Fallout MUD


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Does anyone know of a decent apost-apocalyptic, or Fallout-inspired, MUD? I remember finding one a while back, but it wasn't all that great. I did some searching today, but no luck.

I even started building one a while ago.

Any clues?
I'm against MUDs for one reason: they're like MMOs, just with typing instead of clicking.
The good ones are rare... I've really only found one that I liked. Most of the time they're just so poorly organized/coded that it's not even worth reading the descriptions.
A Fallout MUD based on Fallout

I know there are some MUDs out there that people play because they are similar to Fallout, but can't there be a Fallout MUD made to be more like the Fallout by Interplay? Would there be any problems/complications in making one?
I actually even worked on a Fallout MUD once, but the project eventually went nowhere.
I could see a Fallout MUD working though, for action points you could do it like how Fallout Tactics did(action points regenerate), I'm using something right now to see about making a Fallout MUD, but the one problem is that this MUD maker/tool is using the stuff for D&D and I'm wondering how I might change the stats and system to S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Today I found one up and running mush, almost complete. I have explored the place and it retained the flavor and humor of the fallout universe. All they need are players to fill it up I suppose. Check it out if you will.

host address: mush.vault-tek.com
port: 4201
I'm writing one from scratch. It's called "Burntime," and it will look, act, and smell much like Fallout (names and places changed somewhat to protect the innocent, like me).

Drop me an email ( ed [dot] ropple [at] gmail [dot] com ) if you're interested in learning more or helping with the project.