Fallout: New Vegas soundtrack blog

Sam Ecorners

Vault Senior Citizen
Gamasutra has an interesting article about music in F:NV. It's a really interesting read, check it out <blockquote>The music from the previous games acts as an homage to the lineage of the series. For example, most of Mark Morgan's music can be heard in the Vaults scattered around the wasteland, and the Fallout 3 tracks are mostly used in areas where there are references to military technology and the Brotherhood of Steel.

However, the vast majority of the music in the game was composed for New Vegas and it takes the series in a new direction.</blockquote>
Damn, that sounds really sweet.
Too bad no one will notice, 'cause they're listening to the licensed tracks.
I can't recall strategic musical implementation ever being a factor in getting me psyched for an upcoming game, but damned if this didn't impress me.

Did anyone else notice that page 2 has a map of Goodsprings? The area looks bigger than Megaton, and hell, the town center alone is bigger than most entire settlements in Fallout 3. And it looks like it was designed with more plan and purpose rather than just being a pile of scrap metal. It's... it's... a town!
Interesting read. However, I still have my doubts (and the little sound tidbits we already heard didn't help with that) - I will judge it when I play the game then. The Red Dead Redemption-ish Western Violins sounded totally out of place though.
Extremely interesting read. My biggest fear personally is that the "liked" vs "hostile" pieces will feel too over-the-top or overbearing.

But I am personally a big fan of the string quartet inclusion and think it, while not in tune with the older Fallouts, bring a soundscape that could still be fitting with the setting. I hope Inon pushed the weird and eerie aspects more this time around.

But I must say I am very pleased that they seem to have been keen to push the design of the soundtrack, and not just go the "ok this is the exploration music, ok this is the battle music, ok this is the blablabla music". Hopefully it'll come out successful.

Naturally not a fan of the F3 music returning though as I found it pretty bland overall but hopefully it'll be pretty sparse.
That was a great read. One of the things that I highly appreciate and really stuck out for me was to include inspiration from There Will be Blood. I can't get that opening shot out of my head with that eerily interesting/depressing music. I think that would fit well in a Fallout setting.

Bringing back some of Mark Morgan's work is really, really cool. While I'm not too thrilled with Inon's work in Fallout 3, if they pulled off what they say they've pulled off in that article then I'm really interested to hear it.

I think their approach to music transitions is a pretty good idea, not to hard to implement and a natural progression. Playing appropriate music to sync with what is going on in screen is hard to pull off with games being so interactive. I think this is a step in the right direction.

If I play the game, the radio will be off.
That was a really great article. I love the idea of musical hints that flow into a full theme as you enter a new area.

Changing the music based on reputation is just another great reason for multiple playthroughs and will definitely help in keeping the music fresh.

I was ectastic to hear that Mark Morgan's music had found a place in the game, but it doesn't seem like 'Metallic Monk' managed to get in there for the BoS areas. I was also hoping that it would occasionally play if you had Veronica as a companion. Scott didn't mention if companions had any unique themes.

I turned off the music for most of F3 and just listened to the radio as I felt it was a more "authentic" way to play and was planning to do so in NV but now it looks like I'll have to keep it on.