Fallout: POS Trailer at IGN:


Antediluvian as Feck
This speaks for itself. It says a LOT.

Draw your own conclusions from it.

Spotted here, which has some screens from the trailer, in case you're too sickened already to download and view it. Yes, those are REALLY from the trailer! Unbelievable, isn't it?

Plus, a quote that points out one of the key problems of the design:

"Get this.. The awful voice acting starts with, I was born just after the bombs fell... which would make you over 80 years old since this game takes place after Fallout and that game takes place 80 years after the Great War. Way to research, TEAM CHUCK! Good job!" -Saint_Proverbius

In addition, it looks like Team Chuck has been doing more research for this game from Fallout Tactics, something to the effect that the BoS is the only "law" in the wasteland.

News Flash: That wasn't the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 1 or 2. That was the BoS in Fallout Tactics. More than a few hundred miles away and a completely separate group entirely. Further proof of Team Chuck's ineptitude can be heard in the generic rock track that accompanies this trailer, yet again reinforcing that they just played Fallout Tactics and decided to browse through the Fallout Bible (maybe a couple of pages, no more), and absolutely failed to notice the style of Fallout. That kind of rock is not 50's-era, kids.

Can you imagine something that is shaping up to be the Fallout Tactics of Fallout Tactics? Scary, isn't it, especially when there's no editor patch to save this title?

Here you have it.

(I still see that they are shamelessly using Fo1/Fo2 screens for their uber-budget title of Fallout Tactics, as reported in an earlier news bit.)
Fast And Loose

Fast And Loose handling of FOT timeline.
The only FO reference I saw was Pip Boy.
A post apocalyptic themed console game pulled by the BG:DA engine.

FO is only a "pretext". The console "jocks" are profiled to sweat in a trance of nonstop, auto aimed, blow back bolt, action and jacked porno hormones. "Jocks" are the target demographic.

Hyped up for the teen cream, this is some one elses wet dream of FOT.

If Charles Cuevas had J. Romano"s balls, the title would be:

"Chuck Cuevas's Brothel'hood* of Steel"

Like "Russ Myer's Supervixens"......

(*Thanks to Cerberus at DAC thread for this between the eyes insight
of FOBOS trailer content. Thanks to GAMESPY for featuring the book,
about the history of ID, and the impending DOOM 3, and resurrecting
J. Romano's legend, so we might put FOBOS as invisioned by it's trailer in zoological perspective.)


Team Chuck is really starting to make me sick, they aren't doing any research about Fallout. They continuely act like they are listening to the fans input, and yet they release shit like this.
Well, the thing is that the robot (called the Enforcer) was made during the First Alien War because this scientist was making all the items to hold back the Alien menace. And when the soldiers took out the base on Cydonia? Well, that's not what stopped the invasion, it really this secret robot that can autorepair itself and can singlehandly destroy thousands, if not millions, of aliens. Who needs to think and sneak around in the dark when you can run around blasting?


Whoops, that was the wrong spin-off.

I got confused again.

Oh, and I'd like to point out that even X-Com Enforcer tried to please the fans. The story in and of itself wasn't what made it bad. It was a ridiculous action game and while it was fun in a mindnumbing way, it wasn't what we wanted. But, even the X-Com Enforcer game had links to X-Com fan sites and tried to stay as true to the series as it could for what it was. This FO:POS game can't even do you that courtesy.

-pete nolen
x-com @ llamalicious
Cutedge said:
Oh, and I'd like to point out that even X-Com Enforcer tried to please the fans. The story in and of itself wasn't what made it bad. It was a ridiculous action game and while it was fun in a mindnumbing way, it wasn't what we wanted. But, even the X-Com Enforcer game had links to X-Com fan sites and tried to stay as true to the series as it could for what it was. This FO:POS game can't even do you that courtesy.

No, Interplay's been fairly anti-Fan base on this since the beginning. Even in Chuck's words in the interview on HomeLAN Fed, he's said this game isn't really for Fallout fans, they're looking for a new crowd.

Considering how many Fallout fans have been banned on the Interplay forum for even the most minute infractions, followed by the even more silly reasons when the first reasons don't fit.. Well.. Looks like even the general gaming public isn't putting up with this game now so they've had to kill their Fallout Enforcer forum.

It's just fairly ludicrious when IPLY people say they've been listenning to the fan base about this, since they've done everything in their power to stiffle and punish the fan base of Fallout, which really only strengthens our resolve.
I find incredible how they've made this game so far, it's probably the lamest game I've ever seen (except Run Like Hell). And the promo video only shows how much it skullfucks the Fallout name, I mean come on..Babes with nipples out, thongs, story, graphics.. How can they expect to sell this title..

It's Whores in the Wasteland.... and they're definitly whoring the Fallout brand..
why the fuck everyone keep putting womens with big breast into fallout? I saw her in trailer, her boobs sucking up dirt of wastes

where are all those plastic surgeons, I can't see anyone

is it only me, or someone else has an oppinion on this?
I belive the whole idea of the HOT CHICKS (no not Chucks.... :lol: ) is to attact the 12-17 year old guys who fiddle around with PS2 and Xbox, strange thing is tho...we also play on these machines, and those kind of game doesn't attact me.. silly me...

Q: And (I'm sure there will be plenty of Q's on this one) is SPECIAL implemented in any way? (Not that I can see much use for Charisma in an action game).
A: Yes, we are using a modified version of the character development in Fallout. Stat modifiers (strength, agility, etc.) are fixed to the different characters, but the player can modify skill levels as he/she goes up in experience. Lots of familiar skills to the Fallout player - First Aid, Bartering, Melee Weapon Skill, etc. Not all skills from Fallout are included (Speech, Repair, etc.), but additional skills have been added to give the player more abilities to develop. Ex. You can develop a special skill for use with energy weapons, letting you fire a charged shot - charged shots take more time to build up, but do more damage when they hit.

Q: just because it has been beat to death, is the thong gone for good?
A: Not to my knowledge. Here's the story ... The now-notorious character with the thong was based on photos of Betty Page, a 50's pinup girl who was notorious due to photo shoots of her that featured black leather, bondage, and (believe it or not) skimpy clothing. We thought that a sadistic female character might pattern herself after Betty Page at her seediest. So the character's attire was based upon some research into 50's pop culture.

and here's the best one

Q: how much of the fallout bibles have your team used while crafting the story line of the game?
A: We've read the Fallout bible and updates, worked with people in BIS on the concept, and determined that we'd stay within the guidelines of the Fallout universe but at the same time presume that this is a different type of game for a different audience. Fallout: BOS has its own setting, characters, and events that fit within the larger Fallout world. Nothing in this game contradicts the events that occur in Fallout or Fallout 2.
Cutedge said:

Q: And (I'm sure there will be plenty of Q's on this one) is SPECIAL implemented in any way? (Not that I can see much use for Charisma in an action game).
A: Yes, we are using a modified version of the character development in Fallout. Stat modifiers (strength, agility, etc.) are fixed to the different characters, but the player can modify skill levels as he/she goes up in experience. Lots of familiar skills to the Fallout player - First Aid, Bartering, Melee Weapon Skill, etc. Not all skills from Fallout are included (Speech, Repair, etc.), but additional skills have been added to give the player more abilities to develop. Ex. You can develop a special skill for use with energy weapons, letting you fire a charged shot - charged shots take more time to build up, but do more damage when they hit.

Of course, the GameSpy preview of this title clearly says this isn't the case. They're using a stripped system like Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.

Q: just because it has been beat to death, is the thong gone for good?
A: Not to my knowledge. Here's the story ... The now-notorious character with the thong was based on photos of Betty Page, a 50's pinup girl who was notorious due to photo shoots of her that featured black leather, bondage, and (believe it or not) skimpy clothing. We thought that a sadistic female character might pattern herself after Betty Page at her seediest. So the character's attire was based upon some research into 50's pop culture.


Q: how much of the fallout bibles have your team used while crafting the story line of the game?
A: We've read the Fallout bible and updates, worked with people in BIS on the concept, and determined that we'd stay within the guidelines of the Fallout universe but at the same time presume that this is a different type of game for a different audience. Fallout: BOS has its own setting, characters, and events that fit within the larger Fallout world. Nothing in this game contradicts the events that occur in Fallout or Fallout 2.

Maybe they'll rename it CHRIS AVELLONE'S FALLOUT ENFORCER in the hopes that it'll give it more credibility.

Of course, there's a number of fuck ups in the Fallout Bible, so..
Let's face it FALLOUT IS DEAD, we can't stop the production of that shit (Fallout: POS) .

Fallout 1 & 2 will always be in my best memory.

What if we do Fallout 3 alone cause IPLY has showed us that they won't do it, or they will fuck it up more than it already is!
