling once pure settlements know turned jaded. The central town is where the high-class citizens live such as the governors and merchant lords. The market district is also in the central town. The further out from the central town you get, the town turns more into slums. Rampant tribes and gangs live in the shanty towns and slums that are on the fringe of the town.

The Den: A puppet state of the NCR. It was annexed by the NCR in 2245, yet because of the sheer stubborness of the inhabitants, they were made a puppet state, their leader Governor Statham, supports anti-gang activity, but secretly supports the slaving group, the Red Hawks.

Klamath: Much like in Fallout 2, most of the town has been cut off because of a disturbance in the central town. The current (at the time) leader of the town, Maria Cerce, was bribed into allowing the NCR into the town. But, the NCR fearing a repeat of the Den, marched their power-amour troops into the town and cut down Maria Cerce and her retinue. She is now a martyr for the town, and most of the town is cut of to stop the rebellion getting further.

Venice: An amphibious town in the center of a lake in north Oregon, first the traveller has to get a boat from a local ferryman to the town. The town is held upon stilts and ballasts, and is often seen as a centre for culture and commercialism. The town is most likely the same size as New Arroyo, and the traveller can use the towns canals to travel around the town. The town was named this because the leader couldn't find a name for it, but one day stumbled upon a book in a library and thats when the town was named Venice.

Lazy Brahmin Ranch: A small ranch east of New Arroyo, its out of the way of the sleeze and scum and the ranchers consider their small village a safehaven. Although recently the head guard has noticed strange people on the cliffs overlooking the ranch. Little does he know the NCR has been watching it for a while now, will you keep the ranch independent or make the NCR take it to it's knees.

Old Salem: The desolate ruins of the former capital of oregon. Although not hit as many nukes, but it fell into terrible desolation. In the centre of the towns what appears to be a small tribe by the name of the Yellow Hands seems to not know about technology, but underneath it is the last Brotherhood of Steel outpost in the region, the camp is just a facade so no one dares touch the sewer grate behind the long tent. At the riverside of Old Salem is where the Russian Colonists live. The riverside is a large ferryport with several shops ran by the Russian Colonists, the Riverside is a closed off community.

The Colony: A rocket ship crash site. Although the crash site is still smoldering, scientists, doctors and researchers flock to the area. The town is led by a charismatic man, who claims that he is the last remaining survivor of the true Hubologists of San Francisco.

NCR: The largest faction in the region, getting bloated and bogged down, it is slowly travelling north. They currently have the Lazy Brahmin Ranch in their sights, and have plans for New Arroyo and Venice. Their regional leader, General Abrams who is based in Klamath would really appreciate you helping him engineer the downfall of the Oregon city-states. Their ambassador to Venice, Ambassador Davel Smith, will happily provide you with inside information to help the downfall of Venice.

Klamath Tigers: This faction directly opposes NCR rule and would like you to help them take down NCR rule in the area. The leader, Rodriguez Copercos, is an arrogant yet stubborn man, who revels in the fact that the local young women adore him and consider him brave. Their fighters are brave as well as stalwart, never bending their knees to the NCR.

The Society: These are secretly in charge of Venice, these are the ones that control what knowledge should be let into the people of the town. Their leader Charles Guttenburg believes he can bring Venice into a golden age of technology and discovery if he tries hard enough, yet he considers himself a failure. He would really appreciate it if you helped him out.

Brotherhood of Steel: Now just a minor faction in the region, their leader, Elder Brody, believes that the return of the Brotherhood is coming. He will send the player on the mission to reactivate power stations round the town to redirect power to the main base to help with the return, but the faction is in heavy decline, desertion is at an all time high. The Paladins are in mutiny, they want to overthrow the Elder and begin a council.

Russian Colonists: They run a closed community on the riverside and if you get to close, you'll most likely get shot. You'll have to either bribe an excessive amount (10000 caps) to enter the town, or run a *small* errand for the head guard to let you into the town.

Hubologists: A large group of sciencey folk who are guarded by mercenaries. They research on nearly everything, but behind closed doors the leader of the colony forces his head researchers to find a way to fix his treasure space shuttle.

Followers of the Apocalypse: Based in New Arroyo they tend to the refugees and injured in the slums and shanty towns of New Arroyo. The council is currently trying to bribe the Followers to up the higher classes in the slums, but the Followers are not faltering. They need lots of donation to get along and the player can help with that, if they're not snobbish.


I know I haven't done a story yet, but I was hoping I could base it round the disappearances of the people in Arroyo, maybe something thrown in about the Chosen One maybe, a series of clues left by behind him, so a person can find him. Maybe then the Chosen One would tell him what he has to do maybe as a sort of mid-game wild goose chase.