Fallout surveys- results- FOT2?


I was just wondering what everyone thought about the survey results as well as the 33% support for a Fallout Tactics 2. FOT seems the bastard of the FOT family on this discussion board, but it seems that 33% would be fair support for someone to try this again.

Do the people here support another effort at FOT? If so how could they make a more successful tactical game? This would have to go beyond the many problems in the original FOT and go back to origins of FO1 and the better aspects of FO2.

What are you thoughts?
Well, i'm not vote for that! But here FOT were famous (I don't know why?). Perhaps people who vote that were the one who never played FO and FO2 and the Jagged Alliance and XCOM series.
Perhaps i'll buy FOT2 if they make that like JA2. Oh yeah and remove that inconsistency (did i spell it right?) and other mumbo jumbo like Sheepsclaws and beastlord.