Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo round-up


But best title ever!
With the Eurogamer Expo concluding just yesterday, it was to be expected that some new Fallout: New Vegas impressions would emerge on the net.

Beefjack<blockquote>Bodies lay on the ground in Primm. It’s bleak, but in a different way to Fallout 3′s desolation. The sky is blue, for a start. Nothing’s particularly ruined: the place simply resembles a ghost town, repopulated by the bad guys. But the hotel is dark and troubling, run down, the power long cut to this place. The mood New Vegas establishes is subtly different to that of its predecessor, but equally effective.</blockquote>
We Do Network<blockquote>Fallout 3 had this underlying restriction they used with demolished buildings to have you purposely going set routes. Hopefully we’ll see the ability to avoid enemies and foes with a little more finesse. Whilst I played a very small amount of the game, much because the first 10 minutes I was trying to find something/someone to kill I could quite easily see that the game has been well looked after.</blockquote>
Xboxer360<blockquote>In general, Fallout: New Vegas is more of a 80+ hour add-on then a brand new installment. This doesn’t make me sad at all; anyone who loved Fallout 3 will love Fallout: New Vegas. Even if it’s just the same gal, she’s wearing a damn sexy new dress.</blockquote>
GameKudos<blockquote>I was told by a member of the PR team that the version I played wasn’t the final build, but was about 99% there. As I encountered a little lag here and there, especially when calling up the PipBoy, I can only hope that ironing that out is part of the 1% left. But despite the loading times, the rag doll dead, and the odd lag, New Vegas looks good. Fans of Fallout 3 will need no encouragement to buy it, and newcomers to the franchise will be able to pick it up without feeling lost in the lore (it is set 3 years after and separate from the events of Fallout 3).</blockquote>
Gamergeddon<blockquote>The gameplay is essentially identical to Fallout 3, the brilliant V.A.T.S. combat system is still there and before long I was performing headshots on other humans and mutant flies, just like the old days. The game is more of the same which is no bad thing as Fallout 3 was an amazing game.</blockquote>
GamesBurp<blockquote>To summarize then, Fallout New Vegas, or “orange Fallout” = Good. I will buy it, though not on release. It will devalue incredibly quickly and you’ll be able to pick up a collector’s edition in a few months for £30.</blockquote>
Console Monster<blockquote>Developers Obsidian have managed to get to grips with the engine and continue that beautiful Fallout feeling with ease it would seem, and perhaps with more of a fitting and interesting location and back-story to go with it.</blockquote>
Epsom Guardian<blockquote> While I wanted to be blown away by some sort of new innovation New Vegas, while seemingly not raising the bar for the series, has more missions, enemies, guns and perks than ever before. </blockquote>
In about 2 weeks we'll hike in the Mojave Wasteland, or... Gambling in the various casinos... CAN'T WAIT!!!! ERRR!!!!!
Xboxer.... Wow.... Just.... Wow.

I think that is the worst preview for a game I have ever had the displeasure to read. Do they really hire fucking junior high students to write and edit this shit?
ZeusComplex said:
Xboxer.... Wow.... Just.... Wow.

I think that is the worst preview for a game I have ever had the displeasure to read. Do they really hire fucking junior high students to write and edit this shit?

If you read the full review it's actually pretty funny. The guy sounds like he had a full body erection the entire time he was writing the article:

I honestly had difficulties finding a quote from that preview that wasn't embarrassing. I guess it shows the mindset of your Average Joe gamer tho.
Though one interesting thing - the reviewer mentions various weapon upgrades in the pipboy inventory, and one of them is a laser sight. Haven't seen laser sights mentioned ANYWHERE before.

The developers have said they based the weapon modding on the popular Weapon Mod Kits for Fallout 3, and that featured laser sights but they didn't properly work. They just added a thin red or blue line to the weapon model, that stretched out a few metres in front of the player, and it reduced weapon spread, there was no actual real laser dot aligned with the crosshair. So it'll be nice to see if Obsidian have put in a proper convincing laser sight like Chronicles of Riddick/Resident Evil 4 etc etc.

Also, the laser pistol and laser rifle in Fallout 3 had no ironsights of any sort, and the exact same weapon designs are in New Vegas. I was wondering how they were going to impliment "aim-down-the-sights" for them. It would be cool if they got around that by giving the laser weapons built-in laser sights that switched on when you pressed the "aim" button.
Top of my list of things at the Eurogamer expo was to go play Fallout New Vegas. I literally spent 130+ hours on Fallout 3, completing every DLC that Bethesda gratuitously pumped out, so to not call me a fan is like saying Pete Doherty is a sober, talented, upstanding member of society

One of the most welcome changes is the ability to now use VATS with mêlée weapons which is great, it was hilarious donning a pair of boxing gloves and slow motion punching a baby coyote in the face until it was a bloody pulp. TAKE THAT WILDERNESS YOU FILTHY SWINE!!!

These previews are pretty terrible.

Oh god... I look forward to playing the game a lot but... I don't look forward to seeing all the crappy reviews. Following the Fallout 3 reviews was downright traumatic.

Maybe I'll have the willpower to not look at them this time around.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
One of the most welcome changes is the ability to now use VATS with mêlée weapons which is great, it was hilarious donning a pair of boxing gloves and slow motion punching a baby coyote in the face until it was a bloody pulp. TAKE THAT WILDERNESS YOU FILTHY SWINE!!!


I assume he means being able to aim in VATS with melee.. or using special melee hits?
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Top of my list of things at the Eurogamer expo was to go play Fallout New Vegas. I literally spent 130+ hours on Fallout 3, completing every DLC that Bethesda gratuitously pumped out, so to not call me a fan is like saying Pete Doherty is a sober, talented, upstanding member of society

In his defense, I have easily clocked about 200+ hours myself. As for everything else he said, it sounds like he's writing on a rush of Redbull and cocaine. I would not be surprised if just minutes prior to sitting at the keyboard he had done a line off Vault-boy's back and is now passed out in an alley some where.
Oh my god it suddenly dawned on me... When this game hits, we're going to be deluged by Per's review links again, aren't we? ;)
korindabar said:
In his defense, I have easily clocked about 200+ hours myself.

Oh, that's not the problem. It's that he says that he played FO3 for more than 130 hours and that he's a big fan and later says that "now you can use VATS with meelee weapons".
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
korindabar said:
In his defense, I have easily clocked about 200+ hours myself.

Oh, that's not the problem. It's that he says that he played FO3 for more than 130 hours and that he's a big fan and later says that "now you can use VATS with meelee weapons".

Haha, I think he meant that in New Vegas you can target specific body parts now... in Fallout 3 VATs was a general whole body targeting.

I hope we can aim for the junk, that will be a huge feature for me. Hours of entertainment right there.
We Do Network said:
Obsidian could have tinkered with this title and let the fans down

I love the (assumed) ignorance from some of these journalists concerning the originals. Do some of these people not even THINK about where the 3 came from? Ah, oh well. It just seems like a stupid thing to say when Bethesda did the exact same fucking thing this guy suggests Obsidian could have done. Not like Bethesda would've agreed if Obsidian wanted a radical gameplay change...
Anyway, what's with the "orange Fallout" comment? I guess that's in the relation to the TV commercial they have for the game or did I miss something?
I think the UI is orange by default but you can probably change the colour in the options menu (at least you could in Fallout 3).