Fallout Shelter update


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I know you guys don't remember me (which is good because you hated me) but since fallout 4 is dead with no hope of resuscitation, I have been looking into the new update of Fallout shelter, with quests and exploration. I wanted to know yalls opinion.
Yeah, it's ai'ght. Because of it's smaller scope it's better put together than Fallout 4 mechanically, It's challenging, It's one of the few mobile games where the microtransaction skinner boxes truly are optional, and best of all it's not pretending to be something it isn't. It has no quests to speak of so it doesn't trigger my Fallout lore specific tourette spasms like Kid-in-the-Fridge does.

I just hope it fugg'in comes free with my $70 season pass purchase. Shower me with all the value I saved with it like you promised Bethesda, my body is ready!
I bet they only made this update because they opened that Canadian studio that contained a team of mobile games devs and had to find something for them to do. That plus the fact that probably no one was buying lunchboxes from Fallout Shelter anymore and Bethesda misses the millions of dollars they made with Fallout Shelter in the few months after it was released. :aiee:
Eh, I can't imagine Fallout Shelter has whales that purchase 1000's of lunch boxes a go really. What's the point? It's a single player game. There is no peer pressure element like Clash of Clans, where not only is it a constant game of keeping up with the neighbors, but the neighbors also have been armed with bats for smashing your house up with at any sign of weakness.

I actually really respect the devs decision to not do that. Instead it's 'Eh, you can play the long game, or you can pay a couple pennies, get some cool gear and play a shorter game. It really is your choice.'

If you're spamming the $99 Lunch Box option ten times in a row for a single player game with no multiplayer component, so you don't even earn a false sense of superiority as you waste poor pleb casuls, then you're demonstrating some sub-human rat level reasoning skills and deserve to get preyed upon at that point, honestly.
It's a sad day when the free shitty mobile game that you used to promote your game is better than the actual game you promoted it with.
Eh, I can't imagine Fallout Shelter has whales that purchase 1000's of lunch boxes a go really. What's the point? It's a single player game. There is no peer pressure element like Clash of Clans, where not only is it a constant game of keeping up with the neighbors, but the neighbors also have been armed with bats for smashing your house up with at any sign of weakness.

I actually really respect the devs decision to not do that. Instead it's 'Eh, you can play the long game, or you can pay a couple pennies, get some cool gear and play a shorter game. It really is your choice.'

If you're spamming the $99 Lunch Box option ten times in a row for a single player game with no multiplayer component, so you don't even earn a false sense of superiority as you waste poor pleb casuls, then you're demonstrating some sub-human rat level reasoning skills and deserve to get preyed upon at that point, honestly.
Especially when you consider that a simple Google search will turn up lots of links to save editors that let you add as many lunchboxes and other items as you could possibly want for no charge.