Fallout movie music ideas


It Wandered In From the Wastes

what do ya think,which music could fit the F. movie?i think uriah heep (lady in black) or led zeppelin (starway to heaven)
your ideas ????

the 50's music is good, but it can't be the main music of the whole movie. Maybe for the title song or something.

Some good Industrial music would be nice

some music from the 40`s,50`and 30`s,«blade runner» and «brasil» style;
through the movie the game`s soundtrack-it`s really good;
to the tense,claustrophobic,steady-cam moments
some carpenter-style-soundtrack(the director and musician,not *those* from the 70`s;))
to the end credits some teen-rock band so the video would always pass on musicchannels:))))))))))))))))))))))))
no really, «the sun `s so bright i`ve got to wear shades»,a song about a post-nuclear world from the 80`s would be great(mabe with britney spears
dressed like marcus-great mtv stuff:)))))))
RE: soundtrack

>no really, «the sun `s so
>bright i`ve got to wear
>shades»,a song about a post-nuclear
>world from the 80`s would
>be great(mabe with britney spears

There is a song by Tiamat called Brighter Than The Sun. Although I don't think it would fit too well... it might though.
Aphex Twin, best ambient out there. he also makes some rocking tracks
I know this is crazy, and wouldn't fit the game at all.... but I would like to hear Jerry Was A Racecar Driver by Primus when you're drivin the car
No way !

Calexico is the one you want to hear.

(BTW, Calexico is the name of a band)
I didn't say Fuel was good. Just said that cause the other dude suggested a song for driving the car...

here's some serious suggestions:
Alastis - In Darkness
Alastis - Out of Time
Moonspell - Tired
Moonspell - Soulsick
Samael - Infra Galaxia

it's nice dark, industrial sort of
the moonspell songs are a good idea(but i´m biased
since they are also portuguese:) )but for the industrial touch i would prefer a more computer based sound, maybe laibach(they were from slovenia, i think, don`t really remember) or front242, an old belgium group,or nitzer ebb(another electro band from the 80`s).
well, if only <nymam> accepted to do the soundtrack of a flick with a script by mk2 scriptwriter(that would be the day ;) );
just try to play fallout 2 with the <gataca> sountrack in your stereo...it`s awsome, man...
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-00 AT 05:01AM (GMT)[p]Maybe im the only Kid Rock fan in here but i think American Badass wouldnt be a bad choice. Think about it. The Choson one (or whoever is the main character) Wanders around America, and he's a freakin Badass.
>methinks that Moonspell is rather a
>medieval-age music than a post-nuclear

Old Moonspell, yes. (Wolfheart, Irreligious albums)
New Moonspell (Sin/Pecado, The Butterfly Effect) are way different. More industrial, less goth.

Oh btw, on my previous post I would like to replace the Alastis song Out of Time with Never Again. Got em mixed up.
Doesn't anyone around here ever heard about Calexico ?


Anyway, I don't think industrial or goth fits in a fallout movie. Not dusty enough (sorry, I can't phrase this otherwise).
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-00 AT 10:14AM (GMT)[p]tried new moonspell with the game(f2).didn´t worked, maybe in the movie...
where can i find calexico in the net?
sweet dreams by eurythmics would be a good pop song, maybe some depeche mode...
for good old rock led zeppelin(the original versions),jimmy page, but kid rock,huummm,don´t think so...
p.s.:there￾Ls something wrong with my keyboard
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-00 AT 09:49PM (GMT)[p]ANYTHING DOORS

People are strange

***The End , my only friend***

and maybe

Hello , I love you

that would be the part you see the chick in modoc

but The End is the best song, THE END...

oh AND RIDERS ON THE STORM! that owns too, like when your driving or maybe when you kill the bad ass guy

but the THE END is good, IP should get the liscense THE END...

"fudge you!"