Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Yeah Hollywood karma was translated to "Hollywood Tricks" by original translation team, not sure it 100% fits the description, however this is what i remember from playing with that translation....

also on a side note in Phoneix sewers there's army liberation front ( a.k.a rebels aginst the fire worshippers), in a second quest they give you have the option to ask for equipment. I always ask for espionage equipment, simply because it's an easy second Stealth Boy, to aquire.. however your dialogue translation says that the mohawk chick gives me some "stealth suit" whatever that might be, although the script hasn't been changed and i actually recive second Stealth Boy (so hardly a "suit"), could you look into this as well?.. there were other minor inconsistencies along my curent playthrough, however the first time i go for overall impression, and bughunt is left for further playthroughs.. ofcourse i'm talking of v0.995 as that's what Foxx's release comes packed with.
Thanks @gustarballs1983 I got the Stealth suit reference squared away to Stealth Suit.

Also, Foxx's latest release uses version 0.98 of the translation, through that's pretty far behind at this point as well.

Just the bump from 0.996 to 0.997 had 126 changed files with 726 additions (lines) and 563 deletions.
no no no.. Foxx recently around 12.08 updated his download with 0.995 the version containing 0.98 was from mid july now it's newer.

anyways why you have it squared away to Stelth Suit when one acctually recives a Stealth Boy ( a wirst mounted cloacking device that isn't an armor)
I revealed two ways I can fix this in the spoiler above. Still thinking on the best route.

Also, @OnlyALad if you need Spanish graphic work for .frms, i can do that for you. I still have my .psd files for making the location labels, etc, so making Spanish versions would be easy. I also have all the original Spanish .frms unpacked, so I can send those to you if you haven't already sourced them.
I'd really appreciate that, could you explain how to edit these files? I'd rather not bother you with it, in the case I need to change something later
Also, there's a small thing during the Red Cardinals quest:
When you take Murphy's route and talk with the pusher, there's the line "I'm from Murphy", I think this could be changed to "Murphy sent me" or something similar, it sounds a bit weird
Editing .frm files? Well, first you need an art program. I use photoshop. There are others that will suffice, provided you can save the file as an 8bit OS/2 bmp file (that's what worked for me)

Then, open FrameAnimator.exe, and click 'Edit', then 'Add Frames', select your bmp file.
Then click 'Edit' and then 'Load Palette', and load the 'Fallout Palette.act' or 'Fallout.act'.
Then click 'Edit' again, and choose 'options'.
In the options window select the 'From Palette' radio button and then hit ok.
Then click 'File', then 'Create FRM...' and you can save your .frm file, ready for use in game.

I will attach a zip file with my .psd for worldmap labels, my custom font (microgramma) for worldmap labels (based off the Fallout 1 worldmap label font) and FrameAnimator.exe. I will also include Titanium_frm_browser_1.3, which can be used to view .frm files, and export them as .bmp.

I also attached the spanish interface files.

And I fixed Murphy's line. Thanks.


Editing .frm files? Well, first you need an art program. I use photoshop. There are others that will suffice, provided you can save the file as an 8bit OS/2 bmp file (that's what worked for me)

Then, open FrameAnimator.exe, and click 'Edit', then 'Add Frames', select your bmp file.
Then click 'Edit' and then 'Load Palette', and load the 'Fallout Palette.act' or 'Fallout.act'.
Then click 'Edit' again, and choose 'options'.
In the options window select the 'From Palette' radio button and then hit ok.
Then click 'File', then 'Create FRM...' and you can save your .frm file, ready for use in game.

I will attach a zip file with my .psd for worldmap labels, my custom font (microgramma) for worldmap labels (based off the Fallout 1 worldmap label font) and FrameAnimator.exe. I will also include Titanium_frm_browser_1.3, which can be used to view .frm files, and export them as .bmp.

I also attached the spanish interface files.

And I fixed Murphy's line. Thanks.
Thank you! Both for this and your overall work on this, you're great
I'll get to work soon, thanks!

Some minor stuff in Casa Grande:
There is a small typo in Casa Grande's Count when discussing Phoenix's alcohol production, "actully"
If you hack into his computer, both the character's dialogue and the Pip-Boy message refer to Two-Sun as Tucson, that is the city's real name but it might be confusing if the player doesn't know this or hasn't been to Two-Sun yet
Upon inspecting the stolen box in the mayor quest, the character says "We need to tell the mayor about this", even if the player is completely alone
After fixing the water pump, the Pip-Boy message says "You fixed the broken filter. *He* will continue to serve the city for some time." He could be replaced with *It*
After fixing the water tank in the bathouse and talking with Steve, his dialogue seems to have a double space in this line: "Business is bound to pick up now", the double space being between to and pick

A minor thing on the rangers' Garage City quest:
After talking about the child about the rangers, if you speak to his dad and try to convince him, for some reason the "I can't seem to convince you." dialogue option disappears visually if I hover the mouse over the "Trust Eugene." option, but it comes back if I hover back to it

And a small typo in the Forbidden Zone
In the second level of the bunker, behind the damaged door, there is a pile of human bones. Upon inspection they're "uman" bones
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Any plans for a new version in a few days? Asking cuz I wouldnt want to play the current version and then have the new one released so fast... Also I plan to report every typo or error while playing ur version
@OnlyALad Thanks for all the feedback. Great stuff, and I have fixed everything except for the Eugene issue. That sounds strange, so I am investigating the script there.

Also, glad the tools and stuff will be of use for you. The more people who will be able to play this brilliant mod the better!

@Fic_Mon I probably won't get a new version out for a few more days yet. I just went through all the dialogue trees in Inferno, but will pass over them again, as there are two very 'big' characters in there that have a lot of paths. I'd like to get another town covered before I update, so year, a couple more days, maybe a week.

And reporting every type/error is just what I need! Thank you very much, and fire away. I will check everything you report asap.
After talking about the child about the rangers, if you speak to his dad and try to convince him, for some reason the "I can't seem to convince you." dialogue option disappears visually if I hover the mouse over the "Trust Eugene." option, but it comes back if I hover back to it
Is this with Fallout CE or with the sFall version? Or vanilla Fallout 2? - Also, where are Eugene and his pop? I haven't encountered them in my play-throughs yet.
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Is this with Fallout CE or with the sFall version? Or vanilla Fallout 2? - Also, where are Eugene and his pop? I haven't encountered them in my play-throughs yet.
Fallout CE
Go to the Shacks area of Garage City, if I'm not wrong his house is south of the fireplace, he has the bald with green jacket model, and he's next to Eugene, a child
If you speak with his dad you can mention the crossed out star in his door and speak about the rangers, you get the quest going to the ranger base, entering the dam and talking with the technician about his eventual replacement

Also, some minor stuff:
If you inspect the motorcycle to check how much charge's left, there is a typo, it says "Tne" instead of "The"
Trader Flick's brahmin is called "Flicka brahmin" (he's in the Rangers area too)
Ranger Garth/William Garth (Aqueduct area) is called William Gart if you hover your mouse over him, Helford's dialogue also suffers from this
General Mossman (the old ranger guy with the talking head) refers to Helford as Hellford
If you take Ranger Agatha's training choosing the Big Guns option, the Pip-Boy message refers to this as increasing the "Large Weapon" skill

During the Phoenix Liberation Party quest:
Marcos refers to Elisa as Alice in his dialogue
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If you inspect the motorcycle to check how much charge's left, there is a typo, it says "Tne" instead of "The"
Trader Flick's brahmin is called "Flicka brahmin" (he's in the Rangers area too)
Ranger Garth/William Garth (Aqueduct area) is called William Gart if you hover your mouse over him, Helford's dialogue also suffers from this
General Mossman (the old ranger guy with the talking head) refers to Helford as Hellford

During the Phoenix Liberation Party quest:
Marcos refers to Elisa as Alice in his dialogue
Nice catch on all those. Thank you very much OnlyALad

I looked into the Eugene bug, but I can't replicate the dialouge options you got with my current character. Do you have a save with just before that encounter?

I have encountered a perhaps related bug and posted it at Github, so I am interested to see if it is related. I think it might be a CE thing, as the code around that dialogue node shows no issues.
Nice catch on all those. Thank you very much OnlyALad

I looked into the Eugene bug, but I can't replicate the dialouge options you got with my current character. Do you have a save with just before that encounter?

I have encountered a perhaps related bug and posted it at Github, so I am interested to see if it is related. I think it might be a CE thing, as the code around that dialogue node shows no issues.
Glad to be of help
I don't have a save, I'd have to go back to an earlier save and see if I can replicate it, I'll try to do it soon
Okay, this Eugene bug is part of the engine, likely exclusive to CE. I will report this on Github. It appears to happen with then length of the characters in the line is just reaching the end of the space for the line to appear in. This causes the line to be extended slightly when highlighting, resulting in an entire line of empty space being added on, covering the second response below. I changed the dialogue here, and the issue is gone now. It could show up any where, any place, if these conditions are replicated.
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Okay, this Eugene bug is part of the engine, likely exclusive to CE. I will report this on Github. It appears to happen with then length of the characters in the line is just reaching the end of the space for the line to appear in. This causes the line to be extended slightly when highlighting, resulting in an entire line of empty space being added on, covering the second response below. I changed the dialogue here, and the issue is gone now. It could show up any where, any place, if these conditions are replicated.
That's interesting, I'll report it if I encounter it somewhere else. Do you still need the save?

Some minor stuff in Casa Nueva:
After killing the deathclaw in the quarry for Frank, you can ask where did he hear about deathclaws; he'll mention Necropolis, that a mother deathclaw set up a nest in a basement and a mercenary took them out. I'm fairly sure Necropolis should be "Boneyard" because this sounds exactly like the Fallout 1 quest
When you take Rosalía's quest and head to the plantation shack, the dead body in the ground is named "Sporonos", which should be the Russian version of Spore Carrier
Some of the spore carriers inside the Hydroponics plant during the Followers quest are referred to as Sporebearers, which I believe isn't used in NV
Nestor refers to the Boneyard as the Burial Ground

Bates Motel:
After trying to open the freezer door, it's mentioned it's opened by remote control, it's opened by a switch so it's technically true but it could be changed to "opened by the switch"

El Faro:
If you speak to Gilberto after finding Johnny's corpse, you can talk to him about "killing Johnny", I think this could be changed to "I want to talk to you about Johnny's murder", he also has a small typo when you accept his quest, "Pescadors"

Both the Paladin in the sewers and the item name refers to the Dogtags as Token, I'm not sure if this is a brotherhood thing but I'm putting here just in case
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That's interesting, I'll report it if I encounter it somewhere else. Do you still need the save?
Thanks, but it's okay. I was able to replicate it and test it out with variations.

That's weird about the Boneyard/Necropolis error, as I remember fixing that in my last pass through. Which version are you on? I just checked and it is properly 'Boneyard'.

All versions of Sporonos were cleaned up to Sporebearer in the latest version, so you must be on one version back. Do you mean New Vegas when you say NV? Because I am not really counting anything after Fallout 1 as canon. Fallout 2 just squeaks by here.

The burial ground reference is also cleaned up to Boneyard in the latest version. Maybe two back...

I will fix the switch reference.

Switching 'killing Johnny' to 'Johnny's Murder' -- much better, missed that on the tree crawl. The switch to El Faro naming is in the latest version, so I wonder where the mix up is. In any case, everything you pointed out is fixed now. So great. And thanks for the details!
Thanks, but it's okay. I was able to replicate it and test it out with variations.

That's weird about the Boneyard/Necropolis error, as I remember fixing that in my last pass through. Which version are you on? I just checked and it is properly 'Boneyard'.

All versions of Sporonos were cleaned up to Sporebearer in the latest version, so you must be on one version back. Do you mean New Vegas when you say NV? Because I am not really counting anything after Fallout 1 as canon. Fallout 2 just squeaks by here.

The burial ground reference is also cleaned up to Boneyard in the latest version. Maybe two back...

I will fix the switch reference.

Switching 'killing Johnny' to 'Johnny's Murder' -- much better, missed that on the tree crawl. The switch to El Faro naming is in the latest version, so I wonder where the mix up is. In any case, everything you pointed out is fixed now. So great. And thanks for the details!
Really? It's strange, because I updated to the latest version already, replaced the files and everything, so I'm not sure why stuff from the previous version showed up, I restarted my PC, went back to check and everything is as it should be now... Anyway, sorry.
At least the Johnny thing helped

And yes, I meant New Vegas with NV, since the spore carriers came from there
Really? It's strange, because I updated to the latest version already, replaced the files and everything, so I'm not sure why stuff from the previous version showed up, I restarted my PC, went back to check and everything is as it should be now... Anyway, sorry.
No worries. It could be an error on my end. I am going to double check the packing and make sure I didn't upload the wrong .dat file!
No worries. It could be an error on my end. I am going to double check the packing and make sure I didn't upload the wrong .dat file!
Don't worry, I already re-downloaded it and tested it, it seems to have been a strange error on my end

Here is some minor stuff from Inferno:
Diana is referred to as Diane if you hover over her, and in her own dialogue, while Levi and Barkley refer to her as Diana
Diana herself calls the reavers "raiders", given the context and that she already knows they're reavers, I don't think that's right