Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Thanks OnlyALad,

I fixed all those, and used Beatriz, as it is clear that she is 'Beatriz Aguirre'

Thanks again. Also, how goes the Spanish Translation?
I have a new release available from the Fallout Sonora website, or the Moddb.com

I have merged the .dat files into one .dat, named patch000.dat.

It will now work with Fallout 2 CE or Fallout.exe, in any/most configurations, provided you are not using another patch000.dat

This new version, along with the new build format, has changed the version naming. It was either change the version naming or delay the release until two more areas were complete. This latest version is now - there will likely be two more releases after this, with the second being 1.0

Version is a HUGE update which includes complete tree-passes on San Brahmin and Phoenix itself. Hence the delay since the last release.

This version also bundles all the script improvements into a complete package (found on the Extras page on the website), which can be used in place of the pure translation. The script improvements (mostly for dialogues, but also some quests and features, such as the Spanish Trait etc) now number more than 85 in number, so fairly substantial.

If any regular posters here could check that these releases are functioning as they should (as the new configuration could possible cause a hiccup, and my windows testing is limited), that would be greatly appreciated.

Other than that, enjoy!
I have a new release available from the Fallout Sonora website, or the Moddb.com

I have merged the .dat files into one .dat, named patch000.dat.

It will now work with Fallout 2 CE or Fallout.exe, in any/most configurations, provided you are not using another patch000.dat

This new version, along with the new build format, has changed the version naming. It was either change the version naming or delay the release until two more areas were complete. This latest version is now - there will likely be two more releases after this, with the second being 1.0

Version is a HUGE update which includes complete tree-passes on San Brahmin and Phoenix itself. Hence the delay since the last release.

This version also bundles all the script improvements into a complete package (found on the Extras page on the website), which can be used in place of the pure translation. The script improvements (mostly for dialogues, but also some quests and features, such as the Spanish Trait etc) now number more than 85 in number, so fairly substantial.

If any regular posters here could check that these releases are functioning as they should (as the new configuration could possible cause a hiccup, and my windows testing is limited), that would be greatly appreciated.

Other than that, enjoy!
So if Im following correctly only treepasses left are for the Rangers, Jackals, Villa and Dayglow?
First of all, great respect for the English version and the game itself. I've been waiting for a few years to be able to play this mode.

Unfortunately, it would be too good if everything worked right away, so I have a request for help.

I installed the game, everything works, but my screen ratio is 4:3 and I can't move the mouse beyond that at all. How can I set the screen to 16:9? There are no graphic options to do it like in Fallout 2, which I have the original from Steam. What can I do to change it to 16:9?
So if Im following correctly only treepasses left are for the Rangers, Jackals, Villa and Dayglow?
Almost, Jackals are actually done, Villa and Rangers had already received a lot of attention, but no tree-passes, so it is just Puerto and Dayglow that remain (and one hidden area under a certain city). I guess about half the encounters too.

I am moving on to everything but Dayglow now, and Dayglow will be last.
First of all, great respect for the English version and the game itself. I've been waiting for a few years to be able to play this mode.

Unfortunately, it would be too good if everything worked right away, so I have a request for help.

I installed the game, everything works, but my screen ratio is 4:3 and I can't move the mouse beyond that at all. How can I set the screen to 16:9? There are no graphic options to do it like in Fallout 2, which I have the original from Steam. What can I do to change it to 16:9?
What version are you using? If you really want to mess with the ratio, you'll need to use sfall. Even better will be to use Foxx's repack, as he has included edge files I believe, which prevent seeing over the edges of the map.

Fallout 2 CE can give you different screen sizes and ratios, but those generally break the way edges are displayed, and show/reveal parts of maps that could be immersion breaking.
What version are you using? If you really want to mess with the ratio, you'll need to use sfall. Even better will be to use Foxx's repack, as he has included edge files I believe, which prevent seeing over the edges of the map.

Fallout 2 CE can give you different screen sizes and ratios, but those generally break the way edges are displayed, and show/reveal parts of maps that could be immersion breaking.
Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm using Version Sonora + Dayglow DLC.
I have Fallout 2 installed from Steam, but after renamed patch000.dat to patchDLC.dat the game still didn't work so I installed Fallout 2 CE from your site.

The question is what would be the best to expand this ratio in this case. How can I do it with Fallout 2 CE installed? Where to install these other mods, in the Fallout 2 folder from Steam or in the Sonora folder?
Thanks for the quick reply.
No problem.

If you want to use the translation with default Fallout2.exe, (or Fallout 2 CE), it should be named patch000.dat, as that is the only dat name the original will read.
Naming it patchDLC.dat is for use with FSonora.exe or FSonoraDLC.exe, which were made by Nevada Band, and with some likely hex ediitng to change the file name for patch (to patchDLC.dat), and to change the start date of the game. There could be other changes as well.

To be honest, you don't need Fallout 2 installed at all. Just download Fallout: Sonora from Nevada Band, and unpack the DLC and the translation into that folder, and run from there (with either Fallout 2 CE, FSonora.exe, or Fallout2.exe, all in the Fallout Sonora folder)

The best best to expand the ratio, screen size etc is to use sfall. Fallout2 CE can do it, but will not black out areas beyond the edge of the map, and will not read or use edge files. If you are okay with the original resolution, as recommended by Nevada Band, then Fallout 2 CE will work.
No problem.

If you want to use the translation with default Fallout2.exe, (or Fallout 2 CE), it should be named patch000.dat, as that is the only dat name the original will read.
Naming it patchDLC.dat is for use with FSonora.exe or FSonoraDLC.exe, which were made by Nevada Band, and with some likely hex ediitng to change the file name for patch (to patchDLC.dat), and to change the start date of the game. There could be other changes as well.

To be honest, you don't need Fallout 2 installed at all. Just download Fallout: Sonora from Nevada Band, and unpack the DLC and the translation into that folder, and run from there (with either Fallout 2 CE, FSonora.exe, or Fallout2.exe, all in the Fallout Sonora folder)

The best best to expand the ratio, screen size etc is to use sfall. Fallout2 CE can do it, but will not black out areas beyond the edge of the map, and will not read or use edge files. If you are okay with the original resolution, as recommended by Nevada Band, then Fallout 2 CE will work.
Ok, I downloaded Sfall from: https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall

I extracted the files to the Sonora folder and nothing happens. I have Fallout CE but there is no option anywhere to expand the screen. I simply have a 4:3 ratio and two black rectangles on each side beyond which the mouse cannot go. The middle of the screen is the game and 1/3 of the screen is two black rectangles on the sides that you can't even mouse over. I've been working on this for two days and I can't find any solution. Can I ask for the simplest possible instructions on how to change this, please?

My screen simply shrinks to 4:3 and I have these annoying black rectangles on the side that limit my screen, and you can't mouse or cursor there either.

I have no way to take a screenshot to show it, because it's impossible and a black screen pops up when I take a screenshot.

What can I do to make my screen look like this Youtuber's?

You need to use sfall with fallout2.exe to get that layout. You can't really use sfall with Fallout 2 CE, only its ini files.

If you are having trouble, and want to have a larger screen like in the vid, you should probably use Foxx's installer. Though he has an older version of the translation, I am sure he will update soon, and there should be compatibility with old games (no guarantee though)

I'd like to help more but I am on macOS and only play at 640x480 res, like the original.
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I have a new release available from the Fallout Sonora website, or the Moddb.com

This is a relatively small release/update, but still contains a complete tree-pass on all of Villa. There was more dialogue than I realized, so I released it rather than wait another week to tree-pass Rangers. Rangers will be next up.

I should note there were some errors in the Russian original text, but those are fixed in the English version. The last update had a number of fairly serious errors in the original Russian text/scripts which rendered some quests in Phoenix inaccessible, or at least, broken. Small stuff though.

These tree-passes force me to crawl through every script, so I am very much doing a bug-fix pass on the entire game as I go.

Got some sad news man, the recentmost version of the translation breaks compatibility with bookseller Ashley mod by Foxx...

the books graphics vanishfrom inventory, ashley herself is gone, and the dog turns into a PA critter while still growling when talked to.. kind of hilarious if you ask me..
I'm going to try to get to the bottom of this, and make it compatible.. wish me luck..

OK i've fixed this..

turns out One needs to shuffle priority in Mods_Order.ini

after you replace patch001.dat and patch002.dat from foxx with patch000.dat you also have to make sure that :
are not only present as line in Mods_Order.ini and as .dat files in mods folder, but also their order in Mods_Order.ini counts as well...
they need to be placed *after* ( below ) the translation patch000.dat=1
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@gustarballs1983 Are you using sfall4 or 5? I didn't spend time with Foxx release up to now, but I'm wondering whether the bookseller mod would work with sfall4.

Foxx's Patch001 and 002 are translations? What is patch_EN_Plus.dat for?
@gustarballs1983 Are you using sfall4 or 5? I didn't spend time with Foxx release up to now, but I'm wondering whether the bookseller mod would work with sfall4.

Foxx's Patch001 and 002 are translations? What is patch_EN_Plus.dat for?
In foxx's release the translation is outdated v995.
Sp it comes in two versions patch001.dat for the game and patch002 .dat for the dlc. Those are present and controlled in mods folder rather than the root folder.
z_bookseller.dat is the russian modbundle for bookseller. Patch_EN_Plus.dat is bookseller mod english translation, minus graphics and scripts.
Simply in order to have bookseller enabled.
Delete patch001.dat & patch002.dat and their coresponding mods_order.ini entries.
Next download single file game+dlc translstion from cambragol place it in mods folder, and input <translationpackage name>.dat=1
Just be sure this entry is above z_bookseller.dat=1 and Patch_EN_Plus.dat=1 also make sure the last one is below z_bookseller.dat=1.
The lowest has the top priority meaning it's read last by the game.

As for sfall4 and sfall5 i have no idea what do you mean by sfall4: do you mean sfall extended a.k.a mr.Stalin's sfallv4 or do youmean vanilla sfall branch which is currently v4.x.x
I am using foxx's release it comes with sfall5.
V5.0.8.5 does not trigger my av, so i stopped kick fighting with the horse so to speak...
As for vanilla sfall for foxx's release, i've made a proper ddraw.ini for that it should be floating somewhere around the forum..
Herders from San Brahmin are tribal and will have consistent Grammar problems, usually related to 'articles'.

So in the above 'visit' is definitely a mistake, but the lack of 'your' is intentional.

Wait until you get to San Brahmin itself! Of course, some herders have a better command of English, depending on how much they interact with city folk.

In any case, the above is now fixed. Thank you and keep the reports coming! Much appreciated.