Fallout Modification FAQ


Vault Senior Citizen
I have sifted through all of the modding archives I can find, and picked out a bunch of useful reference information. Its now a Fallout Modification FAQ. If you think something should be changed or added, let me know. Happy modding.
Excellent job dude, must have taken you a while to compile all that info so I admire your effort.
Corpse and Jargo... you two answered almost 20% of the questions in the FAQ ... thanks for sharing what you know. ColJack answered 30% himself! :shock: That means you 3 answered half of the most difficult modding questions around. Hats off to you. :wink:
I feel famous! I've even got a few answers in there!

Q. Is there a list of the various appearance FRMs?

This was actaully created by 'ruin' I just directed a few other people to his work :)

Great work though!
wild_qwerty sez:
> Q. Is there a list of the various appearance FRMs?
> This was actaully created by 'ruin'

Okay thanks, credit given to ruin.

Btw I wish I knew as much about graphics as you do, but I'm a a dessert chef ... er I mean programmer. I think I will grip the scripting and configuration stuff easily, but how to make custom graphics, that will be a challenge. I want to resurrect that animated monitor from the cathedral in FO1 and put some new pics on it. It would be neat to play (clips from) the fallout intro movies on the little screen in the game. It would also be cool to make custom images that fold into new plot ideas. I wonder if anyone has succeeded with this:


Hey qwerty ... the graphics in the NWN D20 Modern mod are absolutely wild ... they even have some fallout-ish stuff including leather jackets, raiders, burned out cars, etc. Have you seen this stuff?


I was working on fallout-ish NWN D20 modern mod ... but since FO3 (the real thing) is dead ... and I'm addicted to the traditional turn-based combat and special ... I decided to work on the old rusty FO2 engine instead.
dude_obj said:
I want to resurrect that animated monitor from the cathedral in FO1 and put some new pics on it. It would be neat to play (clips from) the fallout intro movies on the little screen in the game. It would also be cool to make custom images that fold into new plot ideas.
The hardest part about doing that is converting your new animation to the right perspective. I know for FOT I need to vertically skew an image 28 degrees +/- to get it roughly in the bounding box, but for Fallout 2 I have no idea. Otherwise it's simply a matter of blocking out the center of the monitor so it's transparent and then adding it over each frame of your animation. Converting it to a frm should be very easy as it's a static image with no movement animations etc.
Damn buddy, I was looking for just this. Awesome job....bookmarked, thank you for taking the time to compile all of this together!

PsychoSniper said:
This guy deserves a special tittle.
yea, get it mirrored here, its too good to loose :)

It should be easy enough to work out the angle of the skew, as its a standard hexagon, the angle should be able to be "measured" by the size of the offsets. I just cant remeber how to do trigonometry any more

Or just screw with it until it looks right ;)
Odin said:
> Nice, want us to host it at NMA too ?

It would be cool to have it part of NMA, but I must ask you this: is it possible that I can have ability to ftp updates? I expect to be updating this FAQ frequently, and don't want to have to get admins to update it for me. I tried pasting my page into phpBB but it doesn't recognize the tags, it needs to be an html page. So if you can give me a web space with ftp permissions, I'd be happy to put it there. I would actually prefer to not have hosted where it is now.

Also, I am now working on a modding tools page to supplement the FAQ, followed by a reference page (all known file formats etc). This is just a preview, much more to follow. This allows people to take a look at tools (screen shots) and read docs before deciding which to download. The tools page will link to the FAQ and vice versa too.

Glad you like it Odin :)
Just a note about the question for Kligon Academy script... The engine isn't the same though part of the source is.

So well, the scripting engines have the same base.