Fallout: The Rebirth of Civilization update


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Thorgrimm has provided an update on his Civilization 3 mod, Fallout: The Rebirth of Civilization, in a thread on our forums. He has provided new screenshots which show his mod's Civilopedia entries for a technology, two city buildings, a unit, and a resource; as well as a screenshot displaying their latest city graphic. There is also some information on how the mod will work.<blockquote>In this blasted hellhole of a world the scavengers and traders, aka commerce producers would be the culture makers, as they scavenged the dead world and made contact with others.

A lot of 'religious and scientific' bennies will be tied to getting the wastes cleaned up, and the providing of stuff like food. Religion has been pretty much removed from the early eras in favor of survival.
When you are starving you will get quite happy when you get more to eat.

<center> </center></blockquote>It looks like things are really shaping up for this project.
Dove said:
I may just have to actually play Civ3.

Gasp! Y o u d o n ' t p l a y i t ?

Actually I got the game installed and ready to go, just waiting for this mod to land in my lap. And it looks better and better, great job guys!