Fallout modding resources: critters, items, images etc.


First time out of the vault
I worked in a FOnline project, but I left becous I didn't think it ever finished. So, I cut my works and modified them to share. All of these works are 99+% mine in the project, but I used outer sources.

Critters: http://www.mediafire.com/?ahleo7hhpdac2v4
All of these critters done in male and female and completed to all animation and all angel (except grey jumpsuit).

This .rar file contains:
Blue Combat Armor
Two version of Brown Combat Armor
Red Combat Armor
Combat Armor MK II
Leather Armor MK II
Fixed Leatehr Armor (there is a little pixel bug in the original)
Grey Leather Armor
Female Blue Jumpsuit without 13
Brown Jumpsuit (female -13)
Red Jumpsuit (female -13)
Grey Jumpsuit

Interface: http://www.mediafire.com/?3dkcuy7u0l1cvrg
This is a fallout 2 style FOnline interface in three resolution (800, 1024, 1280) with a place to the caracter face.

Items: http://www.mediafire.com/?95ifohdymzvq5bj
This .rar file contains an excel table with lot of information about weapons and ammos, and weapon images. One member of the project helped me with a few weapon name, he is called Smilley.

Wallpaper: http://www.mediafire.com/?oixi3bkxmm2ru20
This is a modified screenshot from the fallout 3.

Walls: http://www.mediafire.com/?h9dqx365vkiqc3b
This is ONE wall type without door.

To made weapon images I used Fallout 3 G.E.C.K. and the following mods: Apocalypse Armory by Thogun, 19th and 20th century weapons, Classic Fallout Weapons by War1982.
To made wallpaper I used 19th and 20th century weapons and Military Equipment by JackoO

I hope these works will be useful to someone, just represent my name if you use it (and I should thank you if you send a message wherein to use it).
Thanks tbalint - I'm sure some of these works will end up in other peoples mods. It's a shame your project didn't eventuate, have you thought about joining another modding group. :wink:
I end up with fallout modding for a time. I finished the working few month ago, when I was the only one who still worked. If I would want to modding fallout, I would still working on that project, but I have no motivation anymore.
Thanks for releasing the stuff. Always better to do this, instead of having the files rott on the hdd. :)

/Edit: I see female v13 jumpsuit without 13. That means, we have a full set of no-13 jumpsuit. Nice.
Lexx said:
Thanks for releasing the stuff. Always better to do this, instead of having the files rott on the hdd. :)

/Edit: I see female v13 jumpsuit without 13. That means, we have a full set of no-13 jumpsuit. Nice.

Now we have both the full male and female numberless vault dwellers...that's so useful for people making new vaults. All that's left are the tribals.
tester123 said:
What project of FOnline did you do? Maybe I can join for you and we will do something.

Sounds like you might have better luck joining another project, tester; I'm sure tbalint would find all kinds of projects and people here to join up with if he were still motivated.

@ tbalint: I second .pixote. and Lexx's sentiment; thanks a million for sharing your work! It's a refreshing change from the normal complete loss of hard work and good ideas: what a waste! Plus I know it takes massive time and energy to repaint all the poses and angles for just one character model, so I'm positive your work will see a lot of great mileage in many other projects here!)
