Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Also IDK if I have to complete the vandal quest but chosing the reply [I'm interested in acquiring your knowledge.] does nothing and just exits the dialouge.
Are you sure that choosing that dialogue option ended the dialogue? Because in script it leads to another node. There is only one use of that line in the script
Are you sure that choosing that dialogue option ended the dialogue? Because in script it leads to another node. There is only one use of that line in the script
Yep it just exits and when i inspect the shelf with scriptures it says that I cant inspect them without Hirams permission. Test it for yourself.
Just tested it and got to this:

Screen Shot 2024-08-31 at 13.12.05.pngScreen Shot 2024-08-31 at 13.11.04.png

Very weird. You are still on default Fallout 2 in wine on linux?
Aside: This preacher's dialogue and script are rough. I will need to give it a good pass over. In my short testing I found the whole interactions with donating etc. to be unclear.
No I switched over to the linux version of fallout 2 ce a day or so ago right with my saves. And I had one more crash near the gatekeeper in garage city on the linux version (just like on the wine windows ce version).
I wonder if it is an issue with CE then. I have already reported two bugs related to how the dialogue window is displaying choice. One involved overlapping dialogue, and one caused a line of dialogue options to disappear.
I'm at Santa Ana right now, in general the place could use some general dialogue tweaking from tree passes. I don't have much to say, sorry, but I did include some spanish stuff. The location is also really small, it had three quests and 4 people you could talk too. As of now I just reached Hermosillo and talked with Dominguez. Also, now that I looked at it, if you need help with the spanish dialogue I'll be happy to help

The guard who watches the church entrance says "No hay entrada.", this would mean "No entrance." perhaps change it to "No puedes entrar.", this would be "You can't go in." After killing El Diablo, he also says "Vete, traidor!" (Get out of here, traitor!) perhaps change it to "Vete, escoria!" (Go away, scum!) because traitor implies the player agreed to the Diablo thing in the first place. One of his battle dialogue lacks a space, "Alguien seraahorcado hoy" should be "sera ahorcado"

The Trash Pile world object says "It takes some effort to get inside." if you click it without a shovel, perhaps "It'll take a tool to dig this." or something similar would work better.

The Ceremonial Crown says "It looks bizarre on the head", perhaps "It would look bizarre on someone's head" would work better

Upon finding Lucía and talking to her, you can say "Si, senora." (Yes, miss) perhaps it could be changed to "Si, pequeña." (Yes, little one.) because Señora is used for old women, and Lucía is a little girl

Upon talking to Enrique, you can say "Before you is an ancient church where the Devil wasn't worshipped. Ready to take on another sin in this holy place?" I think this could be changed to "This is an ancient church where the Devil was worshipped. Do you really want to commit yet another sin?". The reasoning is that the Devil was worshipped because they worshipped el Diablo, and the "Ready to take on another sin" is talking about murdering Hilario, the headman. So, the player is trying to convince Enrique to not kill him, but it sounds like he's encouraging him.

When talking to Hilario about leaving Santa Ana, the player character says "Now the entire population is against me. Leave." Me should be swapped to you. After clicking this, one of the options says "I'll help you find a new place to live...in hell!" there could be an space after the "...", and in the second option, it says "Unexpectedly the right decision. You're acting wisely, old man Hilario. Goodbye." perhaps this could be "I didn't expect you to agree. Goodbye, old man./Hilario." He also uses "patron" instead of "saint" after killing El Diablo

After the caravan route is established, a merchant appears in town, he uses some strange vocabulary but I think that's intentional. What's important it's that if you pick the "Can you handle transportation?" dialogue, the merchant will mention there's a 300 cap fee so he hauls you to Casa Nueva. The "Can you handle transportation?" line is also repeated from your part. I think the first Can you handle could be changed to "Could you get me to Casa Nueva?" and the second one to "Okay, here's the caps." There's also "Can you take me along to Casa Nueva?", but this opens after the initial dialogue

Also, now that I went to Casa Nueva, Arthur Carrington says "But this is where I'd like to live the rest of my life.", perhaps take out the "but"
Also, now that I looked at it, if you need help with the spanish dialogue I'll be happy to help
That could be good. I am going to go over all the Spanish dialogue last, and add the special characters back in. Maybe at that time I could use some advice.

I added all your points in except 'Si, pequeña.' because if the PC is speaking Spanish, he has the Spanish perk, so it should be English in << >> brackets. However, I did call her miss. I have left plenty of Spanish that is commonly known by all north americans (amigo, senor/a etc.) but I think pequena doesn't fall into that category. Pescadore is another that I am not sure of...

Also, you identified a bug in the script for the caravan merchant. The second line is incorrectly setup, so was referencing the wrong line in the dialogue (which was close to your suggestion of 'Okay, here's the caps'. This is fixed in script now and will be in the next 'script patch'.

Thanks again for the awesome feedback. I am going to finish a tree-pass on Garage City, then maybe switch to Santa Ana, since it is nice and small, before going back to Flagstaff, which is big.
I'm at Santa Ana right now, in general the place could use some general dialogue tweaking from tree passes. I don't have much to say, sorry, but I did include some spanish stuff. The location is also really small, it had three quests and 4 people you could talk too. As of now I just reached Hermosillo and talked with Dominguez. Also, now that I looked at it, if you need help with the spanish dialogue I'll be happy to help

The guard who watches the church entrance says "No hay entrada.", this would mean "No entrance." perhaps change it to "No puedes entrar.", this would be "You can't go in." After killing El Diablo, he also says "Vete, traidor!" (Get out of here, traitor!) perhaps change it to "Vete, escoria!" (Go away, scum!) because traitor implies the player agreed to the Diablo thing in the first place. One of his battle dialogue lacks a space, "Alguien seraahorcado hoy" should be "sera ahorcado"

The Trash Pile world object says "It takes some effort to get inside." if you click it without a shovel, perhaps "It'll take a tool to dig this." or something similar would work better.

The Ceremonial Crown says "It looks bizarre on the head", perhaps "It would look bizarre on someone's head" would work better

Upon finding Lucía and talking to her, you can say "Si, senora." (Yes, miss) perhaps it could be changed to "Si, pequeña." (Yes, little one.) because Señora is used for old women, and Lucía is a little girl

Upon talking to Enrique, you can say "Before you is an ancient church where the Devil wasn't worshipped. Ready to take on another sin in this holy place?" I think this could be changed to "This is an ancient church where the Devil was worshipped. Do you really want to commit yet another sin?". The reasoning is that the Devil was worshipped because they worshipped el Diablo, and the "Ready to take on another sin" is talking about murdering Hilario, the headman. So, the player is trying to convince Enrique to not kill him, but it sounds like he's encouraging him.

When talking to Hilario about leaving Santa Ana, the player character says "Now the entire population is against me. Leave." Me should be swapped to you. After clicking this, one of the options says "I'll help you find a new place to live...in hell!" there could be an space after the "...", and in the second option, it says "Unexpectedly the right decision. You're acting wisely, old man Hilario. Goodbye." perhaps this could be "I didn't expect you to agree. Goodbye, old man./Hilario." He also uses "patron" instead of "saint" after killing El Diablo

After the caravan route is established, a merchant appears in town, he uses some strange vocabulary but I think that's intentional. What's important it's that if you pick the "Can you handle transportation?" dialogue, the merchant will mention there's a 300 cap fee so he hauls you to Casa Nueva. The "Can you handle transportation?" line is also repeated from your part. I think the first Can you handle could be changed to "Could you get me to Casa Nueva?" and the second one to "Okay, here's the caps." There's also "Can you take me along to Casa Nueva?", but this opens after the initial dialogue

Also, now that I went to Casa Nueva, Arthur Carrington says "But this is where I'd like to live the rest of my life.", perhaps take out the "but"
Is the Spanish in Sonora that bad? Weird cuz I know the original dev team had a mexican to help with the spanish stuff. What is your background in spanish and how much do you know of Mexican Spanish?
NPC Lucas, Garage City
[You really don't know what a factory is? And you can see that you have dark skin.]
Changes: And you can see that you have dark skin-> Ah, I see you have a darker complexion. Reason: More natural sounding.
Reply: [Where is there eo much light here?] Changes: Where->Why

NPC Administrator, Flagstaff
After killing the rat king
[Is that thing really dead]
Reply: [Not suprised.]
Changes: Not suprised->Nope
Reason: I dont even know why the original is worded like that in the first place.

NPC Savage, Garage City Garriaon [Pens]
First Greeting
[Don't talk to me stranger the others won't understand you] ???
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That could be good. I am going to go over all the Spanish dialogue last, and add the special characters back in. Maybe at that time I could use some advice.

I added all your points in except 'Si, pequeña.' because if the PC is speaking Spanish, he has the Spanish perk, so it should be English in << >> brackets. However, I did call her miss.
Yeah, miss or Señorita would work best.
Anyway, I'll be glad to help
Is the Spanish in Sonora that bad? Weird cuz I know the original dev team had a mexican to help with the spanish stuff. What is your background in spanish and how much do you know of Mexican Spanish?
I wouldn't call it bad, but some of it sounds unnatural, for example, the mexican guard at Hermosillo says "El intruso!" (The intruder!) Instead of "¡Un intruso!" (an intruder). It's mostly minor things, I believe Cambragol also wants to add the accent marks, which some of the dialogue is also (understandably since it needed another font) missing.

I'm from south america, while I'm not mexican the jargon and speech is not far gone from normal spanish, and I know another mexican I could ask about it, just in case.
BTW could you please post the guide I made for android users on your git site. Also I had to chamge the language in fallout.2cfg for it to run on my steamdecks limux version of fo2 ce for it to load fonts properly. So for linux dudes just put a note to follow the guide normally and change fo2cfg.

AND I'll be testing your translation on fo2.exe and fo2.exe vault edition (the best app imo for playing classic fallout on phone cuz of its immaculate controls) though the community ediyion is sadly not on the play store anymore and only available on the internet archive.
Hm.... Nope it only works when i set fo2cfg to russian but then it reverts to the original and on defualt english it crashes after 2 seconds. Could I put all the 001 002 and 003 patches in master.dat or dlc.dat and in which order should I do it? Cuz I reckon it wont start because the app cant detect the originals file structure. Fo2ce works no problem but the controls are god afwul.
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Some minor stuff in Hermosillo, I know you said you'd look into the spanish last, but I added that too:

If you hover over the privates, the Pip-Boy message says "You see private." instead of "You see *a* private." Their battle dialogue and their interaction dialogue while disguised could also be changed because of the following reasons:
- One of their battle dialogues comes out as "Añy n has visto a nuestro ejercito." I'm not sure what happened at the start, perhaps an issue with the font, because the y in "Añy" has a diaeresis too, but it should be "Aun no has visto a nuestro ejercito."
- "Arizona seranuestra!" it lacks a space, it should be "sera nuestra".
- "The mostrarelo que es una verdadera batalla" also lacks a space, it should be "mostrare lo".
- "Toma tus pertenencias como trofeo", Toma should be tomaré, because with Toma it would be "Take your belongings as a trophy" instead of "I'll take your belongings as a trophy".
- There is also "Quete parece mi golpe?", aside from lacking a space it sounds weird, because it'd be something like "What do you think of my punch?" it could be changed to "¿Qué te parece esto?" which would be "What do you think of this?"
- "Vamos a vencer a estas cucarachas" sounds a bit strange, this would mean "Let's defeat these cockroaches!" perhaps this would work best: "¡Aplastemos a estas cucarachas/¡Aplastémolos como cucarachas!" (Let's crush those cockroaches!/Let's crush them like cockroaches!)
So, here's their other revised lines, if you want to add the accent marks and the exclamation marks:
"¡Arizona será nuestra!" "Aún no has visto a nuestro ejercito." "Te mostraré lo que es una verdadera batalla." "Tomaré tus pertenencias como trofeo."
If you used the NMR armour and talk to them, they'll say "Todo es bueno.", this would literally mean "All is good." but it doesn't work in spanish, so it could be "Todo está bien." (it's closer to Everything is fine.") If you take it off, they guy next to the General will say "El intruso!" (The intruder!), so this could be changed to "¡Un intruso!" (*An* intruder!)

Upon inspecting the prisoner of war, the Pip-Boy message says "You see a man with signs of beating", it could be "a beating"

The guy at the entrance, the guy with the talking head, could use some changes to his floating dialogue. He says "Necesito zapatos nuevo", in english this would sound like "I need new shoe.", so it should be nuevos instead of nuevo
He also says "Donde es el cambio de guardia?" this would mean "Where is the guard change?" instead of "¿Cuándo es el cambio de guardia?", which means "*When* is the guard change?. He also says "El intruso!" if you provoke him, so it could be "¡Un intruso!", like the privates' dialogue.

If you talk with the general while disguised, he'll say "¡Intruso! ¡Alerta!" this is okay, but perhaps "¡Alerta! ¡Un intruso!" (Alert! An intruder!) would work better. Also, strangely enough, no one attacks you if he says this.

Pancho's dismissal option is "We've arrived. You'll need to wait here." Perhaps "We've arrived." isn't needed. If you talk to him again, the player character says "Yeah, we time to go." we could be swapped with it's

The save locations for the sewers is "Lower Drain" and "Upper Drainage", perhaps use only one word for Drain

If you talk with the farmer children, they'll say "Want?ride waks?", so it needs a space after the ?

Puerto/Inferno: If you recruited Barkley, then dismiss him, his closing dialogue option is still "Okay. Let's go.", perhaps change this to "That's all I wanted to say." or similar
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NPC Lucas, Garage City
[You really don't know what a factory is? And you can see that you have dark skin.]
Changes: And you can see that you have dark skin-> Ah, I see you have a darker complexion. Reason: More natural sounding.
Okay, I got everything in this post fixed.

I actually had already tweaked this specific line in my current 'tree pass' on Garage City. Now it is completely different, but retains the meaning.

Thanks for the feedback!
BTW could you please post the guide I made for android users on your git site. Also I had to chamge the language in fo2cfg for it to run on my steamdecks limux version of fo2 ce for it to load fonts properly. So for linux dudes just put a note to follow the guide normally and change fo2cfg.
Does linux have a file named 'fo2.cfg' rather than 'fallout2.cfg'? Also, changing the language to English from Russian is part of the standard install.

I'll be testing your translation on fo2.exe and fo2.exe community edition (the best app imo for playing classic fallout on phone cuz of its immaculate controls)
fo2.exe and fo2.exe community edition for iphones? You mean Fallout 2 CE for iphone? Is there another way to play it on iphone?
Does linux have a file named 'fo2.cfg' rather than 'fallout2.cfg'? Also, changing the language to English from Russian is part of the standard install.

fo2.exe and fo2.exe community edition for iphones? You mean Fallout 2 CE for iphone? Is there another way to play it on iphone?
Its fallout2.cfg no fo2.cfg.

I meant to say standard fo2.exe and fo2.exe vault edition got it mixed up with community edition sorry.

Typed this on 0 sleep.

Seatch fo2.exe on youtube and see for yourself i dont think its on iphone fyi.
If you talk with the farmer children, they'll say "Want?ride waks?", so it needs a space after the ?
Thanks @OnlyALad ! I got all those changes in. However, the line above does not exist in the translation. There is no '?' between Want and ride. So it might be an issue with the font. I am still seeing an occasional garbling of text when saving in windows 1252 format in my Visual Studio Code (which I am using.) Añy n has visto a nuestro ejercito - was certainly a case of this. Perhaps that ? is the result of that kind of garbling.
Okay, I got everything in this post fixed.

I actually had already tweaked this specific line in my current 'tree pass' on Garage City. Now it is completely different, but retains the meaning.

Thanks for the feedback!
Really which one did you pick and ehat did your fix sound like?
Thanks @OnlyALad ! I got all those changes in. However, the line above does not exist in the translation. There is no '?' between Want and ride. So it might be an issue with the font. I am still seeing an occasional garbling of text when saving in windows 1252 format in my Visual Studio Code (which I am using.) Añy n has visto a nuestro ejercito - was certainly a case of this. Perhaps that ? is the result of that kind of garbling.
Glad it helped
It does look like the font is messing stuff up, have you tried with ANSI? I believe the spanish FO2 translation used it alongside Win-1258

Alright, I finished Sonora, certainly a ride...
I didn't see anything weird in the ending slides, just one minor typo, General Mossman is called General Mosman in the Rangers' slide, in the subtitles

Come to think of it, I'll load my previous save and pick the Eternal Wanderer perk, and go do Jackals and the location to the far east, I didn't do those too, and I'll also be able to check the post-game stuff if it needs a fix or something

I just have one question: What exactly does the fragmented picture mean? Is it the trust and companionship of Villa falling apart? Is your family falling apart? Does it mean this tight-knit community is falling apart to time due to wasteland hardships? I'm not sure, maybe it's up to interpretation, but it didn't seem to have any effects inside of Villa when I arrived, even if the picture was already completely broken...

Also, I forgot to post this stuff:
You can buy new wheels for the motorcycle in Garage City, but it doesn't specify what the effects of this will be until you buy them, perhaps add this to Pete's dialogue so the player doesn't skip it

There is a random encounter called "A giant centipede.", but it's 3 centipedes

Upon encountering La Fantasma's random encounter, the save location is called "Wasteland Corrupted", I don't know if this is something like "Error" or "ERROR! F2"

This is more part of an user error, but, if you run out of fuel for the bike inside a location circle in the world map, the "Pit Stop" location will spawn inside of it, and you can't get your bike back
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Glad it helped
It does look like the font is messing stuff up, have you tried with ANSI? I believe the spanish FO2 translation used it alongside Win-1258

Alright, I finished Sonora, certainly a ride...
I didn't see anything weird in the ending slides, just one minor typo, General Mossman is called General Mosman in the Rangers' slide, in the subtitles

Come to think of it, I'll load my previous save and pick the Eternal Wanderer perk, and go do Jackals and the location to the far east, I didn't do those too, and I'll also be able to check the post-game stuff if it needs a fix or something

I just have one question: What exactly does the fragmented picture mean? Is it the trust and companionship of Villa falling apart? Is your family falling apart? Does it mean this tight-knit community is falling apart to time due to wasteland hardships? I'm not sure, maybe it's up to interpretation, but it didn't seem to have any effects inside of Villa when I arrived, even if the picture was already completely broken...

Also, I forgot to post this stuff:
You can buy new wheels for the motorcycle in Garage City, but it doesn't specify what the effects of this will be until you buy them, perhaps add this to Pete's dialogue so the player doesn't skip it

There is a random encounter called "A giant centipede.", but it's 3 centipedes

Upon encountering La Fantasma's random encounter, the save location is called "Wasteland Corrupted", I don't know if this is something like "Error" or "ERROR! F2"

This is more part of an user error, but, if you run out of fuel for the bike inside a location circle in the world map, the "Pit Stop" location will spawn inside of it, and you can't get your bike back
Hmm I wonder how fo2 deals with the same issue when the highwayman is out of gas.