First time out of the vault
Hey all!
I've just started up a roleplaying site dedicated to Fallout. Using a complete rulebook (which can be downloaded from a link on my site) with rules very similar to the old games, the game is set in western America a few years before the events of Fallout 3. Players can make any character using the rulebook (a Human, Ghoul, Super-Mutant, Half-Mutant, Dog, Deathclaw, and Robot). Players can form bands and travel where they wish to in the world; quests are anchored to locations and, upon meeting the quest NPC or conditions, they can choose to undertake the quests for XP to build their characters up.
Put simply, I'm aiming to make it possible for characters to undertake quests, and explore, the majority of America. Right now the Forum Team is small, so there won't be as many quests or other players, but I'm hoping to build the site up to a much more impressive size; with more Team members, and more players, there will be a variety of quests and locations that players can explore.
Would anyone be interested in joining the site, either as a player of Forum Team member (essentially Gamemasters and Moderators)? Whether you'd like to be one or the other, please feel free to look over the site (which isn't 100% finished in it's construction, so forgive the unpolished look), and maybe even make a character.
The address is: . The address of the rulebook is listed in the WELCOME box; stats and information on your character are entered upon registration.
Game on.
PS. Wasn't sure if this was the right area of the forum to post this up; if not, then my apologises.
I've just started up a roleplaying site dedicated to Fallout. Using a complete rulebook (which can be downloaded from a link on my site) with rules very similar to the old games, the game is set in western America a few years before the events of Fallout 3. Players can make any character using the rulebook (a Human, Ghoul, Super-Mutant, Half-Mutant, Dog, Deathclaw, and Robot). Players can form bands and travel where they wish to in the world; quests are anchored to locations and, upon meeting the quest NPC or conditions, they can choose to undertake the quests for XP to build their characters up.
Put simply, I'm aiming to make it possible for characters to undertake quests, and explore, the majority of America. Right now the Forum Team is small, so there won't be as many quests or other players, but I'm hoping to build the site up to a much more impressive size; with more Team members, and more players, there will be a variety of quests and locations that players can explore.
Would anyone be interested in joining the site, either as a player of Forum Team member (essentially Gamemasters and Moderators)? Whether you'd like to be one or the other, please feel free to look over the site (which isn't 100% finished in it's construction, so forgive the unpolished look), and maybe even make a character.
The address is: . The address of the rulebook is listed in the WELCOME box; stats and information on your character are entered upon registration.
Game on.
PS. Wasn't sure if this was the right area of the forum to post this up; if not, then my apologises.