Fallout LARP


It Wandered In From the Wastes
"Bitches be like: I don't like Caesar's Legion because they cosplay ancient Rome!"
Almost every faction in Fallout LARPs in some way or another, intentionally or accidentally.
Let's go through factions:
All Vaults - I'm not entirely sure, maybe they're cosplaying Star Trek or something like that.
Shady Sands - Ancient Egypt, because of adobe buildings, monument with weird symbols, and map image in style of Egypt paintings.
Khans - ancient Mongol is, because they're living off raiding, wear Mongol themed armor and their map image is in style of Mongol warrior.
Junktown - generic western town, because they have Sheriff, I guess.
The Hub - I'm not entirely sure, maybe ancient Middle Eastern countries, because of the whole trading theme and music theme.
Necropolis - accidentally zombie cosplaying.
Brotherhood of Steel - knights of medieval times, obviously.
Mutant Army - I'm not entirely sure, maybe orc army from Lord of the Rings, maybe Hulk, maybe all together.
Unity - catholic christianity, because they're a religious group, duh, and they have big glorious Cathedral, which is built by catholics.
All tribes - accidentally cosplaying Native Americans and other tribes from history.
Klamath - generic town.
Den - generic town.
Modoc - generic town.
(god those three locations are so fucking boring).
Slags near Modoc - I'm not entirely sure, maybe vampires, because they can't bear the sunlight.
Vault City - maybe the same Star Trek theme, I'm not sure.
Redding - generic town.
New Reno - mafia from 20th century, because of all that gang war, drug dealing, casinos etc.
NCR - I forgot NCR from Fallout 2, but for Fallout New Vegas I would say they cosplay America from 50s, because their equipment looks like from that time, and the Mojave conflict resembles Vietnam war.
San Francisco - obviously Ancient China stuff.
Hubologists - huge reference joke about Scientology.
Enclave - I guess nazis, because they wear really stylish black uniform, do inhumane experiments on humans both mutated and normal, kill anyone who's not them, plans for the FEV holocaust the whole world etc.
Megaton - generic western town, because of Sheriff.
Children of Atom - idk, maybe Protestants? Since their church is lame lol, or maybe from one movie where people worshipped giant bullet.
Rivet City - no idea.
Little Lamplight - maybe that tribe from Mad Max sequel, not sure.
Centuberry Commons - literally cosplaying heroes and villains.
Almost all towns in New Vegas - western towns.
New Vegas - same Las Vegas but post-apocalyptic
Mr. House - The Wizard of Oz, because he hides behind giant display showing his face.
Caesar's Legion - Ancient Rome, duh.
Institute - blade runner stuff maybe.
Railroad and Minuteman - ancient organizations from Civil War times and older.

Anyway that was my rant against misconceptive morons playing Fallout New Vegas. What do you think? Did I miss something, am I wrong about something? Feel free to correct me or comment about other factions cosplaying ancient organizations, that I missed.

Oh also Super-Mutans and synths are prob allegory on trannies, since both of them are sterile, want to turn everyone else into them, in some cases want to be something they're not like Harkness or intelligent Super-Mutans, or when you prove Master's plan wrong with common sense and scientific data and he commits suicide lololololol.