Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

I've encountered the freezing centipede bug again. This time I noticed that it seemed to happen as the result of a spitting attack by the centipede. There were two of them, and their spitting attacks were injuring each other, to the extent that they killed each other before I could land a blow. This is the third time I have seen this, and each time it ends with one centipede frozen in an upright position.

Perhaps it is related to the addition of the spitting attack here:

Fallout Sonora, Fix No. 10b, July 14, 2022:
- Acid spitting has been added to scolopendras (scolopendras in Santa Ana and with a 50% probability on the world map). The number of spits is limited per session of visiting the map and depends on the difficulty level of the game.
Hellooo, just wondering, does anyone else have the issue of the Ron Perlman narrations in the slideshow cutting off sometimes randomly during it? Like he reads out something that's happened and when he gets to the last few words it just sort of cuts off and moves to the next one. Is this a common bug?
Hellooo, just wondering, does anyone else have the issue of the Ron Perlman narrations in the slideshow cutting off sometimes randomly during it? Like he reads out something that's happened and when he gets to the last few words it just sort of cuts off and moves to the next one. Is this a common bug?

Joe this is the price you pay for using the game speed-up.. this is a hacked-in feature and compresses in game time, so when you finish the game without turning off the speedhack a.k.a setting it to normal speed the ending slides will have this weird behaviour as You've just described..

what happens is the time to display and narrate the ending slides is speed up as well, so when sped up instead of playing quicker you actually have less time for playng the sound at the same speed ending in narration being cut of at the ends.. this cut off is proportional to the level of time compression you've used it gets worse at 10x and less of an issue at 2x.. there is no issue at all at the standard 1.0x speed.. ;)
I'll test it in my version.

UPD: I tested it, everything is fine.
Hi Foxx,

Thanks for testing. I suspect it could be related to Fallout2 CE. However, I noticed that in your test the centipedes didn't get a chance to do spitting attacks in close proximity.

I have encountered the bug when I am surrounded by centipedes. I have 1 perception, so they appear all around my character, 1 space away.

Their spitting attacks then hit themselves, which might be the issue. I think the bug might actually occur when they die from their own spitting attack, which only happens if they are spitting at you, and you are standing right next to them.
I been playing sonora, when i go to talk to certain npcs such as the power plant, the text just shows error, has anyone ran into this?
What version are you playing?, 0.998 etc?

Also, what are you playing it on? i.e. Fallout 2 CE, or Foxx's extended version. If there are error I would like to fix those asap.

A screenshot could help track this down as well.