Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Okay, thank you.

The other interesting comment you made was about translated map files. Which kind of translations are these? Are they really needed? I'm not sure what e.g. RadMurav translated, since on their Github there seem to be all (extracted) Sonora files of master.dat, but not all have been modified, I think.
Aaaaah I see, I guess what I'm saying is, I got the impression I could play Sonora through Fallout 2 CE somehow, but I'm guessing that's not the case? I guess its just because you mentioned Fallout 2 CE at the beginning of this thread

You can play Sonora through Fallout 2 CE. No problem.
I use bitdefender as well..
I recommend it because Foxx tailored the maps to work with higher resolutions.
If anyone wants to play vanilla on CE with higher res then ffs at least get the fixed maps from Foxx's version

Fixed maps? I've used the latest Foxx version, and the maps suffer the same problems as the vanilla maps. You can see the edges.
In what way did he fix them? Or is the fixing the result of Sfall painting black past the map edge?

Also, are there Russian language assets on the maps? Because I have not see any such thing. All the new map assets I have seen had English on them. Do you know of any specific places that have Russian?
about the map files, yes the original translation team ( which I was a part of) did map text translations as well, as there were things that were in russian and in map files only (although those might have been previous patch releases) since then Nevada Band noted in one of the changelogs that they pulled out most of the written text to external files from map text, so i dunno anymore... as for why edits to vanilla file are nessecary if one wants to play hi res, simply put you need to input map scroll edges a.k.a the .edg files for each map file, saved for each flor in the same file but made separately one by one. without the map edges the game can scroll infinitely even with nessecary blocks present in mash's hrp, simply because there are no hi res edges within the vanilla maps (as vanilla mapper a.k.a mapper2 without sfall and not patched with hrp does not have this option present)
Hm, okay, well I checked a bunch of the .map and .gam files and there is no Russian in them.

I think as far as .edg files go, Fallout CE may or may not recognize them. Likely not. Hence the Foxx release for Sonora's maps still revealing areas outside the map.

Not sure though. Perhaps my Fallout CE was not set up correctly.
I was talking ofc how Fallout2CE engine should have funcion if it had nessecary sfall and or HRP functions in, though it probably does not yet.. dunno i don't follow that engine's development so i don't really know.. However if it will ever block infinite scrolling on higher resolutions, it's likely it will use .edg files for boarders, and will require edited map files in order to function correctly. But yeah, if Foxx's maps don't work correctly in Fo2CE than it's mostly due to these features beeing not yet implemented..
Uuh... Sonora 1.14 is out (on Nevada Band website).
I think these constant updates are one of the reasons for missing translations... Don't know what changed.
Uuh... Sonora 1.14 is out (on Nevada Band website).
I think these constant updates are one of the reasons for missing translations... Don't know what changed.

I have a repository for all my translation files, so it is easy to see exactly what changed, line for line. I'll be done updating to 1.14 today. It seems to be mostly stuff related to reactions for being a mutant/ghoul.

Which is interesting, as the Russian seems to be very 'interchangeable' with what a ghoul/mutant is. Is this new lore? Ghouls and 'Mutants' are different, aren't they?
so where exactly can i download the translation at?

today semes a bit chillier than in the earlier days, so might as well take a look at it..
so where exactly can i download the translation at?

Can't download yet. Though it is finished, I still need to run it through a complete play-through to make sure there are no critical issues, and to iron out flow of speech in dialogues etc.
Well... that's what i was here for initially weren't I to make a test playthrough.. been sitting quiet lately since i was not able to run my rig, however tepms did drop a bit. and floks don't complain about me running my desktop.
Well, I'll need a firmer commitment than that. I laid out the requirements in a previous post, and the first post. Someone ready to commit to a full play-through, with reporting on any issues in the flow of dialogs, inconsistencies, etc. I've tried to work with 'teams' before and usually I just end up doing everything myself.

I don't think this forum has manpower or inclination to handle it in any case. Which is okay, as I can do it on my own. I work pretty fast. Still takes time though.
Oh, lots of progress!

Just doing a play-through, windowed, and flipping back and forth making dialogues as smooth as I can. So far no big issues, but a handful of small fixes with big characters. Found a 1.14 bug maybe, or at least a potentially incorrect handling of a dialogue.

I also finished translating Dayglow, so I will be able to put that out at the same time, or immediately after Sonora.

Fooled around with a new MainMenu. Didn't want to mess with graphics really, but the default Mainmenu armor just seemed to lack some metallic tone.

Screen Shot 2024-06-29 at 9.57.29.png
Could use some work but I don't need to use it. Just for fun maybe.

Anyways, play-through will take some time yet. I might release before i finish the play-through, but I at least want to make sure that the end narrations play correctly, and I am not sure how to 'quick-check' that yet.
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Main menu looks cooler honestly mate! Glad to hear good progress is being made, take as much time as you need!
Goat_Boy, are you making the Talking Heads Addon? I had a mind to modify Sonora after releasing the translation, with an aim to add voiced and lip-synched talking heads.

However, I don't think Sonora included graphics for lip movement for any of the talking heads. A real shame, as recent advancements, as far as I know, have made lip-synching much, much easier.