Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation


NPC Corwin, Puerto
In his floating text song he mentions "morflot" which is the abbreviation for USSR maritime fleet idk if Corwin is either russian like of one the followers in Casa Nueva or black designer just threw in a soviet song randomly in. Either way it needs yo be anglicized.
exactly what Cambragol says

As for the 'Morflot' line. The dialogue has a note, claiming that the song is from a 1950 movie, the Deserters, but I can't find reference to such a movie. A little weird. Should obviously be made 'western', but for the moment I just switched morflot for Navy.

the movie is called "desertery"/deserters in russia it's called differently in US..

Pro tip on translation (and possibly to ever translate the Quotes.txt)
Always and i mean *always* copy paste the movie name exactly how it's written and search for native language wikipedia notation, next switch the language to US and voila...

long story short the movie name is called "At war with the army" and it's a movie character "Alvin Corwin" the said song is somewhat close to the moive beginning I tranlslated cook.msg file for original team. if you want both versions US and RU of the movie are available at Youtube to watch, the song in russian has some differences so "Steak, caviar and whipped cream cake" obiously looked way off for 1950 russian censor and had to be changed to pasta, cutlets etc. so that actual Russian Navy when watching the film didn't outright rebel at the said time (as 5 yeas after ww2 ended mass hunger was still an issue in soviet block)..

anyways @Cambragol do watch both language versions, at least up to the said song's end ( like 10 mins into the movie tops) and change the dialogue acordingly..


since Corwin is singing the song is sepose to be inbetween "*" according to game text standard from the originals, however russian coding win-1251 has this messed up and the song markings in the song in original Cook.msg look way off when displayed in english ( although they are displayed as the "*" in russian so fix that as well).
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