Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Neither, it's the russian extended version with some files from the first AI translation for Sfall and your patches on top. Should be pretty similiar to Foxx's rebuild, which I'll use for my next run.
I wonder if that has some of the hi-res versions of the music found here. Or it could just be an issue with CE. Anyways, outside the scope of this translation, so I won't worry about it.
I have made another large update to the translation. This one contains 'fixes' for all Spanish dialogues, and also fixes/standardization of the Spanish Perk in all relevant scripts (15 scripts) It adds double angular quotation marks to all Spanish language lines, indicating that they are being heard/understood in Spanish. Additionally at least two Spanish speaking NPCs had very broken/incomplete scripts, and these have been fixed/restored to full function.

Needless to say, this update relies on the ongoing 'Script Patch'. Without it this update will only show angular quotation marks in a bit of a haphazard fashion, reflecting the somewhat unstandardized approach in the Vanilla Sonora.

I am not fully committed to these changes, and may even roll them back, as they go a little beyond translation, and edge into improvements/modifications. Nevertheless nothing has *really* been added, and all 'changes' are best attempts to express the original intentions of the game.

You can find the latest update here, and the changelog here. The script patch which activates most of the changes is here.
wait should it say "you gain glory" when making a good action or should it say instead "you gain karma"? because several times in villa and garbage city it says the former instead of the latter
It should say Karma now. I went into this a bit, here and there, and although 'glory' or 'fame' is being used in the Russian, it is effectively 'Karma'. Even the internal So I think sticking with Karma is the way to go.

That was in a previous version, correct? Because I updated this in the last two versions. All 'fame/glory' references should be switched back to Karma. It is just confusing otherwise.

Also, fame is used as a general term here and there in the game, and glory is used as a general term, here and there, especially in connection with the Phoenix cult. So more reason to stick with Karma as a 'special' measure of the PCs progress across the wasteland.
It should say Karma now. I went into this a bit, here and there, and although 'glory' or 'fame' is being used in the Russian, it is effectively 'Karma'. Even the internal So I think sticking with Karma is the way to go.

That was in a previous version, correct? Because I updated this in the last two versions. All 'fame/glory' references should be switched back to Karma. It is just confusing otherwise.

Also, fame is used as a general term here and there in the game, and glory is used as a general term, here and there, especially in connection with the Phoenix cult. So more reason to stick with Karma as a 'special' measure of the PCs progress across the wasteland.
nope i'm on Version 0.995 and it still says glory
here i killed some random civilian in flagstaff
PCScnc has "hideout" instances in 229-1229 and 242-1242, there is also line 228; I think "foundations" could be changed to "traditions" so it's a little bit clearer
PCScnc has "hideout" instances in 229-1229 and 242-1242, there is also line 228; I think "foundations" could be changed to "traditions" so it's a little bit clearer
Hmmm..that is 'vault' in current version 0.995. I can't find any instances of 'hideout'.

However, good call on 'foundations' - traditions is better, so changed.

So I guess that is an 'Extended' version thing.
Hmmm..that is 'vault' in current version 0.995. I can't find any instances of 'hideout'.

However, good call on 'foundations' - traditions is better, so changed.

So I guess that is an 'Extended' version thing.
Oh man, I'm sorry, I forgot to update the translation files to the latest version, I'll do it now so it doesn't happen again
As I only recently found out about this translation effort, I'm a bit out of the loop.

I have a couple of questions:
1. What is different about this translation effort than RadMuravTeam's?
2. Is this translated through AI? If so, how much of it is AI translated and how much is hand translated?
3. How far into completion is this translation compared to RadMuravTeam?
4. Is this strictly translated from the original language, or is it localized to have a more authentic American/Mexican feel?
5. You state you wanted to translate the original mod over the updated mod. In summary what is different between the two and why do you prefer the original to the current edition?

Thanks for your answers in advance
Hi PaxVenire,

I'll try to answer your questions.

1. I don't know that much about that other translation. However, I do know that mine has the narrations converted to Ron Perlman-esk versions. I paid for a top-quality ai-voice service and spent a month getting those as polished as possible. This includes the Intro.mve, which I also remade. Mine is a full translation, and is basicly/nearly complete (polishing could go on and on and on of course)
2. See the first post of this thread. I explain the procedure there. Note: I did try an AI, but it butchered the files. About 20-30 files were hacked before i switched back to just plain old hand-translation. Since then most of those that were affected have been fixed.
3. Again, see the first post. This translation is 100% complete, and is just going through a polishing phase, based off play-throughs.
4. This translation is staying as true to the original authors intent as possible. However, there has been a strong attempt to 'localize' it to Fallout 1 (and 2 a little) This means I spent a lot of time comparing the terms and language and style used in Fallout 1 and tried to apply those to Fallout Sonora. I have not tried to make the mod or any language it contains more south-west mexi-american, nor do I plan to. Though...I did recently standarize the use of the Spanish_Perk which makes the representation of Spanish language somewhat unique here. See back one page for examples.
5. The original mod is the original mod. I prefer that one as it is the original vision of the original creators. I have nothing against the Foxx version and can understand why people would want to use an enhanced version. However, for my efforts, focusing first on the original makes sense. Foxx, in fact, was able to use my translation in his latest release, so things have borne out.

A lot of the inception for my effort revolve around my macOS limitations. I wanted to play Fallout Sonora, and I found that the options for a mac computer were effectively limited to Fallout 2 CE, and the translations/mod offerings setup for that version were bugged/not working, or not really offered. The original Fallout Sonora works perfectly with Fallout 2 CE, so I decided to just get things done myself. And here we are.
Thank you for your answers! And for your contributions to Fallout Sonora. I will be playing with your translation soon, I'm happy to know it was crafted with care
I will be playing with your translation soon, I'm happy to know it was crafted with care
Please enjoy, though keep in mind it is in a pre-release state, so there are still some rough edges in the flow of dialogue etc.

I certainly aim to craft with care. My goal is as perfect a translation as possible. Currently I am putting in 3-6 hours per day, everyday, on this project. The polishing part is taking the longest by far, as I am now using the scripts to follow each dialogue tree through by hand, to make each dialogue as smooth as possible. This takes quite a bit of time per average sized dialogue. I have also been bogged down a bit by encounters with quirky dialogue/quest issues in scripts that I have been patching as I go. You can find my work compiled in an optional 'script' patch at the Fallout Sonora website.

If you feel so inclined, please feel free to post any issues you find with the translations (or mod) as you go through it, as this will be valuable information I can use to improve things. Going through each possible play-through path on my own will take time.
I have updated the translation and the script patch.

Casa Nueva and Two-Sun were given a full tree walk-through of every dialogue and quest, using scripts to guide. This revealed numerous small dialogue bugs and issues that were then added into the script patch. Multiple other areas of the translation were also given attentions, including a tweak to all 'battery/cell' naming conventions, as there was an error on my part in the original assignments.

Currently I am going though each town I arrive at in my play-through, line by line, dialogue by dialogue, quest by quest, using the scripts, so I can see the flow of the translation through each possible path. This takes time, but it means any area I do this to is pretty much, polished.

The new version of the translation can be found here. The change-log is here. The optional 'Script Patch' is here.
Just though I'd let you know of a possible spelling error. In Garage City, when you steal the contracts for Lucas, he says "hmm now I understand", understand is spelt 'undertand' its missing the s. Just thought I'd let you know. Keep up the good work! :D
I actually have dedicated arrow keys for that. They're broken...

On another note, I just arrived in Hermosillo in my play-through, and was quite confused by the English speaking farmers. Made me wonder about the games borders, and whether the Fallout world's U.S.A extended south a little more. I even thought that perhaps the Mexicans had 'invaded' and were now lording it over the local American farmers. However, it turns out the farmers are just Mexicans who speak perfect English...
I wonder if there is a specific reason for this, as it really threw me off. I thought for certain they would only speak Spanish. The history the farmer coughs up, and from the design docs, also lends to the idea that he should only be speaking Spanish. Yes, millions of Mexicans speak perfect English, but 100 years of isolation after a Nuclear war? I would say the percent of Mexicans fluent in English would have dropped considerably.

I think I may make a Spanish Trait path through this town, but keep the path open as originally intended via 'broken' rather than fluent English. Not sure...