Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Don't worry, I already re-downloaded it and tested it, it seems to have been a strange error on my end

Here is some minor stuff from Inferno:
Diana is referred to as Diane if you hover over her, and in her own dialogue, while Levi and Barkley refer to her as Diana
Diana herself calls the reavers "raiders", given the context and that she already knows they're reavers, I don't think that's right

I already fixed that one with Diane and 'raiders'. She says it twice actually, and fixed them both. I have her bounce a bit between reavers and ghouls, as that is still a tough one.

I didn't see the name things, so will fix that asap.


I already fixed that one with Diane and 'raiders'. She says it twice actually, and fixed them both. I have her bounce a bit between reavers and ghouls, as that is still a tough one.

I didn't see the name things, so will fix that asap.
Some stuff in Puerto:
Young, the kid in the deck left to the entrance, is referred to as "Yunga" if you hover over him
If you go upstairs in the ship (where General Dixon's room is) save, look at your saved game, the location says "Puerto Error"
I don't have a save to check this quickly, but after you tell the sentry you have clearance from the patrol commander, he tells you the quartermaster is to the left, of the entrance, but it's located to the right, I may just have read it wrong
Maura's floating dialogue mentions a "Vreya", this is speculation on my part but that might refer to Vree
When speaking to General Dixon, the option "Permission to speak, General." closes dialogue, it's probably meant as "Permission to leave"

Also, like the Dogtags and Barkley's dialogue in the Inferno, the dogtag on top of the oil rig in El Faro is also called a "token"
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Some stuff in Puerto:
All awesome stuff @OnlyALad ! Thanks for the detailed reports. I fixed all the things you pointed out. I also think you are correct on Vree. I would never have spotted that, as I didn't recall Vree from Fallout 1, even though I played it just a few months ago...

I also found quite a few instances of left/right north/south/east/west mixups in the original Russian, regarding location within maps, or outside of maps. I've corrected all I've found so far of course.

Dog tags have also been fixed game wide now. The only tokens left are for use in games within game.

I should mention, I have not played through Puerto yet, or done a 'tree pass' on it, so there are likely a good chunk of issues in there.
All awesome stuff @OnlyALad ! Thanks for the detailed reports. I fixed all the things you pointed out. I also think you are correct on Vree. I would never have spotted that, as I didn't recall Vree from Fallout 1, even though I played it just a few months ago...

I also found quite a few instances of left/right north/south/east/west mixups in the original Russian, regarding location within maps, or outside of maps. I've corrected all I've found so far of course.

Dog tags have also been fixed game wide now. The only tokens left are for use in games within game.

I should mention, I have not played through Puerto yet, or done a 'tree pass' on it, so there are likely a good chunk of issues in there.
I'm glad it helped you

I'll keep playing tonight I think, have you done a tree pass of Dayglow yet? I'm planning to go there soon and will keep an eye out if you haven't yet
I'll also try and do a Brotherhood playthrough eventually to see if I catch anything during their quests
I have not entered Dayglow or done a treepass there yet. It will be the last place I think. Currently I am going through Garage City and Flagstaff again for treepasses, and I am going to play-through Puerto.
I have not entered Dayglow or done a treepass there yet. It will be the last place I think. Currently I am going through Garage City and Flagstaff again for treepasses, and I am going to play-through Puerto.
Okay, I'll head there soon, I'm playing a little bit on Puerto too, here's some minor (perhaps arbitrary) dialogue stuff:

After delivering the Brotherhood armour and asking the quartermaster if you can use it, his speech is a little weird: "What a stupid question? This is the property of the Brotherhood of Steel. And to use it, you need to have permission or be a member of our union." I think this could be changed to something like "What a stupid question! It's property of the Brotherhood. And you need permission to use it, or be one of us.", something like that
During the third patrol assignment, there is a character named "Augustin Chacon", I find this strange since Augustin is the original latin name, while Agustín is the name when it came into spanish
After giving the old device to Paladin Dobbs and he tells you to go back to Puerto, the dialogue option says "It will be done", could be changed to something like "I'm on it"
After reporting your victory to Latham, one of the dialogue options is "Serving the Brotherhood!" which closes dialogue, could be changed to something like "Glory to the Brotherhood!" or "It was an honor!"
Dixon's unique machine gun (you pick it up from his body after his death) is named "Dixon Machine Gun", could be changed to "Dixon's Machine Gun"
Some of the generic paladin battle dialogue could use some flow improving

Also, something fun I noticed: if you attack the Quartermaster, he hits you back for... 99,999 damage.
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When updating do I need to redownloading everything or do i just need to overwrite patch000 001 and 002 .dat?
Using version 0.997 with the latest script patch.

When granny sends you to the cellar she says "Be careful. The cellars are crawling with rats and darker than a brahmin's backside." is the and between rats and darker an extra or is it meant to say something else?

When attemtping to open the door in the basement (near the bandit) the description text says: The rack doesn't move. One of our ancestors did a good job coming up with such a system Changes: rack->rock reason:typo our ancestors->your ancestors reason:iirc its more in style of fo1 and 2 description text to talk to the pc rather than with it. Its nitpicky but important imo do a few ctrl f searches through ghe originals /text folder.

Old Revolver description (the one in the villa basement chest)
Changes: revolvers -> revolver reason: unnecessary plural

Also this sounds weird to me check the original text if its ok (one of the responses to the hangar bandits): So they're looking for you to lynch?

Dont know where you stand with which noun to use for thw bandits but when the hangar bandits leave it says "Marauders are leaving" in the description box. It didnt say it exactly like that so youll just have to ctrl f marauders until you find it.
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I'm at Dayglow, I'll list what I find here in a play session. I apologize if some of this stuff seems minor or irrelevant, I'll try to put them in a list this time with colors and spaces so it's a lot more readable

The save location is referred to as "The Dayglow", I think it's only referred to as "Dayglow" without a "The", the save locations that start with Tijuana or San Ysidro also can't be read at all.
San Ysidro is also inconsistent with ghoul dialogue and Pip-Boy messages, as both refer to it as San Isidro. Both are right, but I think just one should be used.

Upon saving at the Arena, the save location is called "Monumental", this could be changed to either "Toreo" or just "Arena", as the other characters call it this
The Cathode Tube item description could be changed from "Most such tubes have failed" to "Most other tubes have burnt out/stopped working"

Shock Spear: Could use an A at the start

If you inspect the Border Guard Robot, the description reads "Powerful security robot", it could use an "A" at the start, same as the "Shock Spear" item description

The Generic Ghouls in San Ysidro are referred to as "Dead men" instead of "ghouls", I think it's fine but I'll put it here if you want to change it. The sleeping ghouls inside the town hall are also referred to as dead men.

Felik, Church: , in the city entrance church, the Pip-Boy says "You see the ghoul Felik.", this could be changed to "You see Felik, the ghoul." or just "You see Felik" since everyone is a ghoul
Generic Border Guard: guards before gaining access, they say "Tobias knows who to let in and who not", could be changed to "who gets in and who doesn't". If you try to open the border gate without permission, one of the guards' dialogue will be "Move out of there!", this could be changed to "Get away from there!" or similar (though I think this is a general dialogue if you try to open a door/container you shouldn't open, so perhaps it could get a little tweaking too)

Tobias, the ghoul guard at the entrance: the player character response options are a little weird in their speech. With things such as "I'm not a suicide.", or "Just wasting time with you."

Generic Ghoul Dialogue: The ones San Ysidro refers to Set from Necropolis as Seth, there's also "I'll miss the Necropolis", it could do without "The", same thing with "The Dayglow" in one of their lines

Father Talius in the church also has "The Dayglow"

Granny Judy in the city entrance says "The Necropolis", her dialogue could use some other tweaking too in speech flow, like "I come to Gustavo", she also refers to the town hall as if she were inside the town hall, while she is inside her house. The town hall is across the street though

Robert Dawson, the ghoul guard at the city entrance next to a green couch, has a lot of unnecessary ? at the end of the player's dialogue options. He also has an inconsistency: he calls San Ysidro, as it appears in the save menu, San Isidro. Both are correct, but you might want to use just one. When asked about how to get to Chula Vista, he'll say the only bridge is "captured by robots and mined", it's understandable but mined could be changed to "patrolled/plagued by robots and it's boobytrapped" or something similar. He also calls Set from Necropolis, Seth.

Señor Gustavo also refers to Dayglow as "The Dayglow"
If you inspect the border gate behind Tobias, it reads "Made from scrap, but quite sturdy, gates." This could be changed to "These gates are made from scrap, but they are quite sturdy."

Upon using the Generator Fusion Cells in the pulse emitters, it reads "You are charging the emitter's battery" this could be changed to "You have charged the emitter's battery", the dialogue upon using the emitter could use a little tweaking too, as it says "damaging any electronics in its path", it could be "all" instead of "any"

Upon inspecting the stalls, it reads "It seems something was once sold here. Now you can't even hide from the sun." I think this could be "you can't even hide from the sun in it."

Upon inspecting the Service Station in the mechanic's shop at the entrance, it could have an "A" at the start of the description
Using version 0.997 with the latest script patch.
Awesome, thanks for the feedback.

The 'and' is just there as it is as that is how she talks. Her grammar is not perfect.

I changed rack to shelf, as it is actually a shelf in game.

'your ancestors' it will be if that is the Fallout 1 style. I hadn't noted that, but I had noted that the overall 'game addressing PC' style might need to be standardized. That will be a bit of a hit and go process...

revolvers to revolver, fixed.

"So they're looking for you to lynch?" is correct from the original Russian, but I changed it to 'So, they're out to lynch you, huh?' to sound better. There are lots of weird/awkward stuff in Villa and Garage City, from the original Russian, that I attribute to perhaps them being the first areas worked on?

Bandits, Raiders, Highwaymen, Highway raiders/bandits have been given a lot of work, and straightened out a lot. These guys don't fit the mold for any of those, so I went with marauders, which is just a bit better than opportunistic 'looters'. They could be tweaked still, as marauders sounds a little more menacing than they really are.

Okay, those fixes are all in. Thanks so much Fic_Mon, solid gold feedback.
Okay, I'll head there soon, I'm playing a little bit on Puerto too, here's some minor (perhaps arbitrary) dialogue stuff:
Okay, changed the brotherhood armor line to 'What a stupid question. This is the property of the Brotherhood of Steel. If you want to use it, you'll need permission - or better yet, be one of us.

A lot of Paladins have 'latin' names, so I think 'Augustin' is fine.

'Serving' changed to 'Hail to', and in a couple of other places too. I scoured the files for all these types of phrases, and there are a few, Hail to being the most prominent by a hair.

If I didn't mention something here, then it is fixed as per your suggestion. All good details. Nitpicky stuff is good. It is what I want, so thanks.

On to your Dayglow area post now.
Okay, changed the brotherhood armor line to 'What a stupid question. This is the property of the Brotherhood of Steel. If you want to use it, you'll need permission - or better yet, be one of us.

A lot of Paladins have 'latin' names, so I think 'Augustin' is fine.

'Serving' changed to 'Hail to', and in a couple of other places too. I scoured the files for all these types of phrases, and there are a few, Hail to being the most prominent by a hair.

If I didn't mention something here, then it is fixed as per your suggestion. All good details. Nitpicky stuff is good. It is what I want, so thanks.

On to your Dayglow area post now.
Glad it helped
Augustin isn't a paladin, I should have clarified, he's the bandit leader

Also, I forgot to add it in the Dayglow post, but the Dayglow intro movie has some static crackle as it plays
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Upon saving at the Arena, the save location is called "Monumental", this could be changed to either "Toreo" or just "Arena", as the other characters call it this
This area confuses me a bit. I can't find a reference to Toreo, and only one reference to 'Arena' in the Dayglow files. Is this the Bullring (Plaza de Toros)?

I consolidated all San Isidro to San Ysidro.

The Dayglow naming is blocking the names of the secondary/sub locations? Is that what you mean? I was planning to revise all this, as it is an issue in the original Russian too I believe. Many sub locations have their main locations in the name, which means they show up as...'Vault 27, Vault 27', because the sublocations name of 'Vault 27, Reactor Level' is cut off. I'll look at this now.

Hmm..I see now that 'The Dayglow' should probably be 'Dayglow'. I think I conflated 'The Glow' with 'Dayglow' early on. I didn't realize it was directly mentioned in Fallout 2 as 'Dayglow' - will fix this in all files.

I tweaked the 'Stall' description to end with 'Now it doesn't even provide shade.'

Other than the points above, I made all the changes you suggested, and have fixed them all for the next version. Thank You!!
iirc its more in style of fo1 and 2 description text to talk to the pc rather than with it.
I was able to search through these type of strings from the scripts, and could quickly see (after going through a few hundred) that all are maintaining the standard of the 'game' addressing the PC. So these are already standardized, and we just have to watch out for mistakes/outliers.
Hmm...looking at the 'Save Locations', I just noticed that Fallout Sonora uses a Load Screen with a larger than normal window for displaying text. Different than default Fallout 1 and 2. Why is that? I have also noticed that the names used for location levels in Fallout Sonora are much longer than Fallout 1 or 2, leading them to be frequently cut off. Was there some plan on the part of Nevada Band to have the location level names be displayed below the location name? To give the longer names room to be displayed? Hm. Or is that how it works when running the default install in windows?

Default Fallout 1 (and 2)
Screen Shot 2024-08-28 at 23.32.06.png
Default Fallout Sonora
Screen Shot 2024-08-28 at 23.33.50.png
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NPC Todd Garage City
"Plus, there were animals near my trailer." Changes: were->are Reason: Cuz they're still near the trailer.
"I'm afraid to get too close, but all my tools are in my house"
Changes: house->trailer Reason: Don't know what word is used in the original, but I think trailer is more fitting because i think it fits more in this sentence and he already uses another synonym for a house in the last sentence (home in this case). Gives it more impact I guess...

Could you touch up his dialouge tree because keeps saying "Hello. So what can I help you with?" every time after i ask another question after meeting the guy already.

Also noticed theres no subtitles for the intro did you forget to put them in and already have them somewhere or do you not know how. If not then I can help you since i already made them when i was active in radmurav.
Hmm...looking at the 'Save Locations', I just noticed that Fallout Sonora uses a Load Screen with a larger than normal window for displaying text. Different than default Fallout 1 and 2. Why is that? I have also noticed that the names used for location levels in Fallout Sonora are much longer than Fallout 1 or 2, leading them to be frequently cut off. Was there some plan on the part of Nevada Band to have the location level names be displayed below the location name? To give the longer names room to be displayed? Hm. Or is that how it works when running the default install in windows?

Default Fallout 1 (and 2)
View attachment 35076
Default Fallout Sonora
View attachment 35077
I'll check on my steam deck if its any different when I can. BTW I had one crash when passing by the guard omw out of Garage City. Idk if its community edition or because im playing on linux. The beta channel which im on for the steam deck is a suspect too but ill revert to stable because its kind of unstable...
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NPC Todd Garage City
I fixed all his lines as per your suggestions. As for his repeat greeting, I changed it to:

{210}{}{What do you want?}
{211}{}{Go ahead, I'm listening.}

The second being if he likes you more. If it is still too awkward I can tweak the script to make him greet, then respond to questions with separate lines.

The subtitles are there and just need to be turned on in the settings. Usually they are on by default and need to be turned off, so maybe it is a thing with the Linux build? Also, I guess you are the Fic_Mon from github. Hey!

I get a crash every once in a while (very infrequent) that is almost certainly CE related. I haven't had any Sonora or translation related crashes for a loooong time. They usually show up right away and are the result of a missing bracket. Missing lines haven't caused crashes as far as I have seen, just 'error'

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming!