Fallout Map


First time out of the vault
Not sure if this is the right place for this but I am looking for a blank fallout map.I am going to start running a fallout PNP game and need to find a map to hand out to my playes so they can mark on it. If possible I would like it to go as far west as the old mis. river.IF anyone know s how or can do thid please let me know.
On a different note - DLed the Fallout 2 map and found the little green labes basically undecipherable so I replaced them with high contrast labels.

In theory registered users could just UL it to the gallery but that doesnt work.
Any place I can upload it so the visually impaired can have a map, too? =) (Reading distance more than doubled)

File size is reduced by 1/3, too, which was the optimal compression before the letters started detoriating. Doubt anyone cares if some pile of rocks west of Redding is a bit off-colour due to that.
Pixel count is still the same if anyone wants to use it instead of the older version.

No, I didnt bother to put fancy credits on there. Noone is gunna give me a job based on that and the original creator can have all the cookies. =)