

First time out of the vault
Yeah so I saw the ad for the new 'Girls of Gaming' over at GameSpy and this picture caught my eye:


Any Fallout fan would notice the Brotherhood of Steel tattoo on her arm, I'm assuming it's the lead female from the Fallout console game? Has anyone seen this picture online before? Because it's the first I've come across it...was it created especially for this magazine?!

San Andreas / Fallout POS / Tacky trucker airbrush hybrid!
*feels a sudden turbulence from his faith in humanity falling down*

Last time I felt this way when they raped Carl Orff's Carmina Burana for use in a TV commercial of a washing machine....
This can't be from Fallout: POS. The Brotherhood has a different logo in FoPOS, with dual pistols instead of a sword. My guess is it's fan art.
So the black box is an incentive to buy the mag?

I would have cried had I drunk today.

Ratty said:
This can't be from Fallout: POS. The Brotherhood has a different logo in FoPOS, with dual pistols instead of a sword. My guess is it's an insult to Fallouty fan art everywhere.

There, I corrected the typo for you.

Also, moving Fallout thread to Fallout General.

You wouldn't uhm... :roll:... happen to have the uhm... :lol:... uncensored version anywhere, now would you? :P
Hey, thanks for reminding me to read the last episodes!

But let's not drag this into OT further, 'k? ;)
Ok, I won't. It's just that every time people start talking about tentacles, I just have to throw in that wonderful spell. It's like an obsessive compulsive neurosis... hmm, maybe nice new addiction: you can't stop thinking about Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Intrusion. -3 to Perception.
Dude. You actually played the game enough to know that?

It's treason.

Like pouring apple juice into your glass at a party and pretending it's Żołądkowa Gorzka.

Instead of making fun of Ausir we should get him a proper deshittization treatment in Gniezno.

Poor soul. Have mercy on him.
Guys, get off Ausir, life's already kicked him in the cunt. Playing FOBOS, poor dude :D

Nah, I just figure he'd read that in the Vault. ...right?
Morpoggel said:
Ok, I won't. It's just that every time people start talking about tentacles, I just have to throw in that wonderful spell. It's like an obsessive compulsive neurosis... hmm, maybe nice new addiction: you can't stop thinking about Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Intrusion. -3 to Perception.

The link you posted is not working!!! errr... I mean put a link with the original version of this picture. I'm shocked that there is people here that are into tentacoo wape.
Perverts!!! :look:


Nice picture but the palm trees does not match the wasteland theme. But I can only give a good opinion based on the true picture.
Which is also 403 Forbidden, stick (pun not intended) to the original link, it works, unless good ol' Rich is having server trouble.
It works if you "save target as". It's not the original picture, it's a comic, which is hellu funny anyway, but it's not the original picture.