Fallout.ru English version :)

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Someone told me that there is a NMA guy that is working on an English version of Fallout.ru.

Could you tell me when it's going to be finished??

>Someone told me that there is
>a NMA guy that is
>working on an English version
>of Fallout.ru.
>Could you tell me when it's
>going to be finished??

I'm not sure. But I read between the lines that Smackrazor's knowledge of the russian language wasn't good enough to make a translation. Or am I wrong Smack?
>>Someone told me that there is
>>a NMA guy that is
>>working on an English version
>>of Fallout.ru.
>I'm not sure. But I read
>between the lines that Smackrazor's
>knowledge of the russian language
>wasn't good enough to make
>a translation. Or am I
>wrong Smack?

Um, I'm just translating the format's of certain files. So far I just have *.RIX files. And then I kinda gave up.

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[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
Well, since I'm russian...

I guess I'm the prime suspect (ChosenOne gave me the link, and I gave it to Miroslav, and then he put some of the images into his gallery - it was, like, three months ago). However, Fallout.ru has no news about English version, so I doubt that someone will make 'Unofficial Fallout.ru site' without talking it over with Swan. Personally, I'd call it stupid - Fallout.ru is known for its artwork and gallery, as well as for russian fallout-related fan fic (well, that last part is not that known, i guess). You don't want to read all these fan fics in english, do ya? Ya want files? OK, just tell me what you want and I'll post a list of features Fallout.ru has.

Homepage http://members.xoom.com/russiandude/APTYP.html
RE: Well, since I'm russian...

>I guess I'm the prime suspect
>(ChosenOne gave me the link,
>and I gave it to
>Miroslav, and then he put
>some of the images into
>his gallery - it was,
>like, three months ago). However,
>Fallout.ru has no news about
>English version, so I doubt
>that someone will make 'Unofficial
>Fallout.ru site' without talking it
>over with Swan.

I suggested the translation idea to Serge, who talked to Swan and said it was okay.

Personally, I'd
>call it stupid - Fallout.ru
>is known for its artwork
>and gallery, as well as
>for russian fallout-related fan fic
>(well, that last part is
>not that known, i guess).
>You don't want to read
>all these fan fics in
>english, do ya? Ya want
>files? OK, just tell me
>what you want and I'll
>post a list of features
>Fallout.ru has.

Um, maybe if you could translate most of the modding info, then I'm sure that would be handy. (I was using a translating program, which only translated about 5 sentences at a time :-(. Anyway, you would be greatly appreciated if you translated everything (The only benefits I got were to put my name in the credits and show it on my site.)

>Homepage http://members.xoom.com/russiandude/APTYP.html

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[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
RE: Well, since I'm russian...

I want it transalted because it has information about the Fallout Russian Mod Team (don't know the exactly name)...

They're lot of guys that knows a lot of Fallout, and since my group isn't moving *a lot*, it would be cool if we can exchange some info on the matter. :)
Before you all get confused... :-)

1) I'm the coordinator of the Russian Fallout MOD Team - http://fallout.ru/undat/ - (dubbed, by popular demand, TeamX - not the greatest name, if you ask me, but vox populi, you know...). The short-term goal for TeamX is to create an add-on to Fallout 2 which would add one smaller town (with multiple locations within that town, like, for example, in Modoc) that would fit seamlessly into the original Fallout 2 storyline. No new NPCs (it's supposed to be a ghost town), only one or two new weapons, and a helluva lot of Fallout atmosphere.

2) The appropriate structure for TeamX is already in place: we have groups (coders/researchers, storyline writers, graphicians, etc.) and subgroups (item creators, map makers, etc.) Some of the groups are staffed 100% (like storyline - well, you could guess :) and some still need more help or even exist only as a concept.

3) I'm looking into the possibility of TeamX going global instead of being just Russian, but that requires a lot of work (especially translation) so if I decide for it, do not expect the English version of TeamX site to pop up overnight. :)

4) To make things worse, there's a complete redesign of fallout.ru in progress (great minds think alike, don't we, Miroslav? ;) which also takes time.

5) As for the English translation off fallout.ru, you've probably got something wrong. There was a desperate attempt by Smackrazor (man, are those signatures annoying! I say dump the pictures :) to translate some documentation on Fallout file formats from Russian into English, but it failed. Other than that, there were no attempts in translating anything. Now the good news: if I get enough skilled volunteers, we'll translate everything we need (check out my site at http://www.translint.com if you doubt that I can :)

6) Well, I guess that's it. If you think I missed something - just ask.

7) If you have a problem with long posts - that's your own problem. ;-)

>Hey, email me quickly. I have
>some big plans about this
>web site. maybe we could
>join forces if you're going
>english (I meant about translation).
>Miroslav, miroslav@gamestats.com
>No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

You always get the good material! I'm making a mod site with the translatinos from fallout.ru (with permission from Serge of course), but now it seems the NMA gets to do it suddenly.

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[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]