Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

i cant find the cactus that has the colt gun for the ranger retrieval quest, can anyone lend me a hand?
Go to the area with the farmers and the road, then try to look for a pair of radscorpions, they wander around the cactus with the backpack, if I remember right it's on the bottom left of the map but I might be wrong
Go to the area with the farmers and the road, then try to look for a pair of radscorpions, they wander around the cactus with the backpack, if I remember right it's on the bottom left of the map but I might be wrong
In case they aggro'd and wiped them out prior to meeting the quartermaster, I'm attaching a screenshot, below.
Otherwise, indeed, look for some hostile radscorpions near the plant, as you've observed!

Is TCKid cut content? Based on his file, his quest is very much the same as Cody but I can't find this character inside Two-Sun. He also has some of the same lines as Cody.
Is TCKid cut content? Based on his file, his quest is very much the same as Cody but I can't find this character inside Two-Sun. He also has some of the same lines as Cody.
Look behind the main gate in the buildings before the hangar, there's a sleep area for the tinsmiths's slaves in one of the buildngs.. that kid you speak of is easy to piss off, when you piss him off he won't speak to you anymore.. i never could get him to give me any quest..
Hi everyone!
I was pointed here from some Discord server. If this is the right place for a native speaker to address some mistakes of cambragol's translation, I'd like to report that some funny (and rather confusing) mistranslations of acronyms have slipped through.

The ones I can name right now are "Mexican PP" and "Brotherhood IRP", there might be more of those considering the pattern but I haven't ran into them yet.
"PP" appears to be direct transliteration of Russian "ПП" (the acronym for submachine gun). Same goes to "IRP" - it's simply the Russian acronym for MRE, transliterated.

So, if any updates are planned, these two should be changed to "Mexican SMG" and "Brotherhood MRE".

then again it could pass as uhhh "individual ration, packaged" and "mexican pew-pew" if it's too minor a detail to fix
The Mexican SMG has already been fixed a few updates back. However, the IRP was not, so consider it fixed, and thanks!

For the IRP I am going to have to blame completely fake 'AI' answers, which concocted an entire story about how IRP is an actual acronym used in the US Military, which upon deeper inspection, is not true. Beware....
I have probably spotted another one, but I might be, uh... imagining things.

The pistol named "Scaremonger" appears to be a literal translation of "Пугач" (which also stands for "someone who scares" in Russian), if this is what it is called originally (didn't play the RU version tbh so it's just my assumption). If I am correct, пугач is indeed a word often used for improvised pistols (used to "scare" people rather than cause seirous damage), but the more fitting and less confusing translation would be somewhere along the lines of "zip gun"/"slam gun"/ whatever is the most American way to call these things. I think Fallout 2 had a pistol named zip gun and this one is basically a replacer.
You are correct on this one, as I just literally translated that term. I've never heard of a zip gun, or slam gun, but if those are accepted names for improvised guns, they could be a good replacement. I couldn't find a 'zip gun' in the Fallout 1 or 2 dialogues, but it still seems good as an improved term. I don't think Scaremonger has any meaning beyond the literal, and I go for 'free' or dynamic translation whereever possible.
Just a small bit of unwarranted input from an outside/player view - there's already a small gun weapon in Fallout Tactics called "Zip Gun", that always looked wonky af to me (wood gun lol):


and from Wikipedia:

Improvised firearms (sometimes called zip guns, pipe guns, or slam guns) are firearms manufactured by an entity other than a registered firearms manufacturer or a gunsmith.

Since Sonora's version of "zip gun" has a better look by a long mile:


and the game doesn't have a Pipe Rifle as a weapon, it might warrant some consideration to translate "Пугач" as a Pipe Gun (sounds ok, maybe even better than "Zip Gun") or even Slam Gun (sounds worse imo) to differentiate the two.
Zip gun is a cut content in FO2. The only place you can find its name is pro_item.msg.
I see it now. I had 'Match Case' on when searching.

Pipe Rifle seems like a good candidate too, however, with the 'Zip Gun' in the Fallout 2 files, and it not actually being a rifle, I'd have to lean towards the Zip Gun. I already updated the wiki. ;)
Zip gun is a cut content in FO2. The only place you can find its name is pro_item.msg.
I think RP and FOnline both restore it and I knew I've seen a "zip gun" somewhere in F2, so it helped align the puzzle. I'm fairly sure the new inventory sprite is a replacer for something that already existed. Sonora team probably decided to give the ridiculous wood gun a more fitting look and that's all there is to it. :D
I can't see your attachment, maybe try attaching again?

Also, are you running Fallout 2.exe or Fallout 2 CE?