Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

@Zaius238 wowzers! I will get right on that and start adding those in for the 1.01 release. Thank you for documenting things so well, makes my work a little easier!


Edit: Just to be sure... these are all from the 1.0 release?
@Zaius238 - I have added most of your points in. In most cases I took your suggestion, only a few were not used. About 50% were already fixed in the 1.0 version. Also, I am torn on capitalizing 'vault' and 'power armor' - looking at Fallout 1, the terms are both capitalised and not capitalized. There is no standard usage. I can't see a clear distinction between use as proper and common nouns, so for now I have kept 'vault' as 'vault' unless it is clearly being used as a proper noun... i.e. cases like 'the Vault', or 'Vault 24' etc. For Power Armor I just went ahead and capitalised them all, though in retrospect, that one is more likely a generic term now.

So, all those points are in, and will be part of the 1.01 update, coming soon.

Thanks again, I very much appreciate your detailed help. It feels good to know the translation is now one step closer to perfection.
Hey. Decided to give your translation a try and I have been greatly enjoying it so far. The Ron Perlman narration is also scarily impressive for an AI. Thanks for making a translation for Sonora. It's feels great to finally be able to play this game after waiting for a translation for so long.
Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying it.

The narrations took a long time to get right. Though the AI was top quality, it still took hundreds of tries/tweaks to get the right intonations for each line. It was based off Fallout 1, so he sounds closest to how he sounds in that one.

I only wish more people could enjoy the game, as anyone who enjoyed Fallout 1, or 2, should love Sonora. I'm not good at promoting, so if you do enjoy it, please encourage others to play it.

Nevada Band really deserves all the credit here. They knocked it out of the park.
@Zaius238 wowzers! I will get right on that and start adding those in for the 1.01 release. Thank you for documenting things so well, makes my work a little easier!


Edit: Just to be sure... these are all from the 1.0 release?
I've just looked into this, Cambragol, and found that I downloaded the english translation in October 2. So I downloaded three different files (this wasn't a thing, then), since I opted in to the installation of the script patch.
I only wish more people could enjoy the game, as anyone who enjoyed Fallout 1, or 2, should love Sonora. I'm not good at promoting, so if you do enjoy it, please encourage others to play it.
I have been promoting it on my groups private discord. Maybe you could make a fan trailer showing off the translation?
SCSrBos has a small mistake in line 326, "Perhaps we should just this conversation here.", it's missing an "end" between just and this
There's also a typo in line 336, "peacful"
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SCPatrul line 311: "Hmm, Yes,", Yes shouldn't have the upper case since it's after a comma
SCSldTlk line line 254 mentions an ''IRP'', If I remember correctly you changed this item to MRE in pro_item. Line 284 also has a typo, "precisley"
Got the others, but actually, IRP is correct. I standardized it to IRP 'Individual Ration Pack"
Thanks, I didn't have the original file to check

AFGold has a typo in line 225, "buired". There's also line 255, where Ruiz mentions he's like an "Uncle Johnny", I don't know if this is an expression, but he's supposed to be Johnny's uncle
I already caught Uncle Johnny, thanks to @Zaius238 - that is fixed to Johnny's Uncle.

The 'buired' line is fixed. By the way, that line is modified heavily to fix feedback on that quest relating to the difficulty of the map hunt quest. The line is different from the Russian original.
That's great, it's closer to perfection then
Here is some stuff I saw, I didn't check Zaius' entire post so I hope this helps

RCCadetC, line 201: typo in "civilians"
ICGate refers to Garret as Garrett at the start of the file, I'm sure it's supposed to be Garret as Levi refers to him as this
GCImgrnt, line 234: It says "Yah" instead of Yeah, unless this is intentional
GCClanA, line 220: has a "?."
NChipo refers to Chip as Chipo sometimes, and also refers to Pinkie as Pinky. Lines 241 and 1241 has a spelling error, "firend"

Also, I managed to make some .frm files, but I think they just don't look as good as yours. Could I have your help regarding the ones I need? If you want to, of course
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Okay, those are all in, thanks! I found a couple of more question marks with periods after them, so they're fixed too.
Could I have your help regarding the ones I need? If you want to, of course
For sure. Which ones are we looking at? The help file screen was the hardest, but I still have a .psd for that which could be easily redone with Spanish.
Glad it helped, here is some minor stuff that I'm wasn't really sure about

FCKidPap line 248, "That whip could have caused me a lot of trouble." This is regarding Lash in Flagstaff, but I'm not sure if this refers to Lash himself or Lash's whip, but I'll leave it here just in case
CCNina line 232, possible error regarding the marks you use for the spanish trait («»). I'm not sure if this line is meant to have these, as it seems line 240 and onwards ae meant to be the dialogue options for the trait
PVSCompB line 200, the computer says "Enter your request", while this is fine I noticed you kept a standarized "Enter command" for every other computer
Okay, those are all in, thanks! I found a couple of more question marks with periods after them, so they're fixed too.

For sure. Which ones are we looking at? The help file screen was the hardest, but I still have a .psd for that which could be easily redone with Spanish.
Thanks! Is it okay if I send you a message with the changes I need? They're 13 files in total, it's mostly the WM icons
Thanks! Is it okay if I send you a message with the changes I need? They're 13 files in total, it's mostly the WM icons
Sure. I made custom fonts for the worldmap icons. That might impact how the final versions look, at least compared to Fallout 1 icons.

I can make them for you, or send you the original files for everything.
FCKidPap line 248, "That whip could have caused me a lot of trouble." This is regarding Lash in Flagstaff, but I'm not sure if this refers to Lash himself or Lash's whip, but I'll leave it here just in case
CCNina line 232, possible error regarding the marks you use for the spanish trait («»). I'm not sure if this line is meant to have these, as it seems line 240 and onwards ae meant to be the dialogue options for the trait
That line should be referring to Lash, not his whip, so this is fixed now.

I think that the line in Nina is correct however, as there is an alternative if you lack the Spanish trait. I believe this point in the dialogue you have already spoken with her, and if you have the trait, would already know that she understands Spanish better than English.

I fixed the computer line for consistency. Good catch.
Glad it helped
Last night I only catched this
PCAtmClt line 253 has a typo, "my home was attack" instead of "attacked"
Hey Cambragol. I just beat the main campaign in Sonora using your translation, and I just wanted to say thank you for making this great translation. I had a fun time playing it. The translation had some typos now and then but it was pretty good for the most part. If no one told that this translation used machine translation, I wouldn't be able to tell. But yeah, thanks for the translation. It was nice to finally play the game after waiting for so many years for a good translation.
Here is some minor stuff

FCSlvScn line 202, "Don't waste a thought". This is fine, but "Don't even think" might sound more natural. Line 224 has a typo, "If a the warden"
PCBdNark line 1223 has "Why are you pestering me bitch?", could use a comma after 'me'. Line 240 has 'your' instead of you're
DCRanger has line 242, "(contemptuosly)", I noticed you've used parentheses to describe physical actions, but in this dialogue it's used in the middle of a conversation, unless it's meant to describe the ranger's tone like in the bottom line. It also has a typo: "take away the any tech from them", should just be "taking away any tech"
VCRobot line 234 has 'your' instead of 'you're'
NCQuestA, line 102 and 1102: "What news from the wastelands?" perhaps replace 'What' with 'Any'?
Thanks @OnlyALad - I added most of those fixes, though I kept the tones in parenthesis, as that is in the Russian. I also kept 'What news...' as that is a legitimate variation on 'Any news...'