Fallout meets Diablo?


Carbon Dated and Proud
BluesNews is reporting that Gamespy have posted a preview of Restricted Area, the upcoming Post Apocalyptic RPG in progress, here's a bit:<blockquote>Much like Diablo, Restricted Area also generates some of its "dungeons" randomly, which should ensure some re-playability. (I played the original Diablo in its entirety at least five times because of its "random" feature.) The game also includes a "collect all" button, so you don't have to hunt around for things you might have overlooked after mowing down half a dozen or so mutated monsters.</blockquote>Ack, sounds boring.
Link: Restricted Area preview@Gamespy
Dont forgot the "Play all" button too, that plays all the game for you :)

But I'd give the game a go, err providing I get a new computer that can play these games :)
Wait, I have to add Restricted Area to my "Games I never intend to play"-list.
...so you don't have to hunt around for things you might have overlooked after mowing down half a dozen or so mutated monsters.

Yep, sounds like Diablo all-right.
Your Experience May Vary

Your Experience May Vary

... "kill all" button ...
... "Play all" button ...
... I have to add Restricted Area to my "Games I never intend to play" .


If this video publication was PREdestined to be a 'screen-saver', then any act of ""free will"' that you imply by "intending"" or ""not intending"" to obtain and - play - this candidate for autistic entertainment is a futile, heroic gesture.

""Playing"" as an option may only apply to this product "pretending" to be a game.

We all know we have more productive uses for our imaginations than to
pretend this disk in a box, this commercial commodity, will be a reasonable placebo for a "'game"'.

What productive use of our imaginations?

Such as? Such as, me flipping this ontological fris-bee your way.

Catch this ....

Smart money ""playing"" it 'safe'. RA predestined to be a 'screen-saver'.

My last gasp at ""free will"", maybe be this lonely leap at a value judgment, ... , on reading, this compromised collaboration, is a Diablo Clone.

The game also includes a "collect all" button, so you don't have to hunt around for things you might have overlooked after mowing down half a dozen or so mutated monsters.

They could call it the "magnet button".
I remeber playing diablo and having to wiggle the mouse all over teh screen trying to find a tiny ring hidden under a pile of bodies. The only reason that I even knew there was something was because I heard the 'ding' it made when it hit the ground. So I can under stand a that it could be usefull for picking up items.

but there are other ways this could be done:

1) Have the items highlighted so they can be spotted

2) Have all the items stay on the body so you only have to search the body and then click a 'Take all button' (FO2)

3) Have an NPC character who is a robot vacume cleaner that can be ordered to 'auto search bodies after combat'

I think FO2 done this well, maybe you could have bodies you havent searched be highlighted for a few minutes.

Though I think it would be cool to be able to order your NPCs to have looting options
a) 'auto search bodies after combat'
b) 'auto search bodies during combat'

In fact I demand NPCs to have looting options :)
Wild_qwerty said:
I remeber playing diablo and having to wiggle the mouse all over teh screen trying to find a tiny ring hidden under a pile of bodies. The only reason that I even knew there was something was because I heard the 'ding' it made when it hit the ground. So I can under stand a that it could be usefull for picking up items.
Um, you do know that when you hold Shift the game displays name tags above dropped items?
Heh, seems like Mr. Don't-Want-To-Play-The-Game To-Enjoy-It is going to find a good product.

Especialy when "Play All" button will be impemented due to players' demand :D
Some *insane* reviewer said:
(I played the original Diablo in its entirety at least five times because of its "random" feature.)

5 Times? I got bored before finnishing second act in diablo II, I can not imagine even in my wildest nightmares how it is possible toenjoy finnishing it *5* times :shock:

I may try that game out, bt if it's like diablo I most certantly won't finnish it, hell, I found even Fallout 2 to be too long...
Heh, I played through Diablo II three or four times, but I killed Diablo and Baal about a thousand times. Does that count as "finished the game"?