Fallout tactics Multiplayer


First time out of the vault
Hey everyone.
Recently i started playing FoT online again on GameRanger http://www.gameranger.com/
Theres only about 3-4 of us that play alot through the week. Anyways, we are loney and would love for more people to get on and start playing. Please join, theres no Sign-up requirements, just make a quick username, sign on and join a room.

Right now its mostly just 10k, and a bit of 500-2k play. but if more people start playing there will be more games(RPG, ect..).
Personally i love playing 10k DT, its so fun and once you learn the ins and outs of creating a good 10k char its a blast, as im sure most of you already know. http://Fallouttactics.tk http://FoTHelp.tk

Again i ask that as many of you as posible please start playing again.

Thank you.
Fallout Tactics Returns?!

Recent events in the Fallout Saga has done what seems to be irreconcilable damage. Yet the failure of some "not to be mentioned companies" attempting to incorporate computer games into the console environment is not the first stain upon the good name of computer games (think RTS? and did they really try something called Brotherhood of Steel for Xbox 1 whatta joke!) These unfortunate events however must be overlooked for the pure sake of keeping originality intack.

Although, the recent release of cough...faltt..cough 3 has arisen quite the criticism some good has come from it. A saga little known to the new generation came to the forefront of propagandist advertisement and brought with it the release of a compilation trilogy available at the local Gamestop, Best Buy, Wal-Mart and even Target no less. I myself purchased it from Amazon for I think 1$ + shipping! Excitably as I tore through the plastic wrap and installed I ripped through fallout 1 and 2 and then it was time to take it online for some 10k drug pancor sniper deathmatch awesomeness killing! I quickly found my old account on Gay Spy and went strait to the FoT room expecting it to have at least 15 people since the trilogy is available at every major department store.... nothing... not a soul... I attempted to open ports with my boy... to no avail. But thennn hope was in sight! Weeks and weeks had passed with us attempting to connect only to result in wasted hours and shouldering aggrivation, but then I discovered "The Holy Hand Grenade... I mean Grail!"

Suddenly I found in an old NMA forum that a place called GameRanger.com supported the ports for older games, I mean everything! Before I knew it my friend and I were occumpanied by some old friends from the release era, at one point we even had a 3v3! Then out of the need for more players we started playing with 2 chars and really started having fun creating hybrid characters, deathclaws and dogs, things have been awesome! The point is my friends, we love Fallout, and every night for the most part the torch burns brightly for those who enjoy fast paced slaughter and ice cold beer, so do yourself a favor download Gameranger and lets have some fun!

~KamikazE :twisted:

ps put your money where your mouth is! I own FoT!
Hmmm why didnt you just copy and paste what I wrote? LoL thanks for... shall we say "eloquently" repeating exactly what I said, hmmm??? wtf?
What are you talking about? I merged your thread with one of several other Gameranger threads with a link. The second post here is your original thread.
oh i get it... I think... I just wanted to start a NEW pertinent thread. Those others seemed out dated. The threads subject is more like, FoT Multi has rebirthed and eventually people adding replies about their experiences having revisited FoT on Gameranger. Besides whoever wrote that seems like they are begging to get someone to come and play a game with them... I am not begging I am perfectly content playing 2v2 until that too fades away, I am just saying that because of the re-release I think this is the perfect time to strike some multi fragging action immediately, I mean I am in a game room for FoT right now with some bro's about to start a game.

As for the link, i know it's nice to have an html link at your finger tips but if you can't find game ranger you're pretty much a schmuck lol...

I think it would be sick to have an 8v8 game is all that I am saying!!! And whatever it takes to make that happen is worth it to me... but I am saying it seems redundant to have both of these threads. I hope that I have explained myself properly and not broken forum etiquette... hope to OWN u soon!
Ranger! Kami!

Long time no see guys, i'll try and get back online for some good old FOT:RPG action.