Fallout Tactics community...


First time out of the vault
I've been playing Fallout and Fallout 2 for about a year now and love them both, and about a month ago got Fallout: Tactics for just $10 used. Of course, Tactics can't touch the fun of the Fallouts, but at least it's something. Today for the first time I went on Gamespy Arcade to play Fallout Tactics online, but everybody was like "no noobs" or just kicked me off from the outset. :? What the hell is wrong with all those people? Thoughts? Anyone willing to play tactics with a noob?
Over my years of online play, I have come to the conclusion that only a select few(Millions of stupid prepubescent dipshits) are brought into a gaming community as a "l33t non-n00b." <----- (This paragraph was crazy sarcasim.)

Do these children honestly think that one can surpass "n00b-hood" by simply getting kick out of every "non-n00b" server? I faking hate that shit!

Dude, I'll install FoT and play with ya, we can be "n00bs" together.
Just PM me and will set something up later on. I'm heading to a Braves game in a bit, but will figure out something later on.

Mohrg :twisted: