Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Is it possible to increase the resolution? For some reason the game is VERY zoomed in. There's no option for it in the game settings like in normal fallout and there isn't a ddraw file in my folder. I'm playing this via Community Edition like listed in your website instructions btw
Is it possible to increase the resolution? For some reason the game is VERY zoomed in. There's no option for it in the game settings like in normal fallout and there isn't a ddraw file in my folder.
Well, what you are experiencing IS normal Fallout.

Zoomed out, expanded resolution is a feature of sFall, and needs the ddraw ini to be setup. However, Fallout 2 CE can use some of the settings in the ddraw.ini, including changing resolutions, though I am just not sure which others.

Fallout: Sonora was designed with the original resolution in mind (640x480), and expanding the resolution via ddraw.ini will leave the edges of the map revealed in every location. This will be quite immersion breaking.

Your best bet if you need to play with a more zoomed out look is to use Foxx's rebuild. It uses this translation as an install option, and allows for a zoomed out view, and, I believe, fixes the edges.

You can find a link to his release page here.
Okay, I have a good solution to the issue I pointed out regarding Hermosillo:

For the vanilla translation, I kept the farmer's language English, but made it quite...broken. But still can be understood, with some struggle. So this keeps the original intent for this zone, i.e. a quest that can be accessed without the Espanol_Trait.

However, built into the dialogue files is a second set of lines, which can interact with my 'Patch_Script' ...it adds the use of the Espanol_Trait to almost all NPCs in the town/base

Here are some screens showing how this works:

Vanilla translation:

Screen Shot 2024-08-20 at 13.55.15.pngScreen Shot 2024-08-20 at 13.55.23.pngScreen Shot 2024-08-20 at 13.55.31.png

And with the Espanol_Trait activated via the 'Script_Patch'

Screen Shot 2024-08-20 at 13.54.06.pngScreen Shot 2024-08-20 at 13.54.13.pngScreen Shot 2024-08-20 at 13.54.21.png
Okay, I have a good solution to the issue I pointed out regarding Hermosillo:

For the vanilla translation, I kept the farmer's language English, but made it quite...broken. But still can be understood, with some struggle. So this keeps the original intent for this zone, i.e. a quest that can be accessed without the Espanol_Trait.

However, built into the dialogue files is a second set of lines, which can interact with my 'Patch_Script' ...it adds the use of the Espanol_Trait to almost all NPCs in the town/base

Here are some screens showing how this works:

aren't everyone but the farmers speaking Spanish in Hermosillo?

Are you going to make the computer in hermosillo base gated behind Spanis thriat as well?
it is said the interface is in Spanish, so wothout the triat it would be hard to download everything into a holodisk for BoS
Only the guard at the entrance, and generic soldiers. The base computer is fully Spanish already, so getting through it without the perk is tricky, but possible.

There's no change to any of the original quest pathways, or their requirements. But the Spanish trait does make it a little easier to understand the whole shebang.
I found these, don't know if you fixed it yet
When you speak to Chris in the basement, his dialogue lacks a space after he says your name, the Pip-Boy message also mentions to use the provisions in your character instead of his
Lucas' dialogue also refers to Wattz electronics as Watts
When you speak to Chris in the basement, his dialogue lacks a space after he says your name, the Pip-Boy message also mentions to use the provisions in your character instead of his
Got that. Thanks! The measurement of how much of his backpack is full seems off too. I will make it into a fraction -- 3/5's

Also, nice catch on 'Watts'. I found 21 other cases where it was misnamed. All fixed now.
Got that. Thanks! The measurement of how much of his backpack is full seems off too. I will make it into a fraction -- 3/5's

Also, nice catch on 'Watts'. I found 21 other cases where it was misnamed. All fixed

Got that. Thanks! The measurement of how much of his backpack is full seems off too. I will make it into a fraction -- 3/5's

Also, nice catch on 'Watts'. I found 21 other cases where it was misnamed. All fixed now
Some other stuff
In Badi's dialogue (the guy who owes Money to the casino in the Phoenix slums) after you pay his rent, the character refers to himself as "I [PlayerName] instead of "I'm [PlayerName], which looks a bit weird
Another minor thing, the bookshelves in the slums have the Closet name and description, not very relevant but there's that

And probably the most important thing, in Phoenix, during the Plant Sabotage quest, I'm given the option to report to Theodore and Ralph, if I talked to Ralph, you can mention he helped the saboteurs but this is learned through the Cathedral and I haven't talked to them yet, only to the guy in the sewers who mentions only The Cardinals

If I talk to Theodore, I can rat out Ralph, but at that point I don't know his involvement in this yet

Also, the junk dealer in Downtown refers to the Pre-war book as Intact Book
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And probably the most important thing, in Phoenix, during the Plant Sabotage quest, I'm given the option to report to Theodore and Ralph, if I talked to Ralph, you can mention he helped the saboteurs but this is learned through the Cathedral and I haven't talked to them yet, only to the guy in the sewers who mentions only The Cardinals
Thanks, fixed the name issue with Badi.

Af for the Plant Sabotage quest, I too found this whole quest to be fairly bugged. I think I encountered the same bug you did. I already made a fixes to this quest on the Cardinals side, but I didn't touch the Powerplant Ghouls yet. I will look at it now.

This line, right? --- 'I know the Cardinals worked through you. The Cathedral had information about it.'
Thanks, fixed the name issue with Badi.

Af for the Plant Sabotage quest, I too found this whole quest to be fairly bugged. I think I encountered the same bug you did. I already made a fixes to this quest on the Cardinals side, but I didn't touch the Powerplant Ghouls yet. I will look at it now.

This line, right? --- 'I know the Cardinals worked through you. The Cathedral had information about it.'
Yeah, that's the line, Theodore's line directly mentions Ralph
This is what I did, if it helps:
Enter the plant > talk with Theodore > fixed the coolant pipe > reported this to Theodore > went to the sewers and talked with the squatter > went to the plant again and talked with Ralph, which gives me the option to talk about the Cathedral and the Cardinals

At that point I hadn't talked with anyone from the church (except the guy at the city entrance, which shouldn't matter) nor entered the Cathedral
Ralph can be revealed in a number of ways:

1. By listening to radio communications regarding the sabotage
2. 'Somehow' revealed while talking with Theodore (this could be the source of the bug, as I can't see clearly why the spy is 'revealed' here.
3. While talking with a 'squatter', though he doesn't actually name Ralph, only a 'ghoul' (this could be the source as well)
4. From Orris, though he only says the cultists have someone on the inside, and doesn't name Ralph (this too could be the source)
5. And from Murphy, though he too only reveals there is someone on the inside, and doesn't name Ralph. (this too could be the source)

So, looking at this, the easiest way to fix this is name drop Ralph in some of those dialogues. Then I don't need to touch scripts.

EDIT: Another way to fix this would be to remove the setting of 'quest end' for all the clues above, except the radio one, which names Ralph. Then the player could naturally build up hints about the culprit, but never be sure until the reveal in the Cathedral, which lines up with the final conversation you have with Theodore.

I get the impression that you were supposed to be building up a case of clues against Ralph, but none of them are specific enough to pin it on him, without a bit of stretching.
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I revealed two ways I can fix this in the spoiler above. Still thinking on the best route.

Also, @OnlyALad if you need Spanish graphic work for .frms, i can do that for you. I still have my .psd files for making the location labels, etc, so making Spanish versions would be easy. I also have all the original Spanish .frms unpacked, so I can send those to you if you haven't already sourced them.
I went with name dropping info in the various dialogue files as a fix for the spy quest issues. It allows for multiple solutions to the quest, and doesn't require any script changes. I also tweaked the responses in the quest result dialogues to not be specific about where the PC got the info, as the info sources vary.

I think You should reconsider taking a closer look on how You've translated the Sonora perks it's not just copy and paste from Fo2.. You literally made the same mistake RadMuravTeam made on day1 of their translation.. :p

For example the Presence perk is no more, instead there are 3 lvls of Sonora version of Animal Friend.. there are other quirks like that with the perks. It's not 1:1 as in Fo2.. for example yesterday one of forum members PMed me about the "continue after endgame" perk beeing unable to be found on the perk list despite him beeing lvl18 or so, i suspect it's there it's just incorrectly translated, as for animal friend the perk's graphics speak for itself though the name and description is that of presence perk.. I am serious, please take a look on the original version, and find out what needs to be re-translated, as some perks differ from the naming and description they have now..
I'm on it.

This is actually at least the 5th time I've gone through this file, though I'm being more thorough this time. I think the issue before was that the original google/deepL etc. first pass translations of those came out with titles that were close to the originals, but not quite identical. Combine that with many of the 'new' Sonora perks being actually quite close to the originals in function and description, and there is the makings of a lot of confusion. I deferred to Fallout 1 descriptions in most cases, but as you have pointed out, there are more than a few that are actually new, and quite different than the originals.

I'll have this sorted out shortly.
I went back through and found 13 more perks that needed re-translating. Some were a little tricky, so I also compared the perk images to see if there were custom versions, and checked the names in code.

So things should be much tighter in the next version.

Karma came up again, and I am still torn on this one, as the original authors definitely changed the 'Karma Beacon' description/name, and were going for 'fame/glory', but I am still not sure the reasoning here, as Karma, as original defined in Fallout, is still 100% what we have in game. Thankfully, the 'Karma Beacon' perk still partially uses 'Karma' in code, so I am sticking with Karma, though I'll jazz up the Karma Beacon to 'Hollywood Karma', which will match the perk image.
I am not sure how he sets up his .dat files, but there is no reason it shouldn't, provided the load order is set up right. I wouldn't use/count the 'script patch' (patch003.dat) here though.