Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

Two things regarding the Pre-war medicine perk: perk.msg says in the description that it increases Medicine by 10%, this should be changed to Doctor
It also doesn't seem to increase it by 10%, but 5%. I tested this on three of my saves, my first save had 90% and it increased it to 95%, my second save had 137% and it increased it to 142%, third save had 13% and it increased it to 18%. So either the description is wrong or there is something else at play here
Apologies to all, however, I made an error in the last update (1.01 and 1.02)
I misunderstood how the 'merge' function on macOS works, and the result is many DLC dialogues are using 'vanilla' versions, which will result in 'error' messages or -DLC in descriptions.

I will have an update shortly.
I have released 1.03 of the translation. I recommend everyone switch to this one, as 1.01 and 1.02 both suffer from 'error' messages in dialogues and '-DLC' messages in descriptions.

This should fix all that. Also added masculine/feminine amigo/amiga addresses for Spanish speakers toward the PC.

Find it at the regular place: Fallout Sonora or the Moddb.com

Again, apologies for the errors. Please let me know if there are any issues, I will fix asap.
I have released 1.03 of the translation. I recommend everyone switch to this one, as 1.01 and 1.02 both suffer from 'error' messages in dialogues and '-DLC' messages in descriptions.

This should fix all that. Also added masculine/feminine amigo/amiga addresses for Spanish speakers toward the PC.

Find it at the regular place: Fallout Sonora or the Moddb.com

Again, apologies for the errors. Please let me know if there are any issues, I will fix asap.
a slowboy question for people that haven't been paying attention and that was probably answered previously - is there an easy way to apply the latest translation release to Foxx's Sonora repack? Forever thanks for all your work Cam :notworthy: :notworthy::notworthy:
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I don't really know - no windows - but if I had a screenshot of your mods folder, or the order and list of .dat files, I could probably recommend something.
Two things regarding the Pre-war medicine perk: perk.msg says in the description that it increases Medicine by 10%, this should be changed to Doctor
It also doesn't seem to increase it by 10%, but 5%. I tested this on three of my saves, my first save had 90% and it increased it to 95%, my second save had 137% and it increased it to 142%, third save had 13% and it increased it to 18%. So either the description is wrong or there is something else at play here
This is a little strange. I can't find any reference to this perk in the scripts. Where did you get it? On level up?
I don't really know - no windows - but if I had a screenshot of your mods folder, or the order and list of .dat files, I could probably recommend something.
Put it in mods folder and add the dat to modsorder.ini
Remember position matters as it determines priority of reading the dat files.

If you also want to have ashley the bookseller
You need to give higher priority to that, if you want her to speak english yet another dat file must have even higher priority..
I don't remember all the correct dat names at the moment.

This is a little strange. I can't find any reference to this perk in the scripts. Where did you get it? On level up?
Pre war medicine is one of three perks you can get from followers of apocalypse.
You could get a training lesson on using pre war medicine from one of the doctors in casa nueva.
It requires that diana is returned to the community and low doctor skills <90% afair...
I never took it my doctor was usually higher than that
Pre war medicine is one of three perks you can get from followers of apocalypse.
That's what I thought, but it looks like that is no longer the case. You can get two levels of treatment (PERK_autodoc_hp_bonus1 and PERK_autodoc_hp_bonus2) both of which increase your hit points, or rehabilitation (PERK_flower_child).

The pre-war medicine perk is no longer offered anywhere, though I assume it must still be available as a selectable perk on level-up...
I don't really know - no windows - but if I had a screenshot of your mods folder, or the order and list of .dat files, I could probably recommend something.
Whoa. Maybe that's why I am seeing so many odd, likely sFall related bugs for Sonora players. That doesn't look like a healthy list...

Foxx has completely changed things, so it is hard to guess what is actually in those two EN_Lang.dats - though, I don't see a DLC dat, so maybe he has included the DLC from my .dat.... My guess is that EN_Lang.dat should be replaced with my main 'patched' translation download. If the size of the EN_Lang.dat is similar or identical to mine, then that is your path. What are the file sizes on the two EN_Lang.dats?
ok man got some time
took a screenshot right away..
translation is not the latst but i used the a single file patch000.dat release..

i have other mods in there like fo2tweaks and F2MechanicsReworkMiniMod
screenshot below.

this is not the latest foxx's release, i haven't downloaded them for a wihile now..

basically no much damage is gonna happen if you just put it as top priority (a.k.a at the bottom of the list), just the bookseller won't work

the book seller patch neds to be below patch000.dat in order for it to work at all.. and the translation_plus dat file is usually just the translation for the bookseller mod ( this is needed to be below patch000 dat as natively the boolseller mod is in rusian, and the mod is Foxx's release custom so you won't find the translation for it in Cambragol's translation..


  • Sonora_ModsOrderIni4Translation.jpg
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Whoa. Maybe that's why I am seeing so many odd, likely sFall related bugs for Sonora players. That doesn't look like a healthy list...

Foxx has completely changed things, so it is hard to guess what is actually in those two EN_Lang.dats - though, I don't see a DLC dat, so maybe he has included the DLC from my .dat.... My guess is that EN_Lang.dat should be replaced with my main 'patched' translation download. If the size of the EN_Lang.dat is similar or identical to mine, then that is your path. What are the file sizes on the two EN_Lang.dats?

Here you go. The plus one seems to be just for the bookseller in Phoenix.
Here you go. The plus one seems to be just for the bookseller in Phoenix.
I'd trust @gustarballs1983 take on things here, as he has the experience. Looking at the info provided, I would guess Foxx has taken the credits.mve out of the .dat and put it elsewhere (data?), so a straight swap of patch000.dat with EN_Lang.dat would be my best guess.

@roginvs is right though, Fallout 2 CE works very nice, and there is a new continuous build which has nice new features and fixes in it, such as correct handling of hi-res settings. It can be found here: Fallout 2 CE
It would be nice though if that release had a short bit of instructions to make sure that the user can run the swamp of the two needed ini files... confuses everyone, leaving Fallout 2 CE in a not much better situation than sFall.
Sorry if this is a dumb question - I have gotten Fallout 2 CE to work in a higher resolution by modifying the F2_res.ini, but I can't get rid of the two black boxes at the bottom of the screen.

Am I meant to change one of the IFACE lines?

My translation graphics only support up to 800px width. To get graphics for the iface bar at higher resolutions, I believe you will need the f2_res.dat. You can also set the screen map area to display beside the iface bar, though this is an sFall setting that may not be in Fallout 2 CE yet.
The download links on the official Sonora page appears to be dead. Does someone here have a copy of the vanilla version or a alternative link?
I have links for both, but let's wait a sec to see if Nevada Band updates their downloads. Maybe they are going to release 1.15?