Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

@OnlyALad - If you have a moment, could you pass an eye over this Spanish combat message dialogue? I it is purely machine generated, as I know zero Spanish. It is a translation of the 'Normal' person combat messages, which will be used for non-army Mexican/Spanish speaking NPCs, to complete the perfect use of the Spanish Trait. There is a matching 'translated' version which has the original English of this, bracketed with square brackets. I will post that for reference too.

# 37000 Mexican Generic
{37000}{}{¡Todo da vueltas como un carrusel!}
{37001}{}{¡Ay, eso dolió más que una ruptura!}
{37002}{}{Una estrella... dos estrellas... ¡espero no llegar a cinco!}
{37003}{}{¡Mi hermosa cara! ¡Nooo!}
{37004}{}{Creo que voy a desmayarme... o tal vez a echarme una siesta...}
{37005}{}{¡Directo en la cabeza! ¡Blanco perfecto!}
{37006}{}{¡Ay, mi pobre y dolorida cabeza!}
{37007}{}{Parece que mi cráneo se está partiendo... o simplemente no está de acuerdo conmigo.}
{37008}{}{¡Allá va otro diente! ¡El Hada de los Dientes se va a hacer rica!}
{37009}{}{¿Qué? ¿Cuánto tiempo estuve fuera? ¿Me perdí el almuerzo?}
{37010}{}{¡Ah! ¡Esto no es lo que esperaba!}
{37011}{}{¡Mi mano! ¡Mi preciosa mano!}
{37012}{}{¡Argh, mi mano! ¿Alguien lo grabó?}
{37013}{}{¡Vaya, esto duele peor que un mensaje de ruptura!}
{37014}{}{Me duele el brazo. En serio, me duele mucho.}
{37015}{}{Me duele el brazo. ¡Necesito un médico, ya!}
{37016}{}{¡Todo mi brazo parece un pretzel!}
{37017}{}{Roto aquí... y aquí... oh, genial.}
{37018}{}{¡Me rompiste el brazo! ¿Quién va a pagar por esto?}
{37019}{}{¡Ahh, me rompieron el brazo! ¡Estás en mi lista negra!}
{37020}{}{¡No siento mi mano! ¿Se fue temprano?}
{37021}{}{¿Alguien puede arreglar mi mano? ¡Por favor, con azúcar encima!}
{37022}{}{¡Mi dedo voló! ¡Paren el caos, en serio!}
{37023}{}{¡Basta! ¿Cómo voy a alimentar a mi familia sin una mano?}
{37024}{}{¡Por favor, dejen al menos un par de dedos! ¡Los necesito!}
{37025}{}{Mis dedos se están entumeciendo... ¿así se sentía Frosty?}
{37026}{}{¡Oye, mira lo que le hiciste a tu mano!}
{37027}{}{¡Demasiada sangre! ¡Alguien tráigame una venda, rápido!}
{37028}{}{Un poco más y estaría despidiéndome de mi mano.}
{37029}{}{Esto duele tanto... Pensé que el dolor tenía límites.}
{37030}{}{¿Por qué me haces esto? ¿Te debo dinero o algo?}
{37031}{}{¿Qué es eso que sale de mi pecho? Eso no es normal, ¿verdad?}
{37032}{}{¡Costillas! Eso realmente, realmente dolió.}
{37033}{}{No puedo respirar bien... ¿es así como se sienten los peces?}
{37034}{}{Esto parece problema con P mayúscula.}
{37035}{}{No duele mucho, pero estoy perdiendo suficiente sangre para llenar una piscina infantil.}
{37036}{}{¡Tú vas a pagar la cuenta del médico, amigo!}
{37037}{}{¡Doctores, al rescate!}
{37038}{}{Esta herida me da malas vibras.}
{37039}{}{¿Por qué no puedo enderezar mi espalda? ¿Me convertí en un signo de interrogación?}
{37040}{}{Creo que algo se rompió dentro de mí... espero que no sea mi voluntad de vivir.}
{37041}{}{*tos de sangre* Esto no puede ser bueno.}
{37042}{}{¿De quién es esta sangre? ¡Espero que no sea mía!}
{37043}{}{Probablemente debería acostarme hasta que pare este sangrado.}
{37044}{}{Respirar es difícil... ¿Estoy bajo el agua o algo así?}
{37045}{}{No haré nada loco, solo no me mates.}
{37046}{}{Eso es mucha sangre... ¿Hay una convención de vampiros cerca?}
{37047}{}{Me estoy calentando... y siento sueño... ¿hora de una siesta?}
{37048}{}{*respira fuerte* Ese fue mi suspiro dramático.}
{37049}{}{No puedo... respirar... ¡tengo que recuperar el aliento!}
{37050}{}{Creo que... me estoy muriendo... o solo muy cansado.}
{37051}{}{¡Ayúdenme! ¡Alguien, sálveme!}
{37052}{}{¡No me mates, tengo una familia! ¡Y soy artista!}
{37053}{}{Owww, mi pecho siente que está en llamas.}
{37054}{}{Espera... tengo que recuperar el aliento...}
{37055}{}{Espera, necesito contar mis costillas.}
{37056}{}{Al menos déjame fumar un último cigarro antes de estirar la pata.}
{37057}{}{Ugh, realmente necesito dejar de fumar después de esto.}
{37058}{}{Mis pulmones se tomaron un descanso.}
{37059}{}{Una costilla menos, ¡espero que no fuera importante!}
{37060}{}{¡Mi pierna! ¡La necesito para caminar!}
{37061}{}{¡Ay, mi rodilla está gritando más fuerte que mi ex!}
{37062}{}{Creo que se fue... ¡Aah! ¡El dolor!}
{37063}{}{Está goteando sangre de mi bota... ¡no es una declaración de moda!}
{37064}{}{¡No siento mi pie! ¿Se fue de vacaciones?}
{37065}{}{Creo que me dispararon en la pierna... ¡qué suerte la mía!}
{37066}{}{¡Mi pierna está MIA!}
{37067}{}{¡Llamen a un médico! ¡Estoy atrapado como una estatua!}
{37068}{}{¡Detente antes de que me convierta en un completo lisiado!}
{37069}{}{¡Más vale que pagues el tratamiento de mi pierna, amigo!}
{37070}{}{¡Oye, ya basta!}
{37071}{}{¡Ya no puedo caminar! ¡Gracias por eso!}
{37072}{}{Duele moverme. No estoy hecho para esto.}
{37073}{}{Me dispararon en la pierna. ¿Alguien puede escribirme una nota de excusa?}
{37074}{}{Mi rodilla está hecha trizas. ¿Quién va a pagar por esto?}
{37075}{}{¡Esta herida es totalmente tu culpa!}
{37076}{}{Genial, estaré usando muletas los próximos meses.}
{37077}{}{¡No quiero ser un lisiado!}
{37078}{}{¿Quién necesita a una persona con una pierna ahora?}
{37079}{}{Sin pierna, sin vida, ¡y es todo TU culpa!}
{37080}{}{¡Mis ojos! ¡Mis preciosos ojos!}
{37081}{}{¡Oh no, mi ojo!}
{37082}{}{¡Ten cuidado, o me vas a dejar ciego!}
{37083}{}{¡No veo nada! ¿Alguien apagó las luces?}
{37084}{}{¡No en la cara! ¡Es lo mejor que tengo!}
{37085}{}{Si me quedo ciego, ¡es tu culpa!}
{37086}{}{¡Me estoy quedando ciego! ¡Nooo!}
{37087}{}{¡Oye, me lastimaste el ojo!}
{37088}{}{Se está poniendo oscuro... ¿hay un apagón?}
{37089}{}{¡Daría lo que fuera por no quedarme ciego!}
{37090}{}{¡Qué vergüenza!}
{37091}{}{¿Qué clase de monstruo eres?}
{37092}{}{¿Esto te parece divertido? ¿En serio?}
{37093}{}{¡Ay, el dolor, el dolor!}
{37094}{}{¡Uh-oh! Eso no puede ser bueno.}
{37095}{}{¡Demonios, cómo arde!}
{37096}{}{¡Solo un verdadero imbécil haría esto!}
{37097}{}{¿Dónde demonios estás apuntando?}
{37098}{}{Adiós a mis planes de tener hijos.}
{37099}{}{Con esta herida, olvídate de todos mis planes.}
{37100}{}{¡Ayuda! ¡Me están matando!}
{37101}{}{¡Alguien, ayúdame!}
{37102}{}{¡Ya tuve suficiente de esta tontería!}
{37103}{}{¡Por favor, no más!}
{37104}{}{¡Por favor, detente!}
{37105}{}{Solo déjanos en paz, ¿vale?}
{37106}{}{¡No quiero morir! ¡Tengo cosas que hacer!}
{37107}{}{¿No vas a matarme, verdad?}
{37108}{}{¡Por favor, no me golpees otra vez!}
{37109}{}{Perdón, pero tengo que correr.}
{37110}{}{Maldición, pensé que sería más fácil lidiar contigo.}
{37111}{}{¿No puedes meterte con alguien más?}
{37112}{}{No voy a volver aquí, nunca.}
{37113}{}{¡Por favor, deja de lastimarme!}
{37114}{}{De verdad, no vale la pena.}
{37115}{}{Santo cielo, es hora de un descanso para fumar.}
{37116}{}{Está bien, nunca estuve aquí.}
{37117}{}{Eh, nos vemos... o no.}
{37118}{}{¡Tengo que irme! ¡Como, ahora mismo!}
{37119}{}{Espera, volveré en un minuto... o no.}
{37120}{}{No quiero que los vecinos me vean lidiando contigo.}
{37121}{}{Quédate quieto, esto será rápido.}
{37122}{}{Esto no tomará mucho, lo prometo.}
{37123}{}{¡Detén a ese imbécil!}
{37124}{}{No creo que te vaya a gustar esto.}
{37125}{}{Ahora es mi turno de divertirme.}
{37126}{}{Es hora de un pequeño baile, ¿te parece?}
{37127}{}{Realmente no quiero hacer esto, pero no me dejas opción.}
{37128}{}{De verdad estás empezando a irritarme.}
{37129}{}{Alguien necesita enseñarte modales.}
{37130}{}{Ya me estoy cansando de esto.}
{37131}{}{Es una lástima que haya llegado a esto...}
{37132}{}{¿Por qué siempre termina en esto?}
{37133}{}{Solo vete, y nadie saldrá lastimado.}
{37134}{}{Por parásitos como tú, la gente honesta no puede descansar.}
{37135}{}{No quiero matar a nadie más. Por favor, no me obligues.}
{37136}{}{De verdad espero que nadie te vaya a extrañar.}
{37137}{}{Alguien va a pagar por todo esto.}
{37138}{}{Nadie te quiere aquí.}
{37139}{}{Espero que esto no se me regrese.}
{37140}{}{¡Toma eso! ¿Qué tal esas manzanas?}
{37141}{}{¡Toma eso!}
{37142}{}{¿Cómo se siente eso? No se siente bien, ¿verdad?}
{37143}{}{Sí, ¡toma eso!}
{37144}{}{¿Qué tal eso?}
{37145}{}{Oh, sí, justo ahí.}
{37146}{}{Uh-oh, parece que alguien está sangrando.}
{37147}{}{Sí, acércate para el próximo golpe.}
{37148}{}{¿Qué tal eso? No es divertido, ¿verdad?}
{37149}{}{¡Ja, disfrutaste eso? No lo creo.}
{37150}{}{¡Hora de una pequeña siesta!}
{37151}{}{¡Toma eso! ¡Y eso! ¡Y eso!}
{37152}{}{¡Toma eso, te lo buscaste!}
{37153}{}{¡Ahora sí que me hiciste enojar!}
{37154}{}{No me hagas hacer esto de nuevo.}
{37155}{}{¡Espero que eso duela!}
{37156}{}{Esto te enseñará modales.}
{37157}{}{¡No lastimarás a nadie más!}
{37158}{}{Esto es solo el comienzo de tu lección.}
{37159}{}{Solo se va a poner peor a partir de aquí.}
{37160}{}{¡Oye, casi me golpeas!}
{37161}{}{¡Malditos saqueadores!}
{37162}{}{¡Esto es un caos total!}
{37163}{}{¡Detente, alguien va a salir herido!}
{37164}{}{¡Podrías matar a alguien con eso!}
{37165}{}{¿Por qué haces esto? ¿Buscas problemas?}
{37166}{}{Si buscas problemas, encuéntralos en otro lado.}
{37167}{}{Solo un poco más...}
{37168}{}{Parece que eras más ladrido que mordida.}
{37169}{}{No te atrevas a intentarlo de nuevo.}
{37170}{}{¡Fallaste! Vamos a dejarlo así.}
{37171}{}{¡No vas a darme!}
{37172}{}{Eres un pésimo luchador.}
{37173}{}{Vuelve a tu cueva, salvaje.}
{37174}{}{Será mejor que te quedes en casa y mantengas la cabeza baja.}
{37175}{}{¿Estoy sangrando? ¿No? ¡Uf!}
{37176}{}{Uf, eso estuvo cerca...}
{37177}{}{¡Qué bueno que soy rápido con los pies!}
{37178}{}{¡Está bien, está bien, bailaré! ¡Solo déjame en paz!}
{37179}{}{¡Oye, cuidado!}

# 38000 Mexican Generic Eng
{38000}{}{«Everything's spinning like a merry-go-round!»}
{38001}{}{«Ouch, that hurt more than a breakup!»}
{38002}{}{«One star... two stars... hope I don't hit five!»}
{38003}{}{«My beautiful face! Nooo!»}
{38004}{}{«I think I'm going to pass out... or maybe take a nap...»}
{38005}{}{«Right on the noggin! Bullseye!»}
{38006}{}{«Oh, my poor, aching head!»}
{38007}{}{«Feels like my skull is splitting... or just really disagreeing with me!»}
{38008}{}{«Well, there goes another tooth! The Tooth Fairy's gonna be rich!»}
{38009}{}{«What? How long was I out? Did I miss lunch?»}
{38010}{}{«Ah! That's not what I signed up for!»}
{38011}{}{«My hand! My precious hand!»}
{38012}{}{«Argh, my hand! Did someone catch that on camera?»}
{38013}{}{«Man, that stings worse than a breakup text!»}
{38014}{}{«My arm hurts. Like, seriously bad.»}
{38015}{}{«My arm hurts. I need a doctor, stat!»}
{38016}{}{«My whole arm looks like a pretzel!»}
{38017}{}{«Broken here... and here... oh, just great.»}
{38018}{}{«You broke my arm! Who's paying for this?»}
{38019}{}{«Ahh, they broke my arm! You're on my naughty list!»}
{38020}{}{«I can't feel my hand! Did it clock out early?»}
{38021}{}{«Won't someone fix my hand? Pretty please with sugar on top!»}
{38022}{}{«My finger got blown off! Stop the chaos, seriously!»}
{38023}{}{«Stop! How am I supposed to feed my family without a hand?»}
{38024}{}{«Please leave at least a couple of fingers! I need those!»}
{38025}{}{«My fingers are going numb... is this how Frosty felt?»}
{38026}{}{«Hey, check out what you did to your hand!»}
{38027}{}{«Too much blood! Someone get me a bandage, ASAP!»}
{38028}{}{«A bit more, and I'd be waving goodbye to my hand!»}
{38029}{}{«This hurts so bad... I thought pain had limits!»}
{38030}{}{«Why are you doing this to me? Do I owe you money or something?»}
{38031}{}{«What's that poking out of my chest? That's not normal, right?»}
{38032}{}{«Ribs! That really, really hurt!»}
{38033}{}{«I can't breathe right... is this what fish feel like?»}
{38034}{}{«This looks like trouble with a capital T.»}
{38035}{}{«It doesn't hurt much, but I'm losing enough blood to fill a kiddie pool!»}
{38036}{}{«You're footing the medical bill for this, buddy!»}
{38037}{}{«Doctors, to the rescue!»}
{38038}{}{«This wound is giving me dangerous vibes!»}
{38039}{}{«Why won't my back straighten? Did I turn into a question mark?»}
{38040}{}{«I think something broke inside me... hope it's not my will to live!»}
{38041}{}{«*coughs blood* This can't be good.»}
{38042}{}{«Whose blood is this? Hope it's not mine!»}
{38043}{}{«I should probably lie down until this bleeding stops.»}
{38044}{}{«Breathing is hard... am I under water or something?»}
{38045}{}{«I won't do anything crazy, just don't kill me!»}
{38046}{}{«That's a lot of blood... is there a vampire convention nearby?»}
{38047}{}{«Getting warm... and sleepy... time for a nap?»}
{38048}{}{«*heavy breath* That was my dramatic sigh.»}
{38049}{}{«Can't...breathe... gotta catch my breath!»}
{38050}{}{«I think I'm... dying... or just really tired.»}
{38051}{}{«Help me! Somebody, save me!»}
{38052}{}{«Don't kill me, I have a family! And I'm an artist!»}
{38053}{}{«Owww, my chest feels like it's on fire!»}
{38054}{}{«Wait... gotta catch my breath...»}
{38055}{}{«Hold on, I need to count my ribs.»}
{38056}{}{«At least let me have one last smoke before I kick the bucket.»}
{38057}{}{«Ugh, I really need to quit smoking after this.»}
{38058}{}{«My lungs took a coffee break.»}
{38059}{}{«One less rib, hope it wasn't important!»}
{38060}{}{«My leg! I need that for walking!»}
{38061}{}{«Ouch, my knee is screaming louder than my ex!»}
{38062}{}{«I think it's gone... Aah! The pain!»}
{38063}{}{«Blood is leaking from my boot... it's not a fashion statement!»}
{38064}{}{«I can't feel my foot! Did it go on vacation?»}
{38065}{}{«I think I got shot in the leg... just my luck!»}
{38066}{}{«My leg is MIA!»}
{38067}{}{«Call a doctor! I'm stuck like a statue!»}
{38068}{}{«Stop it before I turn into a complete cripple!»}
{38069}{}{«You better pay for my leg's treatment, pal!»}
{38070}{}{«Hey, cut it out!»}
{38071}{}{«I can't walk anymore! Thanks for that!»}
{38072}{}{«It hurts to move. I'm not cut out for this!»}
{38073}{}{«I was shot in the leg. Can someone write me a sick note?»}
{38074}{}{«My knee is wrecked. Who's paying for this?»}
{38075}{}{«This injury is totally on your conscience!»}
{38076}{}{«Great, I'll be rocking crutches for the next few months.»}
{38077}{}{«I don't want to be a cripple!»}
{38078}{}{«Who needs a one-legged person now?»}
{38079}{}{«No leg, no life, and it's all YOUR fault!»}
{38080}{}{«My eyes! My precious eyes!»}
{38081}{}{«Oh no, my eye!»}
{38082}{}{«Be careful, or I'll go blind!»}
{38083}{}{«I can't see anything! Did someone turn off the lights?»}
{38084}{}{«Not the face! It's my best feature!»}
{38085}{}{«If I go blind, it's on you!»}
{38086}{}{«I'm going blind! Nooo!»}
{38087}{}{«Hey, you hurt my eye!»}
{38088}{}{«It's getting dark in here... is there a blackout?»}
{38089}{}{«I'll give anything to not go blind!»}
{38090}{}{«Shame on you!»}
{38091}{}{«What kind of monster are you?»}
{38092}{}{«Is this your idea of fun? Really?»}
{38093}{}{«Oh, the pain, the pain!»}
{38094}{}{«Uh-oh! That can't be good.»}
{38095}{}{«Damn, that stings!»}
{38096}{}{«Only a real jerk would do this!»}
{38097}{}{«Where the heck are you aiming?!»}
{38098}{}{«There go my plans for kids.»}
{38099}{}{«With this injury, say goodbye to all my plans.»}
{38100}{}{«Help! I'm being murdered!»}
{38101}{}{«Somebody, help me!»}
{38102}{}{«I've had enough of this nonsense!»}
{38103}{}{«Please, no more!»}
{38104}{}{«Please, just stop!»}
{38105}{}{«Just leave us alone, okay?»}
{38106}{}{«I don't want to die! I've got stuff to do!»}
{38107}{}{«You're not going to kill me, right?»}
{38108}{}{«Please, don't hit me again!»}
{38109}{}{«Sorry, but I've got to run.»}
{38110}{}{«Damn, I thought you'd be easier to deal with.»}
{38111}{}{«Can't you pick on someone else?»}
{38112}{}{«I'm not coming back here, ever.»}
{38113}{}{«Please, stop hurting me!»}
{38114}{}{«It's just not worth it, seriously.»}
{38115}{}{«Holy crap! I'm outta here!»}
{38116}{}{«No way! I'm getting out of here!»}
{38117}{}{«Sorry! Didn't mean to bother you!»}
{38118}{}{«I never wanted to fight you!»}
{38119}{}{«If you let me go, I'll leave, I swear!»}
{38120}{}{«I don't want the neighbors to see me dealing with you.»}
{38121}{}{«Stay still, and I'll make this quick.»}
{38122}{}{«This won't take long, promise.»}
{38123}{}{«Stop that jerk!»}
{38124}{}{«I don't think you're going to like this.»}
{38125}{}{«Now it's my turn to have some fun.»}
{38126}{}{«Time for a little dance, shall we?»}
{38127}{}{«I really don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice.»}
{38128}{}{«You're really getting on my nerves.»}
{38129}{}{«Somebody needs to teach you some manners.»}
{38130}{}{«I'm getting pretty tired of this.»}
{38131}{}{«It's a shame it had to come to this...»}
{38132}{}{«Why does it always come to this?»}
{38133}{}{«Just go away, and no one gets hurt.»}
{38134}{}{«Because of parasites like you, honest folks can't catch a break.»}
{38135}{}{«I don't want to kill anyone else. Please don't make me.»}
{38136}{}{«I really hope nobody's going to miss you.»}
{38137}{}{«Someone's going to pay for all this.»}
{38138}{}{«Nobody wants you here.»}
{38139}{}{«I hope this doesn't backfire on me.»}
{38140}{}{«Take that! How do you like them apples?»}
{38141}{}{«Take that!»}
{38142}{}{«How does that feel? Not good, right?»}
{38143}{}{«Yeah, take that!»}
{38144}{}{«How do you like that?»}
{38145}{}{«Oh yeah, right there!»}
{38146}{}{«Uh-oh, looks like someone's bleeding!»}
{38147}{}{«Yeah, step right up for the next hit!»}
{38148}{}{«How do you like that? Not fun, huh?»}
{38149}{}{«Ha, enjoy that? Didn't think so!»}
{38150}{}{«Time for a little nap!»}
{38151}{}{«Take that! And that! And that!»}
{38152}{}{«Take that, you had it coming!»}
{38153}{}{«Now you've got me really ticked off!»}
{38154}{}{«Don't make me do this again.»}
{38155}{}{«Hope that hurts!»}
{38156}{}{«This'll teach you some manners.»}
{38157}{}{«You won't be hurting anyone else!»}
{38158}{}{«This is just the beginning of your lesson!»}
{38159}{}{«It's only going to get worse from here!»}
{38160}{}{«Hey, you almost hit me!»}
{38161}{}{«Damn raiders!»}
{38162}{}{«This is just chaos!»}
{38163}{}{«Stop, someone's going to get hurt!»}
{38164}{}{«You could kill someone with that!»}
{38165}{}{«Why are you doing this? Looking for trouble?»}
{38166}{}{«If you're looking for trouble, find it somewhere else.»}
{38167}{}{«Just a bit more...»}
{38168}{}{«Looks like you were more bark than bite.»}
{38169}{}{«Don't you dare try that again.»}
{38170}{}{«You missed! Let's call it quits.»}
{38171}{}{«You're not going to hit me!»}
{38172}{}{«You're a terrible fighter.»}
{38173}{}{«Go back to your cave, savage.»}
{38174}{}{«Better stay home and keep your head down.»}
{38175}{}{«Am I bleeding? No? Phew!»}
{38176}{}{«Phew, that was close...»}
{38177}{}{«Good thing I'm quick on my feet!»}
{38178}{}{«Okay, okay, I'll dance! Just leave me alone!»}
{38179}{}{«Hey, watch it!»}
It would be good to have a correct balance of combat messages, though I imagine Nevada Band would have set it up that way.

As for the .dat files, provided the order is maintained, overwriting should be fine. 001 is vanilla text, fonts, video, sound, and art (all english), 002 is all text for the DLC, with some 'overwrites/new versions' of text in 001 and a couple of interface art files, and 003 is scripts currently.
Oh yeah forgot about 003 lol I remember now doing the same thing when publishing releases for radmurav.
I am always paranoid when putting together the .dat files. It's getting smoother with practice though.

Regarding Brahminfry, I think I am going to tweak it to a regular TV dinner. The description of the TV dinner can't be tweaked/made specific for the quest without actually assigning a different item (as the same tv dinner is used elsewhere in game).

Starting to do a tree-pass on Flagstaff.
The Brahminfry

should refear to Brahmin Steak, as we slavic ppl usually refer to fried meat to something similar of a steak though it's technically from different part of animal than it's steak. I don't want to get butcher technical on how different parts of a cow are called over here, though technically steak is only a small part of a cow, and fried cow "something resembling a steak" not cutlet as this means something different in US, PL and even in RU, so the technical term Steak could in teory be preserved to describe a solid piece of fried cattle meat that was cut as a single piece of meat with medicore amout of fat, not mangled nor mutilated, and fried on cooking pan dippped up to 50% in fat, be it some kind of cooking oil, butter, or processed vegetable trans fat that came in a form of "butter brick" what we call frying margarine or frying fat, however it all comes down to a sort of luxury delicacy that is fired solid single piece of cow's meat.. so yeah calling it a "Steak" wouldn't be farr off, since in US Cow's single solid piece of meat usually is referred as a Steak though technically Steak is only a small precise piece of the animal, so technically "Steak" is not always a steak, so to speak, and the whole naming of the specific meat areas differ from country to country, and some things are named the same though in a different area of the animal..

and yeah
a Cow Steak plus Potatoes and vegetables like on the plate from the item's art, at least during comunism was reserved for wealthy ppl both in PL and in RU. given the mine administrator status, i bet they surely meant that "Fried Brahmin" a.k.a Brakminfry, to be the same status as a Cow Steak in US countryfolk has.
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I think something 'gourmet' was the intention here. TV dinner was maybe placeholder until the art was done?

However, the alternative art in question, and the item description, and the code description, undoubtably leads to some kind of haggis/offal/sausage like preparation. Here is the art in question:

Screen Shot 2024-09-05 at 8.06.09.png

This is only used in San Brahmin currently. There is no art that I know of for a 'Brahmin Steak' or 'Brahmin Burger' (which would have been good as it is mentioned in Fallout 1)

I had it as 'giblets' which is wrong, and have now changed it to 'brahmin sausage', as that is the best naming for Americans for something like haggis/tripe/giblets/innards. It also fits the art very well, which looks like some kind of large/mixed sausage dish.

So I think my best bet is to swap out TV dinner for the 'Brahmin Sausage', and tweak the barmen's dialogue to match.
I think something 'gourmet' was the intention here. TV dinner was maybe placeholder until the art was done?

However, the alternative art in question, and the item description, and the code description, undoubtably leads to some kind of haggis/offal/sausage like preparation. Here is the art in question:

View attachment 35107

This is only used in San Brahmin currently. There is no art that I know of for a 'Brahmin Steak' or 'Brahmin Burger' (which would have been good as it is mentioned in Fallout 1)

I had it as 'giblets' which is wrong, and have now changed it to 'brahmin sausage', as that is the best naming for Americans for something like haggis/tripe/giblets/innards. It also fits the art very well, which looks like some kind of large/mixed sausage dish.

So I think my best bet is to swap out TV dinner for the 'Brahmin Sausage', and tweak the barmen's dialogue to match.
Is there any low int dialouge in Sonora, I just ran a 1 int char and talked with granny and nothing. If there isnt any low int fialouge will you consider adding after finishing the translation and are there any other features you would consider adding like talking head audio which I saw you talk about at the start of this thread (and was there any more word on that since then).
Is there any low int dialouge in Sonora, I just ran a 1 int char and talked with granny and nothing.
There is actually. Not much, but at tad here and there. Flagstaff, Garage City have a few places. I even fixed the Flagstaff 'Idiot' quest, as it was not working correctly. I had considered doing some passes on the dialogues to add in more variations to the options.

However, right now I am 100% focused on just finishing the translations. The tweaks I am including in the 'script patch' are almost mostly related to dialogue, and making the dialogue work right. Of course, sometimes this includes fixing quests, but that makes the dialogue work correctly. I am fixing theses things as I go, as it makes sense to deal with them as I find them, rather than come back to them at some later date. So these fixes are not 'reeeeally' part of the translation, hence, they are an optional third .dat file, totally unneeded to play in English with the translation (but fully capable of improving the play considerably)

Once I reach a satisfactory 1.0 release, I may move on to other things.

A likely first task would be to add San Felipe into the game. Fix its maps, Complete and integrate its quests.

Another thought is an 'improved' version of Sonora, including, possibly voiced talking heads. That is one of 3 or 4 things I have identified as being needed to make Sonora a match for Fallout 1 and 2 (It is very nearly there right now, and beats Fallout 2 I think) Others things might be an opening video, a reconfiguration of the start/setup to give it a little more oompf (like Fallout 1), deal with the family photos oddity. etc.

I haven't spoken with Goat_Boy any further than that, but he did offer some help there if I went that way. As I said though, I am not doing anything until the current task is complete.

One monkey wrench in my plans is my OS. I haven't found a way to get the mapper working on macOS, which makes anything beyond what I am currently doing with scripts and dialogues impossible.
There is actually. Not much, but at tad here and there. Flagstaff, Garage City have a few places. I even fixed the Flagstaff 'Idiot' quest, as it was not working correctly. I had considered doing some passes on the dialogues to add in more variations to the options.

However, right now I am 100% focused on just finishing the translations. The tweaks I am including in the 'script patch' are almost mostly related to dialogue, and making the dialogue work right. Of course, sometimes this includes fixing quests, but that makes the dialogue work correctly. I am fixing theses things as I go, as it makes sense to deal with them as I find them, rather than come back to them at some later date. So these fixes are not 'reeeeally' part of the translation, hence, they are an optional third .dat file, totally unneeded to play in English with the translation (but fully capable of improving the play considerably)

Once I reach a satisfactory 1.0 release, I may move on to other things.

A likely first task would be to add San Felipe into the game. Fix its maps, Complete and integrate its quests.

Another thought is an 'improved' version of Sonora, including, possibly voiced talking heads. That is one of 3 or 4 things I have identified as being needed to make Sonora a match for Fallout 1 and 2 (It is very nearly there right now, and beats Fallout 2 I think) Others things might be an opening video, a reconfiguration of the start/setup to give it a little more oompf (like Fallout 1), deal with the family photos oddity. etc.

I haven't spoken with Goat_Boy any further than that, but he did offer some help there if I went that way. As I said though, I am not doing anything until the current task is complete.

One monkey wrench in my plans is my OS. I haven't found a way to get the mapper working on macOS, which makes anything beyond what I am currently doing with scripts and dialogues impossible.
Dont know anything about macos but you could always look for some windows emulator with macos compatibility or try dual booting windows and if you do that or switch to windows stick to win 10 or lower because 11 is garbage.
Here you, I hadn't seen your message, sorry
I tried to not change it too much, everything was mostly fine
# 37000 Mexican Generic
{37000}{}{¡Veo todo girar, cómo un carrusel!}
{37001}{}{¡Ay, eso dolió más que mi divorcio!}
{37002}{}{Una estrella... dos estrellas... ¡espero no llegar a cinco!}
{37003}{}{¡Mi hermosa cara! ¡Nooo!}
{37004}{}{Creo que me voy a desmayar... sólo una siestecita...}
{37005}{}{¡Directo en la cabeza! ¡Un tiro perfecto!}
{37006}{}{¡Ay, mi pobre y dolorida cabeza!}
{37007}{}{Creo que se me partió la cabeza... o simplemente no está de acuerdo conmigo.}
{37008}{}{¡Perdí otro diente! ¡El Hada de los Dientes se va a hacer rica!}
{37009}{}{¿Qué pasó? ¿Cuánto tiempo estuve así? ¿Me perdí del almuerzo?}
{37010}{}{¡Qué dolor! ¡No dijeron nada de esto cuándo me alisté!}
{37011}{}{¡Mi mano! ¡Mi preciosa mano!}
{37012}{}{¡Ay, mi mano! ¿Alguien grabó eso?}
{37013}{}{¡Ay, esto duele peor que un corazón roto!}
{37014}{}{Me duele el brazo. En serio, me duele mucho.}
{37015}{}{Me duele el brazo. ¡Necesito un médico, ya!}
{37016}{}{¡Me dejaste el brazo como un pretzel!}
{37017}{}{Se me quebró esto... y esto... oh, genial.}
{37018}{}{¡Me rompiste el brazo! ¿Quién pagará por esto?}
{37019}{}{¡Ay, me rompieron el brazo! ¡Te pondré en mi lista negra!}
{37020}{}{¡No siento mi mano! ¿Me habré dormido encima?}
{37021}{}{¿Alguien me puede arreglar la mano? ¡Por favor, por favorcito!}
{37022}{}{¡Me arrancaste el dedo! ¡Basta con esto, por favor!}
{37023}{}{¡Detente! ¡No puedo alimentar a mi familia si me falta la mano!}
{37024}{}{¡Por favor, déjame al menos un par de dedos! ¡Los necesito!}
{37025}{}{Se me entumecen los dedos... ¿así se sintió Frosty?}
{37026}{}{¡Oye, mira lo que me hiciste en la mano!}
{37027}{}{¡Hay sangre por todos lados! ¡Tráiganme una venda, rápido!}
{37028}{}{Por poquito y le digo adiós a mi mano.}
{37029}{}{Duele tanto... Pensé que el dolor tenía límites.}
{37030}{}{¿Por qué me haces esto? ¿Te debo dinero acaso?}
{37031}{}{¿Por qué me sale algo del pecho? Eso no es normal, ¿verdad?}
{37032}{}{¡Mis costillas! Eso realmente, realmente dolió.}
{37033}{}{Me cuesta respirar... ¿así se sienten los peces?}
{37034}{}{Esto es un problema con P mayúscula.}
{37035}{}{No duele tanto, pero me sale suficiente sangre como para llenar una piscina.}
{37036}{}{¡Me vas a tener que pagar el médico!}
{37037}{}{¡Doctores, al rescate!}
{37038}{}{Esta herida me da malas vibras.}
{37039}{}{¿Por qué no puedo enderezar la espalda? ¿Me convertí en un signo de interrogación?}
{37040}{}{Creo que algo se rompió dentro de mí... espero que no sea mi voluntad de vivir.}
{37041}{}{*tose sangre* Esto no puede ser bueno.}
{37042}{}{¿De quién es esta sangre? ¡Espero que no sea mía!}
{37043}{}{Probablemente debería descansar hasta que deje de sangrarme.}
{37044}{}{Me cuesta respirar... ¿Estoy bajo el agua o algo así?}
{37045}{}{Te juro que no te haré nada, déjame vivir.}
{37046}{}{Eso es mucha sangre... ¿Hay una convención de vampiros cerca?}
{37047}{}{Siento calor... y siento sueño... ¿es hora de la siesta?}
{37048}{}{*respira profundo* Ese fue mi suspiro dramático.}
{37049}{}{No puedo... respirar... ¡necesito respirar!}
{37050}{}{Creo que... me estoy muriendo... me siento muy cansado.}
{37051}{}{¡Ayúdenme! ¡Por favor, cualquiera!}
{37052}{}{¡No me mates, tengo una familia! ¡Y soy artista!}
{37053}{}{Ay, me arde el pecho.}
{37054}{}{Espera... necesito un respiro...}
{37055}{}{Espera, necesito contar mis costillas.}
{37056}{}{Al menos déjame fumar un último cigarro antes de estirar la pata.}
{37057}{}{Ay, dejaré de fumar después de esto}
{37058}{}{Parece que mis pulmones se tomaron el día libre.}
{37059}{}{Una costilla menos, ¡espero poder vivir sin ella!}
{37060}{}{¡Mi pierna! ¡La necesito para caminar!}
{37061}{}{¡Ay, mi rodilla es más frágil que mi ex!}
{37062}{}{Creo que estoy mejor... ¡Aah! ¡El dolor!}
{37063}{}{Me sale sangre de la bota... ¡no es una moda nueva o algo así!}
{37064}{}{¡Ya no siento el pie! ¿Se fue de vacaciones?}
{37065}{}{Creo que me dispararon en la pierna... ¡qué suerte la mía!}
{37066}{}{¡Mi pierna me abandonó!}
{37067}{}{¡Llamen a un médico! ¡Me dejaron como estatua!}
{37068}{}{¡Detente, no quiero quedar como lisiado!}
{37069}{}{¡Más te vale que me pagues el tratamiento de la pierna!}
{37070}{}{¡Oye, ya basta!}
{37071}{}{¡Ya no puedo caminar! ¡Gracias por eso!}
{37072}{}{Me duele al moverme. No estoy hecho para esto.}
{37073}{}{Me dispararon en la pierna. ¿Puedo pedir la licencia médica?}
{37074}{}{Mi rodilla está hecha trizas. ¿Quién va a pagar por esto?}
{37075}{}{¡Esta herida es totalmente tu culpa!}
{37076}{}{Genial, estaré usando muletas.}
{37077}{}{¡No quiero ser un lisiado!}
{37078}{}{¿Quién necesita a un lisiado estos días?}
{37079}{}{Sin pierna, a punto de morirme, ¡y es todo TU culpa!}
{37080}{}{¡Mis ojos! ¡Mis hermosos ojos!}
{37081}{}{¡No, mi ojo!}
{37082}{}{¡Con cuidado, o me vas a dejar ciego!}
{37083}{}{¡No veo nada! ¿Quién apagó las luces?}
{37084}{}{¡En la cara no! ¡Es lo mejor que tengo!}
{37085}{}{Si me quedo ciego, ¡es tu culpa!}
{37086}{}{¡Me voy a quedar ciego! ¡Nooo!}
{37087}{}{¡Oye, me lastimaste el ojo!}
{37088}{}{Se está poniendo oscuro... ¿se fue la luz?}
{37089}{}{¡Daría lo que fuera por no quedarme ciego!}
{37090}{}{¡Qué vergüenza!}
{37091}{}{¿Qué clase de monstruo eres?}
{37092}{}{¿Esto te parece divertido? ¿En serio?}
{37093}{}{¡Ay, el dolor, el dolor!}
{37094}{}{¡Ay, no! Esto no puede ser bueno.}
{37095}{}{¡Demonios, esto arde!}
{37096}{}{¡Solo un verdadero imbécil haría esto!}
{37097}{}{¿Dónde demonios estabas apuntando?}
{37098}{}{Adiós a mis planes de tener hijos.}
{37099}{}{Con esta herida, olvídate de todos mis planes.}
{37100}{}{¡Ayuda! ¡Me están matando!}
{37101}{}{¡Alguien, ayúdeme!}
{37102}{}{¡Suficiente de estas tonterías!}
{37103}{}{¡Por favor, basta!}
{37104}{}{¡Por favor, detente!}
{37105}{}{Solo déjame en paz, ¿vale?}
{37106}{}{¡No quiero morir! ¡Hay tanto que quiero hacer!}
{37107}{}{¿No vas a matarme, verdad?}
{37108}{}{¡Por favor, no me hagas daño!}
{37109}{}{Perdón, pero tengo que irme.}
{37110}{}{Maldición, pensé que sería más fácil lidiar contigo.}
{37111}{}{¿No puedes meterte con alguien de tu tamaño?}
{37112}{}{No voy a volver aquí, nunca.}
{37113}{}{¡Por favor, deja de hacerme daño!}
{37114}{}{Esto no vale la pena, en serio.}
{37115}{}{Santo cielo, necesito irme a fumar.}
{37116}{}{Está bien, no importa, nunca estuve aquí.}
{37117}{}{Eh, nos vemos... o no.}
{37118}{}{¡Tengo que irme! ¡Ahora mismo!}
{37119}{}{¡Me voy! ¡Te lo juro!}
{37120}{}{Ojalá que los vecinos no vean esto.}
{37121}{}{No te muevas, esto será rápido.}
{37122}{}{Esto será rápido, lo prometo.}
{37123}{}{¡Detengan a ese imbécil!}
{37124}{}{Esto no te va a gustar.}
{37125}{}{Me toca, esto será divertido.}
{37126}{}{Es hora de un pasito, ¿te parece?}
{37127}{}{De verdad no quiero hacer esto, pero no me dejas otra opción.}
{37128}{}{De verdad estás empezando a irritarme.}
{37129}{}{Alguien necesita enseñarte modales.}
{37130}{}{Ya me estoy cansando de esto.}
{37131}{}{Es una lástima que hayamos llegado a esto...}
{37132}{}{¿Por qué siempre termina así?}
{37133}{}{Solo vete, y nadie saldrá lastimado.}
{37134}{}{Por parásitos como tú, la gente honesta no dormir tranquila.}
{37135}{}{No quiero matar a nadie más. Por favor, no me obligues.}
{37136}{}{De verdad espero que nadie te extrañe.}
{37137}{}{Alguien va a pagar por todo esto.}
{37138}{}{Nadie te quiere aquí.}
{37139}{}{Espero que no pague por esto después.}
{37140}{}{¡Toma eso! ¿Te duele?}
{37141}{}{¡Toma eso!}
{37142}{}{¿Cómo se siente eso? Duele, ¿verdad?}
{37143}{}{Sí, ¡toma eso!}
{37144}{}{¿Qué tal eso?}
{37145}{}{Oh, sí, justo ahí.}
{37146}{}{Vaya vaya, parece que alguien está sangrando.}
{37147}{}{Sí, acércate, te voy a dar de nuevo.}
{37148}{}{¿Qué te parece eso? No es chistoso, ¿verdad?}
{37149}{}{¡Ja, te gustó eso? No lo creo.}
{37150}{}{¡Hora de dormirte!}
{37151}{}{¡Toma eso! ¡Y eso! ¡Y eso!}
{37152}{}{¡Toma eso, tú te lo buscaste!}
{37153}{}{¡Ahora sí que me hiciste enojar!}
{37154}{}{No me hagas hacer eso de nuevo.}
{37155}{}{¡Ojalá que eso te duela!}
{37156}{}{Esto te enseñará modales.}
{37157}{}{¡No volverás a hacerle daño a nadie más!}
{37158}{}{Esto es solo el comienzo de tu castigo.}
{37159}{}{A partir de esto, todo va cuesta abajo.}
{37160}{}{¡Oye, casi me das!}
{37161}{}{¡Malditos saqueadores!}
{37162}{}{¡Esto es un caos total!}
{37163}{}{¡Detente, alguien va a salir herido!}
{37164}{}{¡Podrías matar a alguien con eso!}
{37165}{}{¿Por qué haces esto? ¿Buscas problemas?}
{37166}{}{Si buscas problemas, encuéntralos en otro lado.}
{37167}{}{Ay, casi...}
{37168}{}{Parece que eras perro ladrador, más que mordedor.}
{37169}{}{No te atrevas a intentar eso de nuevo.}
{37170}{}{¡Fallaste! Vamos a dejarlo así.}
{37171}{}{¡No vas a darme!}
{37172}{}{De verdad que no estás hecho para esto.}
{37173}{}{Vuelve a tu cueva, salvaje.}
{37174}{}{Será mejor que te quedes en casa y pienses en lo que hiciste.}
{37175}{}{¿Estoy sangrando? ¿No? ¡Uf!}
{37176}{}{Uf, eso estuvo cerca...}
{37177}{}{¡Qué bueno que soy rápido con los pies!}
{37178}{}{¡Está bien, está bien, bailaré! ¡Solo déjame en paz!}
{37179}{}{¡Oye, cuidado!}
Do you mean for overwriting/merging? In that case that would be correct. Patch003 should be okay to overwrite as you indicated. I think.
Yea I just cant figure out how to overwrite or create dat files with dims explorer cuz its the only one that works for me on wine linux. Importing folders or selected files doesnt do much. Importing folders option only imports stuff inside the path folder but ignores the ones inside for example if i selected /data it would import font files in it but it would ignore /text /scripts folders.
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I use Dat2Frame with DAT2, and it works flawlessly. I use it with Wine. It is a command line exe so there is a good chance it would work on Linux with Wine.
Here you, I hadn't seen your message, sorry
I tried to not change it too much, everything was mostly fine
Thank you very much. It is in the translation now.

I have the Spanish Perk working with Spanish speakers' combat taunts in game now. I also have two sets of combat taunts for Spanish speakers, the 'Army' version, and the 'Generic' version. The original only has the army version, which doesn't make sense for a lot of Mexican NPCs, who, for example, are bandits and during combat start spouting off about the Mexican army, general Saravia and other things. So that is fixed now.
NPC Ralphie, Phoenix Power Plant
[Chrysler Motor factories] -> [Chryslus Motor Factories] idk if the third noun is supposed to be capitalized tbh anf be sure to ctrl chrysler or motor to correct any other instances of this typo
[Maybe Aron is just using
them->us to build himself an empire.]

NPC Mechanic, Garage City
Bike upgrades
3rd Reply [No, I
don't think you should let him->
wouldn't let you

near it.]

NPC name cadet Presley -> Cadet Presley

NPC rebel, Phoenix Union Station
[Right now we need to clutches of these cultists.]
[Right now we need to get out of the clutches of these cultists.
Or if you come up with something better sounding.
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So you think the 'red' floating text is incorrect? I.e. why is he being aggressive towards the player? I thought maybe it was meant to show his rage towards the betrayal by Ralph? I haven't played this part through...

I changed the line for Aaron.

There are no other instances of Chryslus or Chrysler to fix in game. However, factories need not be capitalized as the full line is now '"Chryslus Motors' factories", referring to all the factories in Texas.
So you think the 'red' floating text is incorrect? I.e. why is he being aggressive towards the player? I thought maybe it was meant to show his rage towards the betrayal by Ralph? I haven't played this part through...

I changed the line for Aaron.

There are no other instances of Chryslus or Chrysler to fix in game. However, factories need not be capitalized as the full line is now '"Chryslus Motors' factories", referring to all the factories in Texas.
Yeah Ill needcto look into the files myself to tell you whats wrong because I exited the dialouge too fast and had to write from memory (last save 2 hr ago).
Do you mean for overwriting/merging? In that case that would be correct. Patch003 should be okay to overwrite as you indicated. I think.
I just overwrite everything in the order stated and made them into master.dat and patchDLC.dat but the app crashed when starting sonora.