Fallout Tycoon 2?

Could be. Fallout Tycoon 2 is in the works, as is a third party remake of Fallout Tycoon 1.
Some guy. There's a search option somewhere up there in the navigation you know?
Search for Fallout Tycoon 2. That was what he was going to call it until it was pointed out the developer of the original Fallout Tycoon is already working on a sequel. Then he renamed it to Fallout Tycoon something something or whatever.
Specialist said:
That was Fallout Tycoon: Rebirth - and its dead now.

Is it dead or has it idled out?

Last I heard the guy lost half his work and pretty much started from scratch.
He said he *might* start again after he finished a couple of projects (note, he said this to me when his project was lost). I think he's abandoned it.
Then it hasn't died, it just has been discontinued. That's an important difference.

The game I'm working on isn't dead either, I just temporarily discontinued it because I currently have way too many real-life issues to deal with.
Creating a game in your free time means you need to have free time in the first place.
Nevertheless, 6 months of inactivity can be pretty much counted as dead. Especially since there have been no posts by him since he announced it's "discontinuation".
Specialist said:
Nevertheless, 6 months of inactivity can be pretty much counted as dead. Especially since there have been no posts by him since he announced it's "discontinuation".

Well, I've lead a TC once which had been discontinued for roughly three years before it was dead...
Hey, I'm the guy working of Fallout Tycoon: Rebirth.

It's not dead, I'll have it done by may 2005 (90% likely), I just have a couple of projects I need to finish first.
slicer17 said:
What is, fallout... Tycoon.....

Well, Fallout Tycoon is a game this guy made. It's like Simcity, only set in the Fallout universe. Unfortunatley, it's creator never bothered to translate half of the text in the game to english, so I can never tell what the hell is going on when I played it.

I decided that I would try to make a better verson: Fallout Tycoon 2, but the creator of Fallout Tycoon E-mailed me telling me that he was already making a Fallout Tycoon 2, so I changed the name of my project to Fallout Tycoon: Rebirth. (Thogrimm came up with the idea for the new name, as it is named after his Fallout mod for civ 3 that he is currently making)