Fallout movie (s)?

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Hey, im new here, so im not sure if this topic has been posted recently, so forgive me if it has. There are alot of topics in this message i would like to hear feedback from. This is gonna be a bit long, so read in 1 hour intervals lol Anyways...

Providing you have a good amount of money to produce a fallout series of movies, i think it could be a good sucsess (A half life movie would be cool too hehe). I think if you got someone like Tim burton directing the movies, and a good cast and writers, then i think you got a good bunch of movies...

I doubt you would be able to get this guy before he retires or dies heh... But George lucas would be excellent to write the movie. If not, quentin tarantino is the next close 2nd pick of mine. And, of course, Brian Fargo to write individual scenes.

As far as directing is concerned, Tim burton would be a top pick for me, he can make any movie look freaky.

If there were a series of lets say 3 movies, heres what i think is the best cast you can provide

Fallout 1: THE CHOSEN ONE: Hugh Jackman. Remember, the vault dweller was the most "bad ass" out of them all, and the most brave. Give hugh a leather jacket and a rebel type attitude (x-men) then he could be very good. However, he has to be able to look a bit fightened or disheveled when he meets the outside world, which he has also proven (Swordfish).
The only other guy that could do half as good as a job as him, is Heathe Ledger. He could act confident, but hes not exactly in shape for that movie. He also doesnt have much experience acting tough, nor has he ever had a point in a movie where he actually "freaked out" from finding out so much information as much has jackman. However, i could settle for em.
Another long shot is Charlie sheen, hes had the most experience out of all of them, and he usually makes a movie good no matter what role.
Another long shot, but if turned down by everyone else, they can change the story a bit and have Milla Jovovich play the chosen one. She proved she can do roles like that (resident evil, the 5th element).
You may think this is crazy, but Jim Carey has been interested in doing other roles. Jim carey is an excellent actor, i can see him fitting in this movie as the chosen one.
TANDI:I think Tandi would be a bigger role in a movie, so i say its played by Natalie portman. Shes got the short, im a frightened nieve girl attitude that wants to explore.
THE MASTER: Of course, the dude that controled them all, the master. The perfect guy that can play him, is Jeremy Irons. Hes got the coolest voice ive ever heard, and he showed he can play a similar part (The time machine). You cant disagree on that one :)
If he was cut out of the movie, the cathedral dude (forgot his name, but he was a major badguy) could be played by Irons.
NPC: I think NPCS shouldnt be as big as a role, but i do think that there should be people that hang around him for a little while. These guys has to have some sort of comedic role to fit, i think. The perfect smart ass - get in the way ppl, are either Tom arnold, Joe Pesci and Conan Obrien (conan's part would have to be reduced, since hes not really an experienced actor).
Fallout 2:
MAIN CHARACTER DUDE: James Caviezel, is not a well known actor yet, but he was in The Count Of Monte Cristo, as well as many other movies. In The Count of Monte Cristo, he played a man that was exiled then seeked revenge... He could be the chosen one in fallout 1 instead, but he isnt exaclty a bad ass. The main character in fallout 2 was chosen to find the GECK. He didnt exactly have to be bad ass to do this, just brave.
Another candidite is Heathe Ledger, Didnt have to be bad ass, just brave (A knights tale).
Another one, is Guy Pearce, also in the Count of Monte Cristo, but the Time Machine is the movie that can relate the most to this. However, ive never seen him play a role where he wasnt a smart british guy, so that could cause a problem.
NPCS: Same story as fallout 1, but i think there should be a main companion that hangs out with him through out the movie. I think that he should save a slave from the slavers, and the "gods" require him/her to give his time to him. I personally think he should chilvarously rescue a beautfull woman. Perfect person who can play a part like that, is Milla Jovovich, as mentioned before. She would be in a less visible role as the compainion of the GECK finder, but still pretty big. I think that would make an excellent movie with them 2 in it.
Fallout 3/Tactics: In the mummy, there were 3 movies, scorpion king was like a side thing... Tactics should be like that. They should have the theme as conflict within the squads, life as a soldier in the wasteland.. I think it could be pretty good.
Squad leader: Cristian slater, hes had good experience with a part like that in broken arrow.
Another pick could be Tom cruise, Mission impossible...
General barnaky: Gene hackman, hes played in many war roles.
Paladin Lancelot: Providing hes a little larger than small role in the movie, Steven Segal could play a pissed off commander :)
All the other squad members shpuld also be some good actors.

Well thats my long post. Please give some feedback on all of the topics here, if a movie/series of movies would be cool, ideas on a good cast or ideas for a cool story...

By the way, i played team fortress classic, for 4 years i played in clans like [H2K] and [TTK], for those who may recognize me from TFC...

well it's a good thought but yes this hasd been posted but that it might bwe ia good idead with all those guys but i think the last thime sombody said this they got flamed big t9mie but good one for the first start