Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

NPC Mangas, San Brahmin
Reply [There must be
a...factory->a... factory or something making this tequila in Phoenix.]

[Yes, and I have long been looked->looking for a person who will find and destroy this place.]
Okay, got both those.

Finished my tree-pass on San Brahmin. Several hundred lines and a couple of thousand words changed/effected. Whew.

The end is in sight now. Puerto, Phoenix, and Dayglow. Saving the biggest for last I guess.

Still looking for more feedback on play-throughs. My tree-passes hone things to a razor's edge, but there are still nicks and burrs that other eyes can spot.
Okay, got both those.

Finished my tree-pass on San Brahmin. Several hundred lines and a couple of thousand words changed/effected. Whew.

The end is in sight now. Puerto, Phoenix, and Dayglow. Saving the biggest for last I guess.

Still looking for more feedback on play-throughs. My tree-passes hone things to a razor's edge, but there are still nicks and burrs that other eyes can spot.
Change the reaction description for all item effects to sequence since there is no stat named reaction in the char sheet.
There is a game feature/function called reaction, which is used to determine an NPCs reaction to you, i.e. good or bad.

The item descriptions that contain 'reaction' are referring to that type of reaction I believe. The 'cute jumpsuit', the 'brahmin sausages' and 'rad-ash' are the only items that use it.
There is a game feature/function called reaction, which is used to determine an NPCs reaction to you, i.e. good or bad.

The item descriptions that contain 'reaction' are referring to that type of reaction I believe. The 'cute jumpsuit', the 'brahmin sausages' and 'rad-ash' are the only items that use it.
I thought it was a leftover from how in russian the stat called sequence is реакция.