Fallout PnP Skill question

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First time out of the vault
OK, i know i'll get a "should have searched first" and believe me i just spent a good hour looking all over these forums and even google to answer a question that i am sure is simple beyond all comprehension.....but here it goes anyway

Character skills, what does the player roll when their skills are over 100 (I.E: a character has a barter skill of 120) i know that you roll 2 d10's for everything below having 100 in a skill, but once you hit 100+ what do you use? another d10? a coin?

thanks in advanced for any help you guys can give to this overseer (storyteller) virgin.

BTW i probably could have chosen an easier PnP rpg to use as my first time being a storyteller (overseer) but i just love the whole Fallout universal.
Hey artimismurdoc
don't know if you are still watching this thread.

If you have a player who got a skill + 100% lets say:
Barter: 110%
When a player have to make a Barter roll, he will only need to roll 2xd10 dices.
What you have to remember is the modifiers you can add to the rolls to make it hard to make a successful roll.

Lets say that the player have to get healed at the doctor for 200$ but the player will try and see if he can cut the prize.
Now the player's is a Raider and maybe has -100 karma, the doc will note that and will maybe not make a deal with the player right away.
So when the player make a barter roll you can say the player will get a -30% modifier to his roll for his first impression.

If you don't want to make up different -% modifiers every time a player are about to make a roll against barter/speech, and instead base it on the player's Primary Statistics.
I will suggestion you to read this post:
There are some forms to get some -% modifiers to the rolls.

I hope that you can understand what i'm saying and if you have other question, i'm gladly try and answer them.
I can't tell you how much this means to me really. I had almost lost faith. And its good to know there are still some people rocking the fallout pnp. One day hopefully there will be an official one and not some crappy knock off like exodus. Again thanks man. :)
Glad I could help.

Yeah I know what you mean.
But still when play those fan made Source Books it feels like, well I don't know, that "underground", "small community" which I think its kinda cool :)
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