i downloaded the newest version,and sometimes when i select show message entries in a script it errors with "unable to create xx.msg file" is this a program bug or am i not doing/doing something wrong?
Is it the English version, and if yes, have you a data/text/english/dialog directory in your fallout?
Because FSE was writen for US/UK version only and save data in text/english/etc...
You can compile?
If not check your directory in option button.
There are more problems with using FSE on Vista. For example, when you compile a script, under XP, FSE shows the bugs you've introduced into the code. Under Vista it is no longer the case. The script just "doesn't compile".
i discovered my registry was corrupt for fse entries,uninstalling and reinstalling got rid of the OP bug,however msg file entries only display float messages,anyone else have that problem?
when I have scripted under vista I made a shortcut on the desk , right click, property, and in the compatibility link, i chose windows 98 I believe.
Not sure, it makes a long time.
Try this?
HAve you trried to create an empty file XXX.msg in the english/text/dialog directory calling as your XXX.int before ?
If it's only a problem of creation of text, I think you can create your file text beside and register it manually?
i tried with the msg file in english/text/dialog and without it in that dirrectory,this bug doesnt always happen,but even when it doesnt happen the entries are only added for floats,not for dialog nodes