First time out of the vault

Hey, guys! I just finished my playthrough, so this will be my last report for some time. I plan on another go in a few weeks though, hopefully with lots of fixes by then.
Great job on the ending cutscences, but unfortunately the Ron Perlman voice over got cut off by 1-2 seconds with my version. In CE it's working fine. Also I had way to much random encounters on the world map (like 2-3 per tile), which doesn't happen with CE since it seems to speed up traveling. I'm not sure what is the intended behavior.
Another thing I wanted to mention: It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise that the Highwaymen and the Blue Shields are the same guys. Maybe I'm stupid, but I think this could be cleared up a little. I thougth the Highwaymen are an individual faction, but it's used as an alternative term to raiders.
01+02) Platform is another one of these areas, which need a major overhaul. I wouldn't know where to start since every conversation needs some tuning, so here are a few examples. Could be more subtle in generel, but what really stands out, is stuff like 'One the way? Strange affair' ('Passing though? Well, thats odd/unusual') or calling the BOS an 'he'.
03) This is a sick person
04) Another example for this area. I think some smaller adjustments like 'takes a large sip straight form the bottle' are obvious, but I would also change some of the content. Like calling the sea by name, in a world where most names of the old world are replaced with new terms or her saying 'everyone becomes family' when speaking about her dad, which had me thinking, if he's maybe not her real dad and she opens up about it after you finished the quest. But that didn't happen, so it's just a little odd.
05) Anti-Spyware security has to be a mistake. Also it could sound a little more coporate (e.g. 'dismissed' instead of 'fired').
06) This one gave me a headache. It looks like brahmin poo in shape of a hat. But it's actually relevant for a quest and you have to dig it with your shovel. Think the description should give at least some kind of hint, since I never use my shovel indoors.
07) 'Miser' gets used quite often throughout the game. I think 'cheapskate' would be better and maybe something like 'cheap bastard' if it's goes with the flow.
08) I love his initial reaction here, since the more you work for them the more you realise that they're just another brand of thugs. So I'd change it to 'Bitch, he made a lot of noise. Good to hear his big mouth will never make a tone again'. Also the term used for the Los Panchos headmen changes quite a lot, I think 'bosses' would be more appropriate most of the time.
09) PC: 'It's like you're hiding something' - 'You should've told me the truth about the gang from the beginning'.
10) 'Are you out of your mind? Go into the desert and bury this... "tin can" somewhere deep.'
11) He calls my guy his granddaughter and there is a small typo (first PC line). Some pointers: 'haven't seen a living human being' - 'decades of solitude' - 'Don't be surprised, great-great-grandson. There used to be lots of robots like me all over the continent.' - 'This is amazing!' - 'I can answer them and in turn you can answer mine.'
12) This guy is missing his name. It's Fernado.
13) This is a little bit confusing. Seems like all the mutants call our companion Kucha instead of Pile, but when you ask him about his name, he never mentions it. Not sure what to make of it, but it could be added to his dialogue. Also Nightkin are often call themselves shadows, so maybe they use different words among themselves?
14) Pile is called Heap here. I think this happend at least twice, if I remember correctly.
16) Another error, this time it's John D. Butler.
17) Electromagnetic Pulse Angel? Also Dayglow is called Shining Day here. I remember a few mentions of Daylight in the base game, which is propably another mix up. I thought it was a reference to Fallout Shelter, which apparently features a city called Daylight, so I didn't report it. But thinking about it, an incorrect translation seems more likely.
Since this expression is used quite often, I'd change 'token of gratitude' to 'take some RadAway as thanks' or just cut it altogether.
18) Missing line.
19) 'Mister Helpers' should be 'Mr. Handies'.
20) This quest is bugged. I couldn't interact with the substation in Balboa Park and had to use F2Explorer to set GVAR_DAYGLOW_MONORAIL_ENERGY to 1.
21) 'monstrous radiation' > 'severe/heavy radiation' or 'It is probably heavily contaminated with radiation.'
22) Missing location name.
23) 'Daylight' instead of 'Dayglow'. Also I would love a cutscene here with the stranger turning around and zig-zagging out of the frame. Maybe in version 1.15...
24) Maybe 'Be a good doggy. And don't wet your pants, old geezer' would be a little better here.
03) This is a sick person
04) Another example for this area. I think some smaller adjustments like 'takes a large sip straight form the bottle' are obvious, but I would also change some of the content. Like calling the sea by name, in a world where most names of the old world are replaced with new terms or her saying 'everyone becomes family' when speaking about her dad, which had me thinking, if he's maybe not her real dad and she opens up about it after you finished the quest. But that didn't happen, so it's just a little odd.
05) Anti-Spyware security has to be a mistake. Also it could sound a little more coporate (e.g. 'dismissed' instead of 'fired').
06) This one gave me a headache. It looks like brahmin poo in shape of a hat. But it's actually relevant for a quest and you have to dig it with your shovel. Think the description should give at least some kind of hint, since I never use my shovel indoors.
07) 'Miser' gets used quite often throughout the game. I think 'cheapskate' would be better and maybe something like 'cheap bastard' if it's goes with the flow.
08) I love his initial reaction here, since the more you work for them the more you realise that they're just another brand of thugs. So I'd change it to 'Bitch, he made a lot of noise. Good to hear his big mouth will never make a tone again'. Also the term used for the Los Panchos headmen changes quite a lot, I think 'bosses' would be more appropriate most of the time.
09) PC: 'It's like you're hiding something' - 'You should've told me the truth about the gang from the beginning'.
10) 'Are you out of your mind? Go into the desert and bury this... "tin can" somewhere deep.'
11) He calls my guy his granddaughter and there is a small typo (first PC line). Some pointers: 'haven't seen a living human being' - 'decades of solitude' - 'Don't be surprised, great-great-grandson. There used to be lots of robots like me all over the continent.' - 'This is amazing!' - 'I can answer them and in turn you can answer mine.'
12) This guy is missing his name. It's Fernado.
13) This is a little bit confusing. Seems like all the mutants call our companion Kucha instead of Pile, but when you ask him about his name, he never mentions it. Not sure what to make of it, but it could be added to his dialogue. Also Nightkin are often call themselves shadows, so maybe they use different words among themselves?
14) Pile is called Heap here. I think this happend at least twice, if I remember correctly.
16) Another error, this time it's John D. Butler.
17) Electromagnetic Pulse Angel? Also Dayglow is called Shining Day here. I remember a few mentions of Daylight in the base game, which is propably another mix up. I thought it was a reference to Fallout Shelter, which apparently features a city called Daylight, so I didn't report it. But thinking about it, an incorrect translation seems more likely.
Since this expression is used quite often, I'd change 'token of gratitude' to 'take some RadAway as thanks' or just cut it altogether.
18) Missing line.
19) 'Mister Helpers' should be 'Mr. Handies'.
20) This quest is bugged. I couldn't interact with the substation in Balboa Park and had to use F2Explorer to set GVAR_DAYGLOW_MONORAIL_ENERGY to 1.
21) 'monstrous radiation' > 'severe/heavy radiation' or 'It is probably heavily contaminated with radiation.'
22) Missing location name.
23) 'Daylight' instead of 'Dayglow'. Also I would love a cutscene here with the stranger turning around and zig-zagging out of the frame. Maybe in version 1.15...

24) Maybe 'Be a good doggy. And don't wet your pants, old geezer' would be a little better here.
Great job on the ending cutscences, but unfortunately the Ron Perlman voice over got cut off by 1-2 seconds with my version. In CE it's working fine. Also I had way to much random encounters on the world map (like 2-3 per tile), which doesn't happen with CE since it seems to speed up traveling. I'm not sure what is the intended behavior.
Another thing I wanted to mention: It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise that the Highwaymen and the Blue Shields are the same guys. Maybe I'm stupid, but I think this could be cleared up a little. I thougth the Highwaymen are an individual faction, but it's used as an alternative term to raiders.
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