Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Hey, guys! I just finished my playthrough, so this will be my last report for some time. I plan on another go in a few weeks though, hopefully with lots of fixes by then.

01+02) Platform is another one of these areas, which need a major overhaul. I wouldn't know where to start since every conversation needs some tuning, so here are a few examples. Could be more subtle in generel, but what really stands out, is stuff like 'One the way? Strange affair' ('Passing though? Well, thats odd/unusual') or calling the BOS an 'he'.

03) This is a sick person

04) Another example for this area. I think some smaller adjustments like 'takes a large sip straight form the bottle' are obvious, but I would also change some of the content. Like calling the sea by name, in a world where most names of the old world are replaced with new terms or her saying 'everyone becomes family' when speaking about her dad, which had me thinking, if he's maybe not her real dad and she opens up about it after you finished the quest. But that didn't happen, so it's just a little odd.

05) Anti-Spyware security has to be a mistake. Also it could sound a little more coporate (e.g. 'dismissed' instead of 'fired').

06) This one gave me a headache. It looks like brahmin poo in shape of a hat. But it's actually relevant for a quest and you have to dig it with your shovel. Think the description should give at least some kind of hint, since I never use my shovel indoors.

07) 'Miser' gets used quite often throughout the game. I think 'cheapskate' would be better and maybe something like 'cheap bastard' if it's goes with the flow.

08) I love his initial reaction here, since the more you work for them the more you realise that they're just another brand of thugs. So I'd change it to 'Bitch, he made a lot of noise. Good to hear his big mouth will never make a tone again'. Also the term used for the Los Panchos headmen changes quite a lot, I think 'bosses' would be more appropriate most of the time.

09) PC: 'It's like you're hiding something' - 'You should've told me the truth about the gang from the beginning'.

10) 'Are you out of your mind? Go into the desert and bury this... "tin can" somewhere deep.'

11) He calls my guy his granddaughter and there is a small typo (first PC line). Some pointers: 'haven't seen a living human being' - 'decades of solitude' - 'Don't be surprised, great-great-grandson. There used to be lots of robots like me all over the continent.' - 'This is amazing!' - 'I can answer them and in turn you can answer mine.'

12) This guy is missing his name. It's Fernado.

13) This is a little bit confusing. Seems like all the mutants call our companion Kucha instead of Pile, but when you ask him about his name, he never mentions it. Not sure what to make of it, but it could be added to his dialogue. Also Nightkin are often call themselves shadows, so maybe they use different words among themselves?

14) Pile is called Heap here. I think this happend at least twice, if I remember correctly.

16) Another error, this time it's John D. Butler.

17) Electromagnetic Pulse Angel? Also Dayglow is called Shining Day here. I remember a few mentions of Daylight in the base game, which is propably another mix up. I thought it was a reference to Fallout Shelter, which apparently features a city called Daylight, so I didn't report it. But thinking about it, an incorrect translation seems more likely.

Since this expression is used quite often, I'd change 'token of gratitude' to 'take some RadAway as thanks' or just cut it altogether.

18) Missing line.

19) 'Mister Helpers' should be 'Mr. Handies'.

20) This quest is bugged. I couldn't interact with the substation in Balboa Park and had to use F2Explorer to set GVAR_DAYGLOW_MONORAIL_ENERGY to 1.

21) 'monstrous radiation' > 'severe/heavy radiation' or 'It is probably heavily contaminated with radiation.'

22) Missing location name.

23) 'Daylight' instead of 'Dayglow'. Also I would love a cutscene here with the stranger turning around and zig-zagging out of the frame. Maybe in version 1.15...;)

24) Maybe 'Be a good doggy. And don't wet your pants, old geezer' would be a little better here.

Great job on the ending cutscences, but unfortunately the Ron Perlman voice over got cut off by 1-2 seconds with my version. In CE it's working fine. Also I had way to much random encounters on the world map (like 2-3 per tile), which doesn't happen with CE since it seems to speed up traveling. I'm not sure what is the intended behavior.

Another thing I wanted to mention: It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise that the Highwaymen and the Blue Shields are the same guys. Maybe I'm stupid, but I think this could be cleared up a little. I thougth the Highwaymen are an individual faction, but it's used as an alternative term to raiders.
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Congrats on finishing. That's good and bad about the ending slides. If it works in CE, then all is well. I guess the other version is the 'extended' one? We'll have to blame sfall for the moment for cutting off the voice-over. I may have to underline the fact that this is meant for CE, and not extended/alternate versions. Still, people can use it as they wish. Foxx has included it in his installer now, so I am likely to receive bug reports from people using that version.

The Highwaymen and the Blue Shields are and are not the same guys. The Blue Shields are a clan of highwaymen. The issue may be two fold: one, from fallout 2 Highwaymen is a standard term used for raiders types. It is used extensively. Two: the original Russian is pretty clear about when it is using Blue Shields and when it is using 'highwaymen'...though in several cases, especially around Count Bustos and town, the term is used to refer to Blue Shields...either because they don't care to use their 'gang names' or something else. To clear this up a bit I would have to tweak the original and add my own lines to make the differences/relations clearer. If you were really confused by this, I may have to give it a try.

Random encounters seem very normal for me, and I just played both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 right through. I guess maybe sFall/alternate versions again?

In any case I am going to go through all your input in the spoiler report above and get all your input in.
Great job on the ending cutscences, but unfortunately the Ron Perlman voice over got cut off by 1-2 seconds with my version. In CE it's working fine
In ddraw.ini, you need to set the SpeedMultiInitial=100
Also I had way to much random encounters on the world map (like 2-3 per tile), which doesn't happen with CE since it seems to speed up traveling. I'm not sure what is the intended behavior.
In Fallout2-CE, WorldMapFPSPatch is disabled by default. Therefore, you move quickly around the map and chance encounters are rare. This is a mistake.
Okay @Fallout_Boy , I went through your whole spoiler report. I have fixed or included all your suggestions, except those I will note below:

Platform may need some more work, and I am still picking away at it. I fixed the issue you raised, except for Thelma, as 'taking a deep swig' is better than a 'large sip', considering her depressed state. Also, her story had a change in the latest update, where her uncle became her dad, hence some of the things that threw you off about her dialogue.

The sick person issue led me to a couple of other places where a neutral description needed to be taken, as both males and females were victims.

I changed 'dirty trick' to Brahmin Patty, though it is hard to be sure what that stuff represents in the rest of the game. In Fallout 1 I think those graphics were 'biological goo' found mostly in the Master's vault. So far I have only seen them in Brahmin's pens etc. in Sonora. We'll see I guess.

Kucha and PIle are now called 'Gomer'. I was going to go with Brutus, considering the original Russian meaning, but, in code he is called Gomer. So the naming is now consistent.

Angel of Electromagnetic Pulse stays for now. It is a very specific expression from the Russian, translated literally. The term Electromagnetic Pulse shows up in multiple areas in the game. I just improved the wording around it a little.

Daylight was also made consist with Dayglow in the last update. I too thought it was referencing another place for awhile, but I am pretty sure they are one and the same now.

I will have to fix the monorail bug in code. If you could send me a save around that area, that would help greatly, as I am not even close to Dayglow yet.

I fixed the location name for the U.S. base, though this bug may be in the Russian too.

Okay, that covers all the special points. Everything else is fixed or in. Your bug report was fantastic, and really helped to improve a lot. Couldn't do it without it.

Thanks again so much! Looking forward to hearing from your next play-through, though of course, hoping by then there will be less or less substantial reports. I hope your first play-through wasn't marred by the issues that were still remaining in my translation.

@Foxx , having just played Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, my impression is that Fallout CE Sonora has a nearly identical encounter rate. I also played Fallout 1, in a windows emulation using the original DOS version about 1 year ago. Same encounter rate. 2-3 encounters per tile, as Fallout_Boy describes, is way too many. Something sounds off here.
13) Seems like my spanish perk stopped working here. It's Lucia in Santa Ana.
I fixed this issue in code. The perk is working, but a path that led to a dead end (because of no Spanish perk) was left 'open' for the player who DOES have the Spanish perk. In your case you followed the dead end which was meant for a PC who can't speak Spanish.
In FSonora.exe (FSonoraDLC.exe ) fixed the speed of movement on the world map. This is a known Fallout 2 issue on modern hardware. Random encounters depend on the speed of movement on the world map.
The Highwaymen and the Blue Shields are and are not the same guys.
As I said, this might be on me or the order in which I encountered things. But Casa Grande could be the culprit. I got a quest there to destroy the fuel depot of the Highwaymen, then go to an area called 'Raiders' and talk to a guy, asking why they're called Blue Shields. Also I totally forgot about the Highwaymen in Fallout 2, only the Highwayman came to mind.

I guess the other version is the 'extended' one?
Yes, but with a 1.14 Master.dat and some files form RadMuravTeam's translation for sFall.

In ddraw.ini, you need to set the SpeedMultiInitial=100
Thanks, Foxx. This has solved the problem.

Therefore, you move quickly around the map and chance encounters are rare. This is a mistake.
This was my impression, too. I thought they deliberately increased the chance of random encounters. I think they already did that in Nevada for some areas and I remember savescumming through the beginning of Olympus to leave the starting area. So it's not unusual for these total conversions and therefore it didn't strike me as a bug.
I fixed the issue you raised, except for Thelma, as 'taking a deep swig' is better than a 'large sip', considering her depressed state
Fair enough. I think 'deep swig', 'deep sip' or 'big gulp' all have the same meaning, with 'swig' being a little bit more old fashioned. But I could be wrong about that, I just never heard this expression before.

I changed 'dirty trick' to Brahmin Patty, though it is hard to be sure what that stuff represents in the rest of the game.
I think there's not even a Brahmin in the area, but there's a piece of paper underneath it. It should be unreadable if this really was poo or goo. I think it's just a 'dirty spot', but this feels like Sierra adventure game logic and I think most people would miss this without looking it up in a guide.

I will have to fix the monorail bug in code. If you could send me a save around that area, that would help greatly, as I am not even close to Dayglow yet.
I have a save right after I changed the variable, but before setting up the substation. Is that enough or do you need a save before taking the quest?
Link: https://we.tl/t-yKPv9SNBFk

Kucha and PIle are now called 'Gomer'
That's a good choice, wasn't sure if this character was a reference to Full Metal Jacket, but the code gives it away.

Thanks again so much! Looking forward to hearing from your next play-through, though of course, hoping by then there will be less or less substantial reports. I hope your first play-through wasn't marred by the issues that were still remaining in my translation.
Thanks again for doing this. I had a great time and there were just minor issues, which didn't spoil the experience. I abandoned the game rather quickly when using the translation made by RadMurav Team, but your effort is already at least on par with Nevada's translation, which is still a little bit rough around the edges.

I fixed this issue in code. The perk is working, but a path that led to a dead end (because of no Spanish perk) was left 'open' for the player who DOES have the Spanish perk. In your case you followed the dead end which was meant for a PC who can't speak Spanish.
So I just picked the wrong dialogue option? I'll remember to double check in my next playthrough.
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20) This quest is bugged. I couldn't interact with the substation in Balboa Park and had to use F2Explorer to set GVAR_DAYGLOW_MONORAIL_ENERGY to 1.
I will check out that save game. A game prior to your fix would be good too. Otherwise I will need to change that variable back to test it.

It looks, from the code, like the quest is not 'started' from the monorail supervisor, but rather from, maybe an inspection of the monorail tracks/station itself.

I can add a fix that will activate the quest from the dialogue with the supervisor. I think that will fix it, or at least allow for the path that you took. I assume you went straight from the supervisor to trying to restore the power, rather than inspecting the tracks?
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So I just picked the wrong dialogue option? I'll remember to double check in my next playthrough.

Well, it is a bit of a bug too. You shouldn't have the option.
Thanks again for doing this. I had a great time and there were just minor issues, which didn't spoil the experience. I abandoned the game rather quickly when using the translation made by RadMurav Team, but your effort is already at least on par with Nevada's translation, which is still a little bit rough around the edges.
Awesome! Of course all thanks must go to Nevada Band, but it is good to know English speaking fans will be able to enjoy it too.
That's a good choice, wasn't sure if this character was a reference to Full Metal Jacket, but the code gives it away.
Might have to change reavers back to rippers, as I found one reference to 'ripper' ghouls in the code...still...reavers could stand.
I think there's not even a Brahmin in the area, but there's a piece of paper underneath it. It should be unreadable if this really was poo or goo. I think it's just a 'dirty spot', but this feels like Sierra adventure game logic and I think most people would miss this without looking it up in a guide.
The best I can do, without code hacking, is just changing the name. There is no 'look' description. Maybe the lead up to that step of the quest could be improved.
As I said, this might be on me or the order in which I encountered things. But Casa Grande could be the culprit. I got a quest there to destroy the fuel depot of the Highwaymen, then go to an area called 'Raiders' and talk to a guy, asking why they're called Blue Shields. Also I totally forgot about the Highwaymen in Fallout 2, only the Highwayman came to mind.
I though Casa Grande was the culprit, as the references to 'Blue Shields' were few. I went through Count Bustos dialogue again, setting up the quest, and found a few more places to squeeze in very clear references to the Blue Shields as your target, not just 'highwaymen' in general. He has a grudge against the Blue Shields, so I think a little more personalization of his hate is okay.

Thanks again for all your feedback.
A game prior to your fix would be good too.
Here you go: https://we.tl/t-v5fPffQlct
Just before starting the quest with everything set up.

It looks, from the code, like the quest is not 'started' from the monorail supervisor, but rather from, maybe an inspection of the monorail tracks/station itself

You're right, went straight to repair the monorail computer and went to the substation after that. When interacting with the nonfunctioning monorail you get a message that it's broken, but you can indeed repair the substation afterwards. Still, this has to be a bug, since there is no reason or clue for taking this step at all.

If you haven't visited Dayglow yet, you should hold on to this until you did. It's the best Fallout since the OGs and the best total conversion period. It's not worth spoiling it, as long as there is a workaround.

Might have to change reavers back to rippers, as I found one reference to 'ripper' ghouls in the code...still...reavers could stand.
I think 'reavers' perfectly fits the theme, as long as it's keeping the author's intention, such liberties are fine. I think this is the same for the Highwaymen, stuff like this just slips one's attention sometimes with such a big game and different people writing dialogue. So I think it's okay to add a little hint at digging the poo, so people can finish this quest. I was getting close to giving up and move on, this would definitly be against the author's intention.
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Here you go: https://we.tl/t-v5fPffQlct
Just before starting the quest with everything set up.
Thanks! I may have to wait though, considering your praise of the area. As soon as I loaded your game I felt an urge to hold off exploring, as I wanted to experience the game myself.

I have made the fix though, and I am 90% sure it will work. It should activate the quest when talking to the supervisor, allowing you to interact with the substation and restore power. It was a simple addition.

I'll keep the Reavers for now, as it is a good name I think.

I will also look into the 'shovel quest' and see what I can do to improve it. However, can you give me a line of dialogue or hint where this quest is? From the screenshot there is not enough info to find it, and I have not encountered it yet.


I fixed the shovel/map quest, though I was not able to do it in dialogue. There was just no good spot to add in a hint. So I added a new dialogue node, which allows you to ask Ruiz for a clue. He doesn't give you one...but he does.
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Nice work @Perry The Chucktopus

Awesome stuff. It was all very useful. Walking through the dialogues really highlights what and where things are not right. Alone they often sound perfectly fine, but in a dialogue...

I went through every point you raised, and have made tons of changes to both Lucas and Kogan. Over due I think. I had planned, just prior to releasing this pre-release, to go through each 'talking head' with a fine-tooth comb. Though in Kogan's case I did, and it really requires the play-through to reveal the issues.

So, thanks again! Everything you pointed in is now in.

@OnlyALad your input is welcome too. You are also free to use my translation as a springboard or aid for yours as well. Feel free!
Thank you, I'm currently using your translation to double check

Something minor here, in PVCCtzn there is line 231 and 250, in 231 I'm fairly sure Louis means "the vault" instead of "shelter", same with "hideout" in 250
Line 247 also says "debug the equipment", I think "maintain the equipment" fits better as Louis is a repairman instead of a programmer
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Thanks for the bug catch on 'shelter' and 'hideout'. I thought I caught all those instances and fixed them, but apparently not. I caught a couple more when I checked out the ones you pointed out.
I fixed the shovel/map quest, though I was not able to do it in dialogue. There was just no good spot to add in a hint. So I added a new dialogue node, which allows you to ask Ruiz for a clue. He doesn't give you one...but he does.
Sorry, that I didn't manage to send your the details in time, but glad you're figured it out. Another thought about the Highwaymen: Wouldn't it make more sense if their location on the global map was called 'Highwaymen' instead of 'Raiders'?
Sorry, that I didn't manage to send your the details in time, but glad you're figured it out. Another thought about the Highwaymen: Wouldn't it make more sense if their location on the global map was called 'Highwaymen' instead of 'Raiders'?
Hmmm...hadn't even thought of that. But I think you mean Blue Shields. That would certainly make it crystal clear. Though it might be giving the Blue Shields a little too much 'name power'. Still, the overall naming is a bit of a wreck (it was in Fallout 2 as well). Robbers, Bandits, Raiders, Highway Bandits, Road Warriors, Highwaymen.

However...looking at the source (Fallout 1 and Fallout2), only the term 'Raider' is used in conversations and quests. The other terms are almost exclusively used in encounters/encounter descriptions. Only Bandit gets any traction at all in any dialogues, aside from Raiders, which dominates completely.

For Sonora, the difference between these terms, is becoming a little clearer. I have cut most instances of 'Robber' and consolidated them to bandits and highwaymen and raiders. Bandits won out over robber, considering the proximity to Mexico etc. Additionally, robber just doesn't fit the setting. Heck, robber is not used once in Fallout 1, except in the case of 'grave-robber'. Highway men in Sonora are clearly being defined as 'raiders' who are preying on actual highways, and the routes used by caravans. Additionally highwaymen are characterized by the use of road signs for armor. And the Blue Shields, are a clan of highwaymen. Bandits and raiders are still catch all phrases for wasteland scum.

I am almost tempted to consolidate all the terms around Raider.
But I think you mean Blue Shields. That would certainly make it crystal clear.
Both would options would make much more sense, but since they went with a generic term, 'Highwaymen' would be somewhat closer to the OG.

However...looking at the source (Fallout 1 and Fallout2), only the term 'Raider' is used in conversations and quests. The other terms are almost exclusively used in encounters/encounter descriptions.
This is why I couldn't remember them in the first place. Even in Fallout Nevada everybody's a raider in dialogue, as far as I remember. With Sonora giving enough of a background story, I think 'Highwaymen' could stay, while just using 'Raiders' most of the time would be more in line with Fallout and Fallout 2. Terms like 'Bandits' could be used for single individuals or small bands, with 'Raiders' refering too larger, more organized groups. I don't know. Giving the setting I definitly missed some proper desperados though.
Yeah, desperados. And banditos. I might have to go back through and identify every character that says bandit, and use spanish, and switch it to bandito.

I have a new release here, and the changelog is here