Before you all get confused...
1) I'm the coordinator of the Russian Fallout MOD Team - - (dubbed, by popular demand, TeamX - not the greatest name, if you ask me, but vox populi, you know...). The short-term goal for TeamX is to create an add-on to Fallout 2 which would add one smaller town (with multiple locations within that town, like, for example, in Modoc) that would fit seamlessly into the original Fallout 2 storyline. No new NPCs (it's supposed to be a ghost town), only one or two new weapons, and a helluva lot of Fallout atmosphere.
2) The appropriate structure for TeamX is already in place: we have groups (coders/researchers, storyline writers, graphicians, etc.) and subgroups (item creators, map makers, etc.) Some of the groups are staffed 100% (like storyline - well, you could guess

and some still need more help or even exist only as a concept.
3) I'm looking into the possibility of TeamX going global instead of being just Russian, but that requires a lot of work (especially translation) so if I decide for it, do not expect the English version of TeamX site to pop up overnight.
4) To make things worse, there's a complete redesign of in progress (great minds think alike, don't we, Miroslav?

which also takes time.
5) As for the English translation off, you've probably got something wrong. There was a desperate attempt by Smackrazor (man, are those signatures annoying! I say dump the pictures

to translate some documentation on Fallout file formats from Russian into English, but it failed. Other than that, there were no attempts in translating anything. Now the good news: if I get enough skilled volunteers, we'll translate everything we need (check out my site at if you doubt that I can
6) Well, I guess that's it. If you think I missed something - just ask.
7) If you have a problem with long posts - that's your own problem.